Chapter 47 - For her Sake..

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(L-Leave the Famille' ?!)

...At her unexpected words my mind goes blank as i slouched in the couch..i force myself to say something....

"W-what do you mean Kasumi ?"

"......He told me when i went home the other day that , i guess because commuting to college from here is so far..."

"He said it would be more practical for me and unstressful for me as well..."

(well his dad's got a point , and i should probably see this coming ...)

"So..he told me , that i should...move out of Famille'...."

...well it's not like Mr.Miyoka commanded her quickly to move in when she was accepted in med sounds like it's more like a suggestion , and i do understand his fathers worries...for her to commute here everyday might be dangerous for her as well , considering the fact that i got mugged the other day...

"A-and what did you say Kasumi ?"

Kasumi shakes her head quietly at my words..

".....I couldn't answer him..."

"it'll get even more busy in the future.."

"I know commuting everyday from Famille' is difficult , but...."

I can't say relieve the burden it's probably , no definitely better for her to commute from her parents place...but...

(But i don't want her to move out!!)

....and then she smiled at me...

"It'll be fine Mina..."

"it\s not like i have to answer him , right away ..I still have time .."

"Don't worry , okay." she smiled 

.....she's the one who's definitely anxious right now , i think i need to say something to comfort her, but..


All i could do is nod at my smiling girlfriend..

.........after that day.

after that day

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i started to see a slight change in her.

One night...

"Wew...i'm tired , well time to go to bed..." said Miyoko 

"It's already this late , huh..Did Kasumi say she was staying at her parents house tonight  ?" sadi Raika worriedly

"N-no ...she hasn't said anything like that .? (should i pick her up , i'm getting worried..)


"Whew..I'm home !!"


"Oh! Kasumi..?!" said Raika a little bit surprised

"Wow! Welcome home , so you came home tonight !" said Miyoko

"Y-yeah...i did..."

Kasumi smlies but it look like she's forcing it..Then she turns to face me as if she's going to say something..

"I'm home , Mina , i'm glad i could see you .."

"Yeah , i'm glad as well , do you want to eat something , i'll prepare something for you real quick."

(did she force herself to come home , for my sake ?)

"Yes , please..."

.....Since the day that her dad proposed that she move out of Famille' the days where Kasumi forces herself to come home at night increased.

(Maybe she's more aware of his dad suggestion ..i'm happy that she comes home everyday but..)

...If commuting from here to everyday is so difficult , maybe she should move out after all , 

"Uhm...Mina are you going back to work ?"

"Huh ? No..not yet.."

"....W-well , wait a moment .."

She rushes upstairs to put her stuff away then Raika and Miyoko both smiled at me..

"Ahahaha , it seems like Kasumi wants to be alone with you Mina , so i'll be excusing myself now.." said Raika with her mischievous smile..

"I guess i have to go as well..don't cross some lines now.." teases Miyoko..

"Just go to sleep , already and i mean permanently .."

(...But really it's difficult for me to see her like this , but i can't refuse her if she wants to be by my side though..)

(but i don't want her to push herself way too much , i guess i should say something...)

( i guess this is what her dad meant when he say i'm going to be forced to make a painful decision..his right , though..i have to man up , and make this decision for her...)

The decision is probably whether she'' prioritize her relationship with me or her dream..

( the start of it all , i though we could do both , but there seems to be a limit..)

(What she said in the lab  , she was trying really hard to achieve her dream )

 I definitely felt her strong conviction , it made me want to support her from the bottom of my heart...That feeling hasn't change at all ...

(If so...then ...what i can do for her 

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