I stayed in he Buckingham Palace for about a week, getting the best treatment possible in the country. I had heard that the slave which I rescued was being 'kept safe' by the Scotland Yard, and I had used my influence to 'request' to meet him.
As I and Alex approached the building in which the man was being kept, Alex spoke up.
"Pardon me for asking, but milady, why would you wish to meet such man?"
"If it wasn't for 'such man', I wouldn't be here right now. I would have been in the heavens long ago." Or more likely hell.
"I understand." And he fell quiet.
We arrived, and was approached by the doorkeeper. I blinked a few times before I realized that it was none other than Fred Abberline, who was keeping the door.
He recognized me immediately when he saw my face, "You...you are the girl with Ciel..."
"Yes, I do believe we have met." I replied.
He coughed, "Are you... Baroness Clarette?"
"Yes, indeed." I showed him the signet ring on my finger.
"Right." He nodded and he stepped aside to let me in.
Inside was not what I had expected it to be like; it was neat and tidy, with sufficient furnishing.
There was no one in any room that I could see into, but there was one closed door at the end of the corridor.
I stopped in front of it and gently knocked.. I received no response.
I knocked again, and said, "Is anybody in there?"
This time the door was opened angrily, and inside, revealed the black man I was looking for.
"What d'you want?" He said rather forcefully.
"Would you happen to remember me?" I asked.
He furrowed his brows and focused on my face, then he suddenly widened his eyes, "You, you the woman!"
"I assumed that's a yes then. I have yet to introduce myself. I am Baroness Clarett, and your name?"
He paused for a bit, then blurted, "Imari."
"Imari? I have heard that you are being kept safe by the Yard in this building, am I correct?"
"No, they no let me leave."
"They are keeping you here against your will? Now that is something they shouldn't do." As I suspected.
"I want go home."
I sighed in empathy, "I understand why you would want to go home, but, from my understanding, the place you call 'home' was destroyed by the raiders along when they kidnapped you."
His lips twitched as if from pain, "Wife? Daughter?"
"I am sorry, they I do not know about." From what I have learnt in my history lessons, I remembered that woman from the villages where the slave traders raided are most likely raped then sold or killed. But obviously I was't going to tell him that. "However, I promise I will keep an eye out for them. I have friends in the trading and shipping business and I will ask them to do so as well."
He blinked rapidly as if trying to hold back tears, "Why? Why you help me?"
"I am doing this out of condolence."
"...Thank you."
I smiled, but then remembering what I came for, "Say, Imari, would you like to get out of here?"

The world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji
FanfictionI was an otaku. One day I just woke up in the world of Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji for some reason. What would I do? Would I find this life more interesting then the normal life and want to stay in that world? Or would I miss my old life and try to...