Chapter 45 - Hearts that Understand Each Other.

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Her female classmates seems to be intrigue of our love story and most of his males classmates are baffled in how or what did i do to obtain the unobtainable rose that seems to be too far for their reach to murmurs and whispers stop when her professor started the class. I just sat silently beside her as they go about their classes..

They're having their individual reports , everyone have their own presentation about certain topics they were assigned to , and when Kasumi's turn is up.

As she stood in the podium , the lights dimmed and she's in the spotlight everyone was stunned by her sheer beauty and the amount of research she puts in her report , everyone is focused on her and astounded.

....After that.

Kasumi changes into the clothes i brought for her , and we go back to the lab.

"Mina , i made a coffee for you , here.."

"Thank the way your report was , great Kasumi , even though i don't understand most of it you were really great back there.."

"Thanks , Mina i was really happy you were there to watch me.." she smiles.

(her report was really awesome but i'm honestly i'm a bit nervous right now ...being alone like this with only just the two of us with few of her classmates already returned home  is really nerve racking..)

( i won't definitely able to calm down...)


I just notice it now , but Kasumi seems to be a bit downcast..she looks like she's worrying about something..

"K-Kasumi , what's wrong ? you seems to look , unhappy ..."


 Kasumi cast her eyes down , as if she's thinking something..


"Y-yeah ?"

"I've always wanted to ask you something ...Can i ?"

"Sure , what is it ?"

I wonder what will Kasumi will ask , as i look at her..Kasumi looks serious and silent for a moment and then..

"......I've always been worried about this , Mina.."

"I-i'm always causing for the both us ..."

"W-what ?"

"That's why ...I've been worried about how you really think about me.."

"B-but i haven't been able to ask you..."

(!T-that's what she's been thinking ?!)

Kasumi looks so helpless and i feel bad about making her feel that way..

"Kasumi , listen..." as i hold on to her shoulders without even thinking..

"I'm sorry.. i didn' know that you're feeling anxious don't have to worry about anything , my feelings for you will never change , you were not causing trouble , how could you , i really want to keep on supporting and helping you in any way i can.."

"I'll be more than happy , if you realize your dream..!"

"R-Really ...?"


i look straight at her and continue talking..

"Also..i really glad i came here tonight .."

"What do you mean ?"

"....Seeing you being so committed with your studies makes me really happy , i know that you're trying so hard to achieve your the very least i could is keep on supporting you."

"Mina..." she just smiled sweetly in response..

"That's why you don't have to worry about things like that.."

"How i feel about you.."

"No matter what happen , i will always be supporting you and i will always love you.."


Tears fall from her eyes uncontrollably she wipes it with her sleeves ..and smiles..

".....i see..thank you Mina..."

"I love myself too..." she smiled sweetly..

"Well..i...." (that's not the response i'm expecting ...) 

"For you to say things like that...makes me really happy..and of course i love you too , you silly!"

(Oh..of course , and she got me again..with her jokes..)

Kasumi steps closer then looks straight at me..

"If you're here with me always supporting me , no matter how hard it may becomes.."

(how hard my become what ? i mean i have something here..never mind..)

"I'll definitely be fine.."

"I'll keep studying hard as usual.."

{there's a sexual innuendo in there but i can't put something in it..}

"Yeah ! I'll also support you as much as i can.."

We smile at each other and share a warm embrace ...

At the very least , i'm glad that i came here  tonight ..

They both understand each other now as their mutual bonds grow , their heart grew bigger..

( i understand our mutual feelings now...and Kasumi's resolve to realize her felt like all my worrying and gloominess completely dissapeared  ..)

That makes me happy and i hugged her more tightly


"S-sorry..did that hurt ?"

"No' i'm fine , but why so suddenly ?"

"I'm just happy , that we finally can talk to each other like this..."

"...Hehe okay.."

"So..uhm , you're not gonna push me back ?" he nervously asked

"Do you want me too ?" 

"No , ahahahaha"

We smiled at each other and i think strongly to myself ..

(From now on, even if more problems arise...if i'm with Kasumi , i'll definitely be okay..)


The problems keep occurring one after another...... 

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