Chapter 50 - Finding each other again..

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After Kasumi collapses, Famille' is thrown into chaos..

I carry Kasumi into her bedroom, and assist her dad in examining her..

...I finally calm down a few minutes later..


Kasumi's dad comes out of the room..

We're all waiting in the hallway and a crowd around him

"H-how's Kasumi ?" asked Tegemi

"She'll be fine .."

Though she still have a bit of fever , but it should drop ones she gets some sleep.." he continues

"I see..." said Tegemi

"That's a relief.." said Yomiko

"Oh thank you doc.." said Reimako

"No need to thank me , i'm his dad after all.." he smiled

 Everyone is relieved to hear Mr. Miyoka's diagnosis

....However , i still feel worried..

(....It's definitely my fault that Kasumi, becomes like's because i drove her into a corner..)

Mr. Miyoka turns to me..


"yes sir..."

"Kasumi... says she wants to talk to you.."

"! Huh ....b-but.."

"Shouldn't Kasumi rest more ? 

Mr.Miyoka replies to a worried Miyoko.

"Conversation should be fine , no need to worry ..."

"But, she probably  won't be able to calm down and her fever might rise up again if you all go..So just Mina for now.."


the girls look at me and finally they nod..

"Mina go on and see Kasumi.." said Raika


i nod at Kasumi's dad and then..i enter the room timidly..

Kasumi's lying in the bed..she hears me come in and turns to face me...


" are you feeling ?"

I walk towards her and sit on the edge of the bed...

"I'm ...fine..."

"...I'm sorry for collapsing all of the sudden i might have frightened you.."

She smiles weekly and i feel really guilty..the next thing i know, my body shakes 

"...Mina , what's wrong ?"


"But , really Kasumi what are you thinking going out while you have a fever , you should just stay at home , but when you collapse i thought my heart was going to stop.."

"I made you worry didn't i ?"she said

"We are all worried here ,'s not your fault , i'm the one to blame for all of this.."

.....i say that, and then realize..

Actually...we were fighting but..( now were talking normally.)

Kasumi seems to realize the same thing..and the she smiles weakly.


"Hm ?"

"......i'm sorry..."

"! ....sorry for what ?"

"I'm sorry for , yelling at you and being away with you for a long time.."

" I hurt you didn't i ? Mina..."

"...!! I'm the one who should apologize , i said terrible things.."

Kasumi opens her mouth to speak as she's about to say something , she smiled weakly and then..

"..i came here today because i want to apologize , Mina.."

"But you should have wait ,until you got better.."

"Yeah...i kinda flew out of the house without thinking.." she said

"W-why ?"

Kasumi closes her eyes at my words, as though she's remembered something..

"......After i was at my parents house for a while i was able to calm down i realize something....that i said some horrible things to you..."

"That i definitely hurt you , and you must be sad.."

"When i realized that i really wanted to apologize to you no matter what..."

"T-that's why i came here...."


( i can't believe that she's thinking of me that much..)

I'm happy but it's kind of bittersweet..

"I'm sorry Kasumi , for my sake you..."

"It's fine...." she smiled

"I'm glad i could apologize to you.."

(....I wonder why.)

While sitting beside her , gripping her sleeve strongly...I think..

(Even though we're always thinking of each other so much )

(why do we keep passing each other by..?)

I can't find the answer...

All i can do is bite my lip so tears won't escape, next gently to a smiling Kasumi...

......After that..

Hey guys the Kasumi's arch is about to end , and as always thanks for the overwhelming support you guys always give me , you're the reason why i'm writing this so i let you guys decide which arch should i write next ! is it ?

Raika Ikagami (Sayaka Shimono)

Reimako Ikagami ( Mitsuka ibuki)

Tegemi Mikahara (Misaki Fujinaga)

Miyoko Neyane (Aoi Mizusawa )

Just write in the comments we will decide by  the number of votes each of them got , thanks again and i hope you'll continue supporting my future works..

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