Chapter 40 - Loneliness that can't be buried..

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We started talking about anything that comes to mind...when


"What was that ? , is that the door ?" he said

" , don't tell me..." 

Kasumi rush towards the door when she tries to turn the door knob , the door knob won't budge..

"Oh my God.. Pa '? , open the door Papa !!"

voice from outside..

"I'll open it , when you guys give me a grandchild..."

Kasumi quickly turn up red , and mina almost slide off the side of the bed when he hears it.

"That's not funny Papa ! , we're still both young Mina and i even haven't talk about getting married let alone having a kid , now open the door papa !"

"Well now's' the perfect time to talk about marriage and kids now is it ?"

"Mina !! be gentle with my daughter okay ?.."

"H-huh ?!" he stutters 

"Papa !! open the door !!"

"Have fun now ..."  as they heard his steps walking away from the room..

Kasumi , seems to have given up forcing opening the door she stood there while the room was surrounded by awkward silence...

She faced Mina leaning to the door then she breath off a huge sigh..

"Y-you're not gonna force yourself to me , r-right ?" while she's trying to avert his gaze..

"W-what ?! No i wont do that  , y-you don't trust me ?"

"N-NO ! , of course i trust you , i'm sorry..." while walking towards Mina then she sat next to him in the bed...

"I'm sorry about that , it's just this is all crazy , i can't believe papa lock us here , does he seriously want's to have a grandchild , well i'm only 21 and your 22 but we don't need to rush right ?...Mina ?" while she stares at him worriedly.

"Yeah you're right , you have to fulfill your dreams first then i have to make something out of my self as well , i need to be worthy of you and i have to prove myself that i am..." he smiled

Her face shown a slight gist of shock..

"N-no i ..i mean i'm really happy papa approves of you so much, to this point , and you don't have to prove yourself  to me , you've already done that , i mean my dream is just a selfish desire i want to achieve i-i can leave without it , but i can't leave without you..."


he stares at Kasumi's slightly flushed face , he looks at her cherry colored lips as if he's being drawn to it , their face drew closer and closer as their heartbeat sang a harmonious melody they have seems be drowned into the moment...


"whoa !" 

he skids off the bed and falls down the carpet flayed floor..

Kasumi seems to have realized what  they about to do ,she quickly stood  and help Minamino up..

(Dammit were about to kiss , and i ruined it , way to go Mina..)

"A-anyway , i trust you Mina..."

"Y-yeah..." he smiles wryly

"It's been a while since we've talked leisurely like this.." he said helping lessen the awkwardness 

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now