The Suspicions of an Earl and a Demon

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I sat there arms crossed, with a ridiculous hairstyle, celebrating Ciel's 13 birthday. The hair at the back of my head were plated, and then tied up into a very high bun.The hair to the side were left untied, but escalated with two clips. I sighed, still taking in the fact that I had to be seen like this by Ciel and Sebastian. Of course, all of it was Elizabeth's 'genius' idea of everyone dressing up and holding a mini birthday party for Ciel. I had first attempted to politely refuse the 'kind' offer of doing my hair by Lizzy, but as she continuously persuaded me, I somehow got swayed and decided it couldn't possibly be that bad to let Lizzy do my hair. Oh, how wrong I was.

At the head of the table, there sat the star of the party, Ciel, who rested his head on his hand with a very bored expression. Next on the table were me and Lizzy. Lizzy for once was not wearing any thing pink, but instead the red dress with white trims that she wore at Viscount of Druitt's party. I still haven changed out of my gown from the ball that Queen Victoria held. Around the table, there stood Sebastian, Paula, who was Elizabeth's maid, and the four Phantomhive servants. All of us except Sebastian and Tanaka had one of those pointy party hat on. The only reason Tanaka didn't have one was because Elizabeth took Tanaka's 'ho ho ho' as a yes for putting a blond wig on him and doing his 'hair'. She then decided she didn't want the 'perfect' hairstyle she did to be ruined, so she didn't put a party hat on him.

"Congratulation, Ciel!" Lizzy said with her high pitch voice.

"Happy birthday, Ciel." I also congratulated.

Ciel just sighed. As we've already had food, Sebastian served the pudding. "In the theme of Christmas I have made some Christmas pudding."

He cut the pudding with a silver knife and served Ciel first, then Elizabeth, and me.

I took a small bite of the Christmas pudding made by Sebastian. I was never very fond of Christmas puddings, but seeing as Sebastian made it, I decided to give it a try. As expected, Sebastian never disappoint me. It tasted very good.

We finished the pudding while having small chats. Soon Elizabeth left for the Midford Manor and the servants started doing the tidying up. Seeing the servants running around and being busy while harshly instructed at by Sebastian made me very glad that I was not a maid of Phantomhive like most fanfics I have read of Kuroshitsuji. Because I would hate to be a lowly servant and having to work and serve all day.

We all retired for the night as it had been an exhausting and eventful day.

Next day, Ciel had called me into his study and questioned me about the event that took place last night, and also about the ring with the Hope diamond.

I sat in the chair in front of his desk, which had a few paper and document neatly placed on it.

"So tell me about what exactly happened last night, will you?" Ciel said.

"Yes. As you know, I was at the ball that Queen Victoria hosted. But me and Undertaker left a bit early because I felt a little unwell. Oh, yes that reminds me, have you told Undertaker that I'm fine?"

"Yes, I have telephoned him and informed him that your are safe and in my townhouse. Please continue at where you left off."

"So, in the middle of the carriage journey, I thought I saw a blue glow from the ring I was wearing, and I also thought I heard an odd tune playing..."

As I paused to remember what happened, Ciel spoke up, "How did you acquire the shard of Hope?"

"I found this ring inside the toy fake Funtom toy ship that we got from the Frost Fair." I answered honestly.

"Why did you not inform me right away? As you should know, Scotland Yard in searching for this ring due to it being an important evident in the serial kidnapping of girls."

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