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     My heart beat picks as soon as i hear his car pull into the drive way. The front door creaks open and my heart is almost pounding out of my chest. I sit silently in my room, praying he won't remember I exist today and he will let me be. I hear nothing for a while, but I still wait, sweat breaking off my forehead, I wait for the deep deadly voice I dread more than anything. Just when I think I'm saved today, he calls,

"Bianca" He roars from the kitchen and I hear the sloppiness in his voice, I whimper. He's been drinking. I gulp, wiping the sweat off my face and slowly walking down the stairs

"Bianca" He calls again, louder and I pick up my pace and run to the kitchen his eyes are bloodshot from drinking and shivers run down my spine

"Yes father?" I say, keeping a good distance away from the monster I call my father.

"Get me water" He says, dangerously calm. It's when he's calm like this I always get the worse. I quickly skirt over to the fridge and pull out a bottle of water. I set a glass on the table, placing the bottle of water beside it shakily. He walks to the counter and I go back to my initial position at the door. I can smell the whiskey coming off him all the way from the door and I gulp again, Today is going to be bad, I know. He aggressively picks the bottle up and rips off the cover then starts drinking, not bothering to use the cup. He finishes and sighs, wiping his mouth with the his arm. He drops the bottle on the floor. He walks over to the cupboard and brings down the bottle of whiskey, pouring some in the glass while I stand there, watching. I bite my tongue, standing at the tip of my toes

"Do you need anything else?" I ask in a small voice. He replied with a low horrid chuckle and I instantly know I shouldn't have asked.

"Do you need anything" he mimics me and I bite down hard on my lip, forcing my ears shut from the hurtful words I know will follow.

"You're pathetic!" He shouts "Who do you think you are? I am a grown man! Does it look like I need anything?" He yells hauling the cup in his hand on the wall beside me, the glass shatters right beside my face and I whimper, some of the pieces fall on my leg but I dare not move. I shut my eyes tight, suppressing my tears.

"I can take care of myself, you filthy thing. I'm the one taking care of you aren't I? Even though your bitchy little ass doesn't deserve it. Am I not the one paying your damned school fees?" He shouts. "

Answer me, Goddamnit!" He screams, taking dangerous steps closed. I now repeatedly, like my life depends on it

"You want to know what I need? I need you out of my life! I hate you! I wish you were never born, because the only thing you cause is pain Bianca, you're a witch, you're the cause of all my problems, you're usless. You Bitch!" He spits

"What do you ever do for me? Except cause me pain and misery, huh?" He asks, coming closer. I shut my ears, shaking violently from his words as tears stream down my face.

"You're crying?! I should be the one crying for having you in my life! You think you can fool me with crocodile tears? You this devil child! Witch! All my fucking problems started with you. You killed your mother, witch!" He screams again and grips my wrists rippping my hands from my ears.

"Look at me!" He screams in my face. I shake my head, closing my eyes shut, because I know all I'll see is hatred.

"Look at me, Goddamn you!" He says and shoves me. I crash into the floor hard, hitting my elbow and scream in pain.

"Daddy please, don't do this." I beg,

"Please don't" I plead, crying more than ever. "I am not your daddy, you piece of trash" He states and slaps me, sending me back to the floor.

"I am not your fucking daddy!" He shouts and kicks me repeatedly, over and over again. He kicks me in the stomatch and I scream in pain, bailing up like a milipede in pain.

"Please,please" I whisper weakly but he doesn't stop and I don't except him to.

"Get up" he yells but I'm too weak and hurt to move. He kicks me up by my shirt and throws me on the floor again

"Ah" I scream in pain. He stops for a while and I don't move, he comes back again, this time pulling by my hair all the way to the staircase. He drags by my hair up the stairs and I scream

"Shut up, you bitch." He yells slapping me again and slamming my head on one of the staris, a sharp pain shoots through my neck and I yell again. He continues to pull me by my hair, uncaring that I just twisted my neck. He reaches my room door and opens it, throwing me inside. I scamper to the corner of my room like a rat and coil up. He spits and leaves the room. Slamming the door behind him and leaving me in darkness. I begin to cry uncontrollably, as i recall his words

"I hate you" the words replay over and over again in my head and I shut my ears, as if that'll keep the words out of my head.

Numb from the pain, i lay there on the floor coiled up, not bothering to get up becasue it will only cause me more pain. Sleep started to slowly creep in, my eyes were slowly closing and i was grateful, and least i wont feel pain in my sleep, but then i'll still have to wake up to my miserable self again. I closed my eyes tighter, pushing my thoughts away as the darkness embraced me.


Heyy hope i didn't bore you, i really hope this chapter is good enough, cause the first chapter always matters most, right?
Anyway, how are you? I hope youre good! Feel free to message me anytime!
Dont miss out on the next chapter!!! The book keeps getting hotter and hotter, i'll be updating soon!

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