Every Grey Cloud Has a Silver Lining

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I silently debated with myself over this dilemma, and came to a decision after a few moments.

I listened to my heart and took Charles' hand. He pulled me close to him as if to protect me from the angel, who he deemed dangerous.

Ash looked like he was immensely shocked. It seemed he was not expecting me to refuse him and the shock was turning into anger. "You made the wrong decision," His face twisted in exasperation, "I had thought that maybe at least there is one pure human in this city. Oh how wrong I was." He spat out the words venomously. Then with a flap of his wings he was gone within a second.

"Clare, I'm glad you didn't go with him." Charles smiled.

I forced a smile on my face as a response, but my mind was somewhere else. What was I to do now? I wanted to see Ciel one last time, and also I was immensely curious about Sebastian's true demon form. I wanted to witness it.

"Charles, I need to go to the Tower Bridge." I said.

"But why? As I asked before that...thing interrupted, why do you need to follow the Phantomhive boy?"

"I...I need to say goodbye to him," I said. "We'll never see him again."

He contemplated for a moment, then sighed, "Fine"

We found the horses that we used to come to the Buckingham Palace, remounted them, and headed off to the Tower Bridge. I followed Charles' lead as he turned and navigated through the chaotic streets of London. Soon the river Thames came into view, the half-constructed bridge followed.

As we quickly approached the bridge, I could see that figures were stood on top . Those must be Sebastian and Ash. I kicked my horse and sped ahead of Charles, determined not to miss the opportunity to see this fight.

I neared the bottom of the construction and the view on top was slightly clearer, though not by much as the smoke and dust whipped up by the fire obstructed the view sometimes. Pulling the reigns, I slowed down my horse and narrowed my eyes to better focus. Suddenly loud noises of clashes boomed from the top, and debris fell into the river below.

"What is that?" I muttered when puffs of black smoke gathered around the bridge, and a strange shape was slowly forming in the sky above.

"What is what?" Charles heard me and asked.

My brows furrowed, "What do you mean? The black smoke."

"There is no black smoke, Clare, unless you are talking about the smoke from the fire." He said.

I came to the realisation. "You... You can't see it?"

"What is there that I'm supposed to see?"

I went quiet. Why couldn't Charles see the black substance? I remember that those are the emotion of the dead in this fire, a soul-like essence. I knew that Sebastian, Ciel, and Ash could definitely see it. I guess all of them either are supernatural beings or have supernatural ties, but why can I see it? Unless...

My thought was interrupted when an impossibly bright light started emitting from a point on top of the bridge. It was so blinding I had to look away even though I was a distance from it. But soon, it stopped, and the black smoke also began to subside. I smiled, it must have been undertaker and the rest of the shinigami.

It was finally time. I saw a wave of eerie blackness starting to dominate the scene. Sebastian was reverting to his true form. I didn't even dare to blink so that I wouldn't miss any opportunity to catch even just the tiniest glimpse of it. Unfortunately, luck does not seemed to be on my side as the blackness continually interfered with my line of sight. Even more noises came from the fight scene, but I could witness none of it.

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