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"But Miss, you can't do that!" Aberline stepped between me and the library of criminal records in the headquarter of Scotland Yard.

I was trying to get information on the symbol that Undertaker found on the body of the assassin sent to kill me. I figured that since Undertaker identified the symbol to be one of the famous gang in London, the Scotland Yard would have record about it. I need to get to the record library.

I knew from watching the anime that Aberline cannot be bought with bribe, so I decided to appeal to his emotional side.

I sighed rather dramatically, "Can I tell you a secret?"

"What is it, Miss?" I had his attention.

"Someone tried to assassinate me the other day."

"Really!? Assassination of a noblewoman? How awful! You must report it to the Scotland Yard so we can catch the culprit at once!"

"No, the assassin is dead."

"Oh. you know who sent him?"

"That is exactly what I'm trying to find out right now."

He seemed to have been slightly persuaded by that. I took that moment and quickly walked passed him into the Scotland Yard's criminal record library. Abberline snapped out of his thought and followed me in.

"Where is the section for London gangs?" I asked.

"Here, Miss." Abberline pointed us to a bookcase on the left, but there were so many books of record I didn't know where to start.

I pulled out the paper with the symbol of the gang. "Aberline, do you recognise this?"

He narrowed his eyes, then clicked his fingers, "Yes! I think it is here..." He bended down to get one of the records, and flipped through the pages, "Aha!" He showed a page to me.

I took hold of the book and read the content. At the top, it very clearly showed the exact same symbol I had drawn onto my piece of paper.

"The Ferro family." I uttered with furrowed brows. If I remember correctly, this is the Italian Mafia that the man who kidnapped Ciel, Azzuro Vanel, belonged to. Could it be that...? Everything was beginning to fit into a complete picture in my head. With a sigh, I decided my next step of action

"Thank you, Abberline. This is all I need to know." I smiled and handed the book back to him.

As I was leaving, he shouted after me, "Miss! Are you sure you don't want the Scotland Yard to help?"

"No, I'm good, thank you." I exited with Alex.


Soon I received information about the death of a man named John Stanley, whose body was found floating in the Thames. I believe this is what set of the whole arc where Lau betrayed Ciel, causing both Ciel and Sebastian to be arrested.

I was interrupted from my thought by the stopping of the carriage. I have arrived at where Lau's opium den was in London, and where he very likely was right now.

I stepped off the carriage and went into an underground compartment underneath a Chinese style building. As I stepped through the door Alex held open for me, a whiff of smoke hit me in the face. I had to cover my nose and mouth from all the chokingly heavy scent of what I assumed was opium.

I walked further into the den, finding Lau on a sofa with Ran Mao and a few Chinese girls snaked around him. "Lau."

"Ah, Lady Clarette. I assume you are here because of 'that' incident'." He said.

"Lau, don't play games. I know you don't know why I'm here." I stated.

He opened his eyes slightly, "Yes. So what sudden business do you have with me?"

"About John Stanley."

The girls around Lau whined when he stood up. "Let's talk upstairs."

I nodded, and along with Ran Mao, we all went up to a more sophisticated room of Chinese design.

Lau sat down on a wooden sofa, "So, I have to ask, what does the matter of John Stanley have to do with you, Lady Clarette?"

"I know you are about to betray Ciel. I am here to sway you from that." I said.

After finding out that the assassin was indeed not sent by Ciel, but by the Ferro family, I felt bad for believing the dying words of that assassin even for a second. And from what I know from the anime, I knew that Lau would betray Ciel by cooperating with the Ferros. Lau killed John Stanley, which was carrying an important war document on the behalf of the Queen, steals said document, and blames Ciel for so. This would in turn prompt Ash to get the Ferros to plant the drug 'Lady Blanc' in Ciel's candy factory, giving Scotland Yard the reason for their arrest.

From all that, no one but the Ferro Mafia benefits. Ciel's and Lau's power would be greatly decreased, and the Queen looses her loyal guard dog. Whereas the Ferros would receive the land from Lau, which make them the sole controller of London's East End, and they would not receive any negative repercussion due to them having cooperated with Ash, the Queen's butler.

I was not about to let the people who tried to kill me get such easy success.

"Is that so?" Lau said, "I'm sorry you wasted your time, but it's not possible to go back now. I have already spread the word that the little earl has the document."

I furrowed my brows, "You can still spread words saying other wise."

"And why would I do that?"

"I would guarantee the safety of you. And, I can give you rule over the whole East End." I answered.

Lau raised an eyebrow, "The whole East End of London? That certainly does sound very tempting. But I'm sorry to say I have to refuse your offer."

Dammit. There was one more thing I could say to try to prevent him from betraying Ciel... "Lau, I know of your other crime."

"What crime?"

"The fact that you killed Lord Harold West Jeb after the curry contest. Killing a noble is far greater offense than killing John Stanley, a man who worked in the Underworld, or violating the Pharmacy Act."

"And how would you proof I was the one behind it?"

"I have a witness." I said. I internally chuckled as I remembered the frightful face of the French chef from the curry contest.

Lau chuckled, "Do you think I really care about the consequence of killing a noble when I am willing to steal a royal document and leave the country?"

"If I tell on you, you will be arrested even before you can flee." I said.

"Why don't you try?" He said with his eyes closed.

I calmly stood up from the chair, "I see you are not as good of a player in this game as you think you are. Surely you must know that if you accept my offer, so much more good would come of it than if you continued with your plan."

He sighed with a smile, "I am tired of being Ciel's pawn."

"I see. I believe our negotiation has broken down. Good day to you, Lau."

"Good day to you too."

I left the Chinese building with Alex, gears turning in my brain as I thought of my next step of action. If I can't destroy the Ferro family through influence, I will take matter into my own hand.

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