Secret Story 3 - His Taste

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It's a few days before we're supposed to go to the pool

Yomiko and i are shopping for bathing suits..

"Hey Kasumi ! What do you think about this one ?"

"I think it's cute.."

"What do you think about this one ?"

"It looks perfect for you don't you think?"

Yomiko smiles happily as she goes through the suits.

"I haven't gone to a pool in so  long! it's thanks to your good fortune..."

"No thanks to that pervert and his tissues.." she added.

" was just a coincidence..."

Still ...even i haven't been to a pool since i was a child.

(I wonder ....if this suit is okay ?)

(I wonder what Mina would think , when he see me wearing this..)

(Huh ? Why did Mina pop in my head all of the sudden ?!)

Gah! i'm starting to blush again...

(On top of that..Why am i trying to pick up something that he would like ?)

"What's up ? Did you pick something ?"

"Uh, um.."

I suddenly snapped back myself  into reality..

"Uh, yeah...i got something.."

(Forget about Mina...)

(I need to pick something , that i like.. ..But..)

Before i knew it . i'm putting the suit back on the rack..

"Sorry , Yomiko..."

"Hmn ? about what ?"

"Can i have a little bit more time to decide ?"

"Oh sure , of course , we're not in hurry or anything.."

I end up starting my search over from scratch..

(Maybe ..... something a little bit cuter ?)

(Red's a little bit to much for me , and black doesn't really suit me..)

"Oh...." Then , my eyes land on a light blue suit...

(I wonder , if Mina likes that color...?I do notice he likes to wear blue a lot..)

"Urgh..." (i'm thinking about him again...)

(What am i doing...?)

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now