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I walked curiously around the large ground of the Abbey. I came to a peculiar door at the end of the dark corridor. It was decorated with thorns and roses made of metal, but the door itself was of a polished dark wood. It looked firmly shut. However, upon a small push, it swung wide open.

Inside, it was also very dark. Only the dim light spilt from the corridor lit up the area in front of the door. I realized that it was some sort of little library, and that should have quelled the curiosity that led me to open this door, but it didn't. I felt strangely compelled to touch one of these books.

My feet stepped forward, and my hand automatically raised to reached for one that was the closest to me.

"Don't!" A female voice broke my trance. I whipped around and saw that it was Angela standing in the doorway.

"What are these?" I whispered, brows furrowed now that I have realized my strange behavior.

"Those are forged Cinematic Records I made. Don't touch them, or they will take over you and try to fill in whatever pureness that would have been your soul, and make it filthy." She said no-nonsensely.

"Oh, alright." I walked passed Angela out of the room, and she shut the door firmly again behind me.

"How come it's not locked, if it is really so dangerous?" I asked.

"It is not, not to the filthy human. It is only a danger to you since you are pure." She answered. I wasn't too sure, but did she mean that it's only dangerous to me because of my lack of soul?

"I have to get ready for the cleansing ceremony." She stopped and said to me, "You are very welcome to attend." She told me the way back to the main chapel building and left. I followed the way she pointed and I came across Ciel, Sebastian, and Grell.

"Rubbish!" Grell shouted as he twirled around in the clothes that he robbed from one of the kids of the cult, "I could easily get into the heavenly choir! Well? How do I look?"

"Wah! You'll make me impure!" The kid, whose clothes got stolen by Grell, cried as he stood in his underwear.

"Grell, you look fabulous." I said as I approached them.

"Why, thank you!" He happily danced around as he pretended to fan himself.

Suddenly voice of hymns began to resonate from the distant, coming from the direction of the main chapel.

"Oh," The kid in underwear looked admirably towards the main chapel, "It's time for our leader's cleansing ceremony."

"Cleansing?" Grell asked.

"I was right; it smells." Sebastian muttered to himself and glared towards a window of the opposite building. I followed his gaze and just caught a glimpse of a women in hood quickly stepping out of sight of the window. It must have been Angela.

"What is it?" Ciel asked when he heard Sebastian muttering it.

"Oh, I just smelled a rotten apple fallen from a tree, that's all." He answered.

We all decided to go back to the main chapel and sit at the back row to observe the cleansing ceremony. All of the followers of the cult were gathered there, evidently eager to see a 'cleanse' to be performed. Soon, the leader walked into the chapel, up the elevated area and to the altar.

"Here, tonight," He spoke clearly and loudly, "The sinful unclean shall be made pure."

Two person were led up to the stage, and had there hood taken off, reveling the same symbol burned onto Ciel's side on their bare backs. They knelt down before the leader, and another follower presented the leader with two books. The books must have been the forged cinematic record from that library.

The leader opened the books. "I shall read the Doomsday Books of these impure, lost children. Jill Peasant. The second daughter of a farmer, she conceived a child at fifteen." The women started sobbing as the leader read.

"Thomas Atkins. No especially evil deeds, but he has spent his life meaninglessly. That is a grave sin."

Suddenly the two began to twitch, and made strange noises uncontrollably. Bright light started shining from the stain glass above them, and displayed the past life events of the two.

"Snuff out the unworthy. Snuff out the unnecessary." The leader started shouting, "Snuff out the unfruitful. Snuff out the unclean!"

The stain glass seemed to crack. But when the light died down it returned to its normal state. The two on the floor screamed as if in great pain. Then everything stopped.

"Now nothing unclean exits on these dais." The leader said to his followers, "They are our brother and sister, made pure as snow!"

All the observing followers gasped as if a great miracle just append in front of their eyes. "Leader! Leader! What a blessing!" They chanted.

Soon the followers left one by one, until there were only us left.

"Something is off, " Grell said once every followers had gone, "Those books weren't Cinematic Records."

"Then he doesn't have the power to see the past?" Ciel asked.

"Ah, you are still here!" A nun said to us. "The heavens have smiled upon you!" She smiled at Ciel, "You have been chosen by the great leader for the heavenly choir! You must be cleaned now! Come with us."

Ciel nodded to Sebastian, and followed the nuns into another room. Sebastian seems to be worried, so he decided to follow them in. That left me and Grell. We waited around for a bit until Ciel was finally changed and ready. I listened from the room next to the main chapel as Ciel walked up to the leader.

"You look divine, Ciel." The leader said. "Come this way."

I heard some footsteps, presumably Ciel walking upto the altar to where the leader was. Ciel then said, "I am honoured that you have chosen me."

"I'll read you a book," The leader said to Ciel.

"Sir, what's a Doomsday Book?" Ciel asked.

The leader ignored Ciel's question, and continued, "I'll read to you... until you fall asleep. Tonight is a treat."

Ciel gasp so loudly that even I heard. There were moments of silences, when suddenly Angela's voice began, "Cleanse yourself. Cleanse yourself of the sins you have committed here and now."

Suddenly, Ciel shouted, "Sebastian, this is an order! Kill him!"

"Yes, my lord."

I went into the Chapel only to see Sebastian breaking in from one of the stain glasses, and threw a knife to the leader, which immediately killed him. The follower, who had been standing behind the leader silently, abruptly ran towards Ciel. Sebastian threw another knife at that person, which ripped the cult hood. From inside, Angela appeared in her magnificent true angel from and flew upward.

"I thought that it was you, Angela." Sebastian said.

Grell squirmed, "H-Hey! What's an angel doing in this realm!?"

Angela flew down to Ciel, grabbed him, and flew upwards again. She revealed a book she was holding.

"Look! That's a real Cinematic Record!" Grell pointed at it.

Lengths of Cinematic records sprung out from the book, and it trapped Sebastian by wrapping around him.

"Grell, your death scythe!" Sebastian shouted.

"Give me some time! I'm working on it!" Grell said as he chopped the Cinematic Records with some tiny scissors.

"What are those?" Sebastian inquired.

"I can't help it!" Grell retaliated, "Will took away my last set of scythes away!"

Taking that chance, Angela scooped down and took ahold of me as well. She opened up a portal which emitted blinding light, and flew us all into it.


This is the point of the book where everything start getting serious! So I changed the book cover to monochromatic. Like? And don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter! :)

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