Chapter 52 - The Answer..

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....A few days passed

Kasumi and i visits her parents home again..we are greeted by Aunt Mariko her dads younger sister..

"Ah! Come in , Kasumi and Mina!"

"Thanks for calling the other day , you're father seems to be exited his hiding it but for me it's so obvious his excited about your visit.."

"Well, come on right on in.."

"Thanks for having me again.."

"Oh' you're always welcome here Mina.."

"I ..I have something important to discuss with Mr. Miyoka , is he home ?"

"Why yes , Kasumi i'll leave Minamino to you okay , bring him in the living room.."

"Thanks Auntie.."

Kasumi and i wait at the living room..

I'm restless and i can't seems to calm down

"..A-are you okay , Mina ? You've broken out into a cold sweat.."

"Y-yeah ..i'm just about nervous..but i'm fun ..i have to tell this to your dad.."

"Hehehe , okay..,,i'm counting on you Mina."

"Yes , leave it to me."

My face reddens a bit as i continue to speak to Kasumi.


"Papa !"

Kasumi's dad suddenly comes in.. as usual he's expressionless and sits down in front of us ..First he looks at her daughter..

"....It's nice to have a visit from the both of you..Kasumi , how are you feeling ?"

"I'm fine now papa , this might be a bit late but i'm sorry for making you worry the other day..and thank you for taking care of me."

"....It's fine , as long as your okay that's all it matters."

His expression softens a bit when he hear that coming from her daughter..However it quickly hardens ..

"So..what brings you both of you here today ?"

I look at Mr. Miyoka straight and answers..

"You said this before sir, that i should think about what i can do for Kasumi.."

"....Right i did.."

"I have my answer sir..."

"....I'd to hear it." he said while looking seriously and staring straight at me

I glance over to Kasumi who's sitting beside me..we look at each other and nod lightly..then Kasumi started speaking

"Pa'.....I've decided from now on i'm going to be staying here , so until i graduate i'll be under your care again for a while.."

"...........i don't mind but..."

He looks at both of us and as usual her expression is unreadable..

"Even if you two are apart that okay ?"

".....Yeah it's okay.."

"Even if we're still apart our heart is one so it's okay..."

".......I see.." he smiled lightly

He might not know the conditions of what event have transpired when we got here but , just by looking at her daughter and her smile , seems to have revealed everything to him.

"......I see , if that's what you've decided then , it's fine with me.."

".......Also sir , theirs one more thing we need to tell you , or at least i need to tell you.."

I wait for the right time before i interjects..

"it's about when Kasumi graduates.."

"?What is it ?"

I took a deep breath , while organizing my words with my head..i made up my mind and tell him the answer...

"When Kasumi graduate Med School ,...i..."

"I want to marry her."

"......Marry Kasumi ?"

"Y-yes sir , that's if you allow me to marry her..."

After i say it , the weight of my word hits me hard , as my heart sky rocketed ..Kasumi holds my hand and squeezes it firmly..

(Kasumi..) i squeezes her hand back , and somehow manage to calm down a bit..

At least i'm able to properly face Mr. Miyoka..

".....This is the answer it came up with , i won't let what happen yesterday ever happen again , for now i'll support her from the shadows giving more space to focus more in her studies for her to achieve her dreams.."

"I'll treasure her even more than i have from now until forever...."

I address Mr. Miyoka desperately with a promise and a apology..

"Kasumi , are you okay with this ?"

".....Yes ! Papa !!"

".......I see..."


I look up timidly

....Mr. Miyoka is smiling at me..

"The thing is , i'm not okay with it...."

"Pardon ?"

"What do you mean Papa ?!"

We're both in awe and surprised of what Mr.Miyoka have said...

"Marriage can wait..."

"What ?!" we said in unison

"I wan't a grandchild now..."

We almost both fall on our sits as we here that ..

"GEEZ !!PAPA !!"

(oh geez...that almost gave me a heart attack)

"Jubei !! you and your jokes , said Aunt Mariko as she approach us..

"I'm just kidding , but sure , of course continue taking  care of my daughter Mina.."

"Yes sir !!"

....Under the table Kasumi and i grips our hands firmly..



"Oh ! are you going to make one now ?!" said Mr. Miyoka while staring at us attentively..

"PAPA !!"

"hehehehe.." ( his timing is impeccable..) 

"Sorry i can't help it..." he smiled

"I'm so happy Mina.."

"Me Too !"

An early pledge to never be apart ... our hearts is one as our hands firmly hold each other..


My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now