Chapter 44 - Med School Infiltration

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One Night...

Tegemi is sitting in the sofa when her phone rings..

"...Hello ?"

"....Ah' Kasumi , what's up ?"

(Kasumi ?) i was watching Television as i glance over Ms. Mikahara

"i see , i got it."

"You've work hard Kasumi , i'll bring it over straight away, so wait, okay ?"


after saying only a few words , Tegemi hangs up.

"Hey guys , can i have a second ?"

"It's Kasumi looks like she won't be coming home tonight. She's going to stay at the college.."

"S-stay at the college ?!" he asked 

"Yeah , she says she and her classmates is going to have their first cadaver examination..."

"Y-you mean their going to be examining a dead persons body ?" Miyoko asked with a disturb expression on her face..

"Well , no surprise their she's planning to be a surgeon after all.." said Raika while playing with her phone...

"W-wow that sound difficult.." said Reimako..

While everyone worries about Kasumi , Tegemi continues to speak..

"She also said that she's really sorry , but she wants someone to bring her a change of clothes.."

"Oh ! i'll go , i'll go !!" Minamino eagerly rises his hands.

"Kasumi also said she's really going to appreciate it if someone volunteer except Minamino..." Tegemi smiled..

"Aweeee....." he exclaims in frustration..

"Your wounds is still healing Mina , Kasumi specially requested us to watch over you..." says Reimako

"B-but i'm okay now , my wounds are okay now , i mean it's not like i'm going to walk there and carry something heavy , i can do it , i can go , please let me go..." he pleaded.

They look at each other with worried expression

"Please , i'm a guy and it'll be dangerous for beautiful ladies except you Miyoko...."

  "Hey !"  

" travel that long journey alone in the middle of the night.."

"Lift your shirt Mina.." Tegemi requested with a serious look in her face

"Huh ?! (w-what ?)

"I'm going to check your wounds..."

"Oh right." (of - course what am i thinking ? hehehe) while he lift up his shirt

"Well , the good news it's not bleeding anymore , but still , don't move so much okay the stitch might came off.." 

"Yes Doc !"

"Mina , Think fast !" while she quickly throws her car keys at him

"Whoa !" 

"You have a license right ? Just don't crash the car okay , or i'm going to kill you..." she smiled

"If i died in the car crash , you don't have to kill me , right ? " he smiled wryly

"No , i'll ask Kasumi to revive you for me to kill you again...."

"Right...not gonna crash or scratch it, thanks Raika !" he dash towards the garage door ..

"W-wait Mina , Kasumi's change of clothes you almost forgot it .." said Reimako while handing him a bag of changed of clothes for Kasumi..

My Sweet Roomies Re-Written(Kasumi Miyoka Route)Where stories live. Discover now