Today was the day of my official investiture of the title of baroness. I especially borrowed Ciel's tailor, Nina Hopkins, to make a formal gown for it.
I was excited for it, of course, and I was also incredibly nervous about having to walk up to the Queen in front of the gazes of people, and receive my title. I just hoped that I won't mess up.
We arrived at Buckingham Palace two hours before the actual ceremony. I have seen Buckingham Palace at the present in the other world, but the colour and glory of it was much lost compare to the Buckingham Palace I was in right now. It was bursting with life. Different events such as grand balls, investitures, and other royal celebrations went on frequently in the countless luxurious rooms in the Palace.
I was shown to a state room by one of the butlers of the Palace, in which I could get ready for the ceremony. Mey-Rin and another female servant started fussing on me, doing my make-up, hair, and such, while I was given a briefing of what will happen by another servant. When that was done, which took quite a while, they retied my corset, and carefully slipped my gown over my head and onto me.
I walked in front of the full length mirror in the room and looked at my own reflection. The first thing I noticed was my fancy gown that was of a rich dark blue colour with golden rims creating beautiful patterns at the end of the dress. The sleeves were slightly puffed up at the shoulders but tight along the arms. With my extravagant gown along with the silk white gloves, and the elegant hairdo, adorn with jewels of many sort, I looked like a true noble of the era.
It was time for my ceremony. Following a butler to the throne room, I patiently awaited outside. Soon, music from trumpets started playing, signaling Her Majesty Queen Victoria's arrival. I could hear sounds of people standing up for the Queen, after a white, they sat back down. And it was time for my entrance.
The butler guided me through the door to the throne room, and I was on my own. I took a deep breath to clear me head, and I slowly walked toward the Queen in my best manner. I could feel the audience's stares burn into my skin, but it wasn't a bad feeling. I realized that I did not mind being the center of attention, in fact, I loved it.
I finally reached the Queen who was standing in front of her throne, with Ash to the side of her, holding a red velvet cushion with a few things resting on top of it.
I curtsied to the Queen. I saw that under her veil she nodded as a response. Ash walks closer to her, and a butler walked up, took a folded cape, unfolded it, and handed it to the Queen. She then put it around me with the help of the butler, who walked around me, and handed the other end of the cape to the Queen, who then did it up. Then, a long necklace-like chain of badges were handed to the Queen, who also put it over my head and onto my shoulders, draping at my front and back.
Queen Victoria motioned Ash to listen to her, which he did. He then straighten up and said in a loud and clear voice, "Her Majesty wishes to say that, 'The title of Baroness is hereby conferred to the lady, who so rightly earned the title with her kindness, thoughtfulness, and pureness. Therefore, I have decided to favor the baroness with a given name, a name that I see befitting to her taintlessness: Clarette. Baroness Clarette shall serve the throne with dignity and diligence.'"
I curtsied again, "I thank you very much, your Majesty. I shall serve the throne with all my heart and soul." I saw Ash smile slightly at the 'soul' part.
I then walked in reverse for a few steps, turned, and walked back down the isle. I now could see a few familiar faces in the audience: Ciel, Prince Soma, the marquis of Midford and his family, Lau, etc.
When I was out of the throne room,I let out the breathe which I did not know I was holding in. It was apparently now time for the ball that the Queen held for me afterward.

The world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
FanfictionI was an otaku. One day I just woke up in the world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji for some reason. What would I do? Would I find this life more interesting then the normal life and want to stay in that world? Or would I miss my old life and try to...