I was an otaku. One day I just woke up in the world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji for some reason. What would I do? Would I find this life more interesting then the normal life and want to stay in that world? Or would I miss my old life and try to...
"This is nice." I commented as I looked at the rapidly moving sea, salty wind gently blowing on my face.
"Yes, it is." Charles agreed as he walked up next to the fence next to me.
We were at the first class area of a large ship, crossing the English Channel to a port in Calais. Then we would go to Paris to the Exposition Universelle by land. Funny thing was, I have made the exact same trip back in the other world. It was a lot quicker that time with the modern ships, of course.
"I can't wait to see the Exposition," I said to Charles, "I heard there are exhibitions from all around the world."
"I want to see the gun show from the States!" Charles exclaimed, "I wonder if I'm a better marksman then him.... Maybe I'll challenge the shooter."
I laughed and shook my head, "Don't even dream of it, Charles. You might be peerless with swords, but now that I've practice so much, I'm most likely better than you in marksmanship."
Charles raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? I agree what you did during the hunt with Prince George was quite impressive, but I shot down quite a few foxes as well."
"Alright, go challenge the shooter. I'll do the laughing when you make a fool out of yourself in front of everyone."
"And how do you know I'll make a fool of myself?"
"I just know."
He pouted, and nudged me in the arm with his elbow quite hard.
"Ouch." I glared at him playfully while rubbing my arm, "Wow, you are such a gentleman aren't you?" I said sarcastically.
"Of course," He smiled innocently, "Now, may I escort my lady to the dining room? It's time for tea." He offered me his arm charmingly.
I laughed, and decided to play along, "Of course, my lord." I took his arm, and we went to the dining area of the ship together while chatting about various things.
"How did they even build this?" Charles remarked as we looked up from under the huge metal tower in Paris, "What is this called again?"
"The Eiffel Tower." I answered.
"Let's go to the top!" He excitedly joined the queue of people waiting to go on the lifts to the top, which at the time, were technologies of wonder.
After a while, we were carried right to the top of the tower by a hydraulically-powered lift.
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At the top, I could almost see the whole Paris. Last time I was here, it was about...120 years later? I chuckled at this strange thought.
"What is so amusing?" Charles looked at me.
"It's nothing." I shook my head. Charles shrugged and went back to admiring the amazing view of Victorian era Paris.
Looking at the scenery, everything looked so similar yet different. Of course, last time I was here there were cars instead of carriages. I kind of missed not having to go in a terribly shaky carriage every time I wanted to go somewhere. That got me reminiscing my time back in there other world. Back then I was just a normal girl going to University, not a noblewomen serving the Queen and eliminating dangers of the underworld. I wonder how my parents are doing... Do they miss me? Have they reported me missing to the police and is everyone searching for me? I shook my head at these thoughts, coming to this world is strange enough as it is, no point trying to figure out what's happening back in the other world when I don't even know how I got to this one.