Chapter 18 - Power Outage..

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A few days have passed since our trip to the pool..

I don't really have a recollection on what happen right after i throw the kid to Yomiko , yeah i know i could be charge with child abuse or something throwing the kid like that , but anyway , i can only assume someone gave me a CPR , they didn't even talk about it during our return trip home..

But' i kinda notice the distance between Kasumi and Miyoko something might happen during the time i was unconscious but no one is telling me anything.

I'm about to leave school for home when , she saw Kasumi walking alone the corridor..he runs towards her to greet her..

"Hi' Kasumi  !"

Seems to be fazed , she pretended not to hear Mina's voice and continues walking a bit faster..

(...maybe she didn't hear me ?) he continues his pursuit , cutting in front of her.. 

"Hi, Kasumi , is everything okay ?"

"..Uh , no , hi...sorry i didn't notice you.." she smile wryly

"Are you going home ?" she asked

"Uh-huh ' how about you ?"

"W-want to walk home , together ?" she offered

"Would i ! , i mean sure i'd love you , i mean too , i'd love to walk home with you , hehehe" he smiled

She seems to heard that but shook her head a little and walks bashfully beside him..

(Ever since our day at the pool , i feel like we've become closer than ever before , but she's acting a bit weird somehow , maybe it's just my imagination...what am i thinking , i'll just enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity.)

As were walking home , we unexpectedly ran into Yomiko...

"Kasumi , Minamino !"

"Oh' Yomiko , heading to work ?" asked Kasumi

"I'm glad i run into you guys.."

"Huh ?"

"What's up Yomiko ?"

"I need you to give everyone at the Famille a message.."

"A message ?" they said both

" Yeah , i won't be coming home until morning due to work , so i won't be there for supper.."

"Got it , i'll tell everyone now , and don't over work now..." he reminded

"Thanks see ya' ".. then she walked towards the black van and as she got in she waves at them smiling..

"Won't be home , until morning huh ? Kasumi don't you think she's over working herself..." he asked

"Yeah , i think so too , we'll go talk to her , when she return home.."

Although they didn't know it at that time , that this is going to be a long night for them..

That evening...

When they get back home they see Miyoko alone in the living room..

"Welcome Back !"

"Hi' where everyone ?" he asked 

"Well...Raika called she's going overtime , Tegemi's on business trip " she counts using her fingertips " and Reimako is staying at a friends house so she's not coming home either.."

" ones here ?"

"Wow' Mr.Genius , did you figure all that out on your own ?" she teased

"shut up...." He's taken aback but then came the clincher'

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now