For the remainder of the season, Charles courted me, though not openly yet since it was common for Victorians to court for a while and stabilize their relationship before they announce it. Though we courted in secret, many have speculated that were in a courtship since we regularly attended events as partners. So far, only the prince, Irene, and Louisa know for definite that we were in one.
I got to know during a chat in a later banquet with the two that, turned out Prince George was quite intrigued by me and would liked to get to know me better as a romantic interest, and that was why he invited me to the Midseason Ball as his partner. However, that intention quickly vanished when he found out that his best friend, Charles, have been meaning to court me.
On the last night of the season, which was the night before I would leave the Buckingham Palace and return to my manor, I had trouble falling asleep. Many questions was swirling on my mind; once I left this palace, how would mine and Charles' relation develop? It was easy to see each other during the Season since we both resided in the Buckingham Palace, but once it ends, he would be busy with his work, while living in both his ancestral house of Howick Hall and the Buckingham Palace at intervals. And what of George? Our friendship developed well during the later half of the season, and we have managed to become good friends. Will I be able to see and chat with him again? It also leaves the questions for the people that I met and made friends with during the season. I met Louisa, and deepened the friendship with Irene. I was't too sure weather I would be able just contact them and 'hang out'. I still wasn't all too familiar with the Victorian ways of relationships yet. I guess I'd just ave to ask my etiquette tutoress, Miss Abney, when I get back.
I watched as the palace staff move my luggage one by one onto the back of my carriage. The amount actually increased since during the season since I had some new gowns made by the palace seamstresses.
"Clare!" I barely heard the female voice over the nose of horses and talks. It was Irene, "Are you leaving now?"
I nodded, "Yes, I'm going back to my manor."
"Aw, I think I'll miss you!" She smiled sadly.
"You too." I said, "How are things going between you and Lord Montgomery?"
"He hasn't said anything about... it yet, but we will be keeping in contact." I raised an eyebrow, and she blushed, "I-It's not like I want him to say anything... Anyways what about your courtship with Lord Grey?"
I shrugged as nonchalantly as I could, "It's well."
She smiled, "That's great. I'm happy for you." A man's voice then called. She looked around then said, "Oh, that would be my carriage ready. Goodbye, Clare."
"Goodbye, Irene."
She then hurried off into her carriage.
As I was about to step into my own carriage, I happen to catch the eyes of another lady stepping into her carriage right next to mine.
I smiled at the Duke of Northumberland's granddaughter, "Farewell, Louisa."
She demurely smiled back, "Farewell to you too, Clare... and do write, won't you?"
I nodded, "Of course, I will write soon."
With that, we both stepped into our respective carriage.
I and Louisa have been writing to each other for more that a week now, and she finally obtained permission from her farther Earl Percy to have a chaperoned day with me. We had just finished out shopping trip and were having dinner at my manor.
"And you know, father was fairly mad at me for not selecting a husband during the Season." She said as Alex served us the last course.
"It might not seem like it, but it is very much your choice when it comes down to marriage," I said, "No one, not even your father or grandfather, can force you into anything."
She nodded, and contemplated on my words. We soon finished our pudding, and I was seeing her off to her carriage when my cat, who I've named Shiro, ran out of the manor door and into her laps.
"Haha, she seems to like you more than me!" I said.
"No, I'm sure she's only here because I sneaked her food underneath the table!" Louisa laughed, and handed Shiro back to me. She stepped back into her carriage, and emerged on her journey back to the house of Duke of Northumberland.
I thought that I've eaten more than usual today as I merrily chatted with Louisa, so I decided to take an evening stroll in my garden. Walking into the chilly air, I relaxed, and listened to the quiet humming of the night while peacefully stoking the soft fur of Shiro... Until I heard a strange, rather metallic noise behind me.
My head whipped around and I looked for any source of the sound, but to no avail. I stood on guard for a few moments, as if waiting for something to jump out at me at any moment. But after a few long seconds, I sighed, and continued with my walk. Must have been the wind.
Suddenly, an unknown entity jumped at me with ferocious speed. I screamed in surprise and instinctively tried to dodge, but it was way faster than me. It managed to grab ahold of the frilly fabric at my shoulder. Out of pure panic, I pulled against the hand and broke away, ripping the fabric of my dress there. Shiro slipped out of my embrace in confusion and sped off. I ran for my life into the manor, desperately hoping to loose whatever was chasing behind me.
"Alex! Alex!" I shouted my butler's name with my already hoarse voice, but to my increasing horror, no one came. I burst into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it tightly. I slid down the door as my legs gave out on me. I put a hand over my mouth in a pathetic attempt of calming my rapid breath and heart rate. A noise underneath my bed startled me, but I saw that it was only Shiro. She walked into my lap and curled up after finding a comfortable position, completely unaware of the looming danger just a door away... I jumped again hearing heavy footstep getting closer...closer...closer...
Oh dear God, what do I do?
Me: Ohh this so getting intense! Anyways as per some of your request the heterochromic cat from the Murder Arc is back!Also, some of you might be familiar with the Kuroshitsuji Wattys Award, where Black Butler fanfics enter and people vote for winners in different categories. But the original one has been inactive since last year, so a new one was created: BlackButlerWA . If any of you has black butler fanfic(s) that you might want to enter the kurowattys, then just comment there! The entry period has already started! I am thinking of entering and you guys will vote for me right...right?

The world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
FanficI was an otaku. One day I just woke up in the world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji for some reason. What would I do? Would I find this life more interesting then the normal life and want to stay in that world? Or would I miss my old life and try to...