Secret Story 9 - A Decision to be made

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"Um..Mina ? Are you going to be ?"

"Huh ? N-no, not yet...."

"....! W-Well , wait here a moment..."

"I'll just quickly put my stuff away...."

....After that, i talk to Mina in the living room...

We talk for about an hour , and the Mina looks at his watch..

".....Is it already this late ?"

"Kasumi , shouldn't you go to bed soon ? You have an early start tomorrow , right ?"


".....That's right , i should probably go to bed.."

"Okay. Well , i'll go to bed too.."

Mina says that and walks down the hallway...

I fallow him...

"Goodnight , Mina..."

"G-goodnight....U-um , Kasumi..."

"Yes ?"

As i was about to go up to the stairs he called out...i wonder what it is, and turn around...

"Ah....S-Sorry , it's nothing.."

"Really ? You sure it's nothing ?"

"Yeah...Well , goodnight then.."

  Mina looks like he wants to say something more, but he...disappears into his room..

.....I also go to my room , and sit on the bed.


I think i know what he was going to say...

(About me moving out...I think he wanted to ask about it...)

....He's always been so considerate and understanding , he understand that my day only suggested it because he's worried about me.

However , i want to stay here with the girls at the Famille' .....with Mina.

(i don't want to make Mina feel any lonelier than he already is....)

(I don't want to cause problems and to trouble him any more..)

.....However, even so....somewhere in my heart , i know...Going to medical school and trying to achieve my dream and...Continue to live at Famille' in order to see Mina..

(I can't have them both...and Mina knows that , i think he'd be pushing me to go on and leave the Famille' for my sake..)

I know that i have to choose between prioritizing my dream or love..and Mina is willing to make sacrifices...

(And..i'm willing to do that too...)

(Of course , my dream is important , but....My love for Mina are also incredibly strong !)

(I want to be by his side !!)

I feel like crying and bury my face into my pillow...


(I've decided !! )

(I'm going to stay here !!!)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now