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"You look beautiful, I think this is it" April says when I step out of the dressing room with a navy blue dress on.

This is like the 20th dress I am trying on and I'm glad it's finally over, i can't imagine having to go through the stress of taking the current dress I'm wearing off to put on a new one. She wasn't joking when she said I'll have to try on all the dresses until I find the right one.

I groan in relief, then turn around to look at the dress in the mirror, it is pretty good, and the colour compliments my skin perfectly.

"You like it?" She asks, coming to stand beside me.

"Yeah, it's nice" I say, tired and hungry. Even if the dress is horrible I would still say it's nice at this point.

"Well, now that your dress is settled, it's time to look for mine." She says and clicks her tongue.

"Wait, you haven't chosen your dess yet?" I ask, feeling like I'm going to die.

"I have, but seeing your dress, I have have new inspiration. Something blue, what I have here is pink, I want us to wear the same color, or match if possible" she says walking back to the cloth racks, I follow behind her grumpily.

"I'm hungry April, let's just match, instead of looking for a totally new dress. Do you remember where you got this one from?" I ask, eagerly.  My legs are killing me already.

She stops to think while I gape hungrily at her. Her strawberry blonde hair looking like cake to me. I can eat her, I should eat her.

"Nope. Let's ask one of the attendants, is that what they're called?" She asks, walking towards one of the shop workers.

I shrug, not bothered about what they're called but about what to eat.

"Heyy" April chirps at the blonde haired lady and I roll my eyes at her loudness.

"Hi miss, do you need my assistance?" The girl asks, smiling widely, as I stare at her her head slowly turns into a Apple. An Apple? Damn I'm running mad from hunger.

"Yes, please do you know where I can get this particular dress,  my best friend and I are graduating, we want to match" April says happily. Why the extra information though?

"Oh, that's nice, congratulations. Let me check, please follow me" the lady says, taking the dress from April and looking at it, then leading us to where she thinks the dress will be.

We reach a rack full of different cloured dresses and the lady checks for the one April wants among them.

"Ughh" I say, whining.

April shoots me a glare, telling me to keep quiet and I stick out my tongue at her. She doesn't understand what state my tummy and legs are in right now.

The lady spends some time checking for the dress and it feels like days to me.

"You can't find it?" I ask, impatient.

"Well, no unfortunately, it seems like this was the last one, sorry" the lady says smiling. But her smile only pisses me off. Why am I so cranky?

"Thank you so much" April says politely, collecting the dress back from the woman. The woman nods and turns around to attend to another person.

"Why are you so cranky?" April asks, turning around to face me.

"I'm hungry, and tired and my legs hurt." I whine like a baby.

"Please, let's just stop stopping for a while and go get some snacks at the food court" I plead.

"Well you should've just said so earlier Mrs Cranky, we would've taken a break to eat" April says, shaking her head and taking my hand in hers.

We drop my dress at the counter,  telling the woman there we'll be back for it then we walk to the food court.

The smell of fries and chicken and other snacks fill my nostrils as we reach The food court and I sniff it in hungrily.

"Will you stop behaving like an animal?" April says, laughing at my behaviour.

We walk to the pizza place, it's always pizza, pizza is life. As I wait on the queue I almost run mad and try as much as possible not to scream at the man behind me to stop chewing his gum so loudly.

I look back at him, shooting him a glare. And he the fat fool gives me a clueless face. I roll my eyes, turning my gaze back to the front and sigh in relief as the person in front of me leaves my front, making it my turn.

"Hey" I stay, stepping up to the counter.

"Hey miss, what's your order?" The guy asks, he's pretty cute and his smile is beautiful.

"Umm, I would like a barbecue chicken, large and two diet cokes." I say, looking at his name tag it says Jack.

"Cash or Pos?" He asks, his green eyes boring into mine.

"Pos" I say smiling shyly as I give him my atm card. He collects it from me, his hand brushinh mine,  which I know he did on purpose. But I don't feel a shiver down my spine as I would've if it were Nazz, I don't feel a connection.

He smiles at me and does what he needs to do, giving me the pos back to type in my code. I type it in and give it back to him, smiling nervously. He makes me nervous.

"Ookay, thank you beautiful" he says smiling sweetly at me. I smile before turning around and walking back to where April Is seated. I give the fat man another glare as I pass and he just stares at me like I've lost it.

"What'd you order?" April asks as I slide into the seat opposite her.

"Uh, barbecue chicken and 2 cokes." I say bringing my phone out of my pocket. No missed calls. Why hasn't Nazz called back?

I dial his number and April watches me as I place the phone on my ears. It's still unavailable.

I sigh and drop my phone. "Who you calling?" April asks, resting on her hand.

"Nazz." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"My dad came back home yesterday, and Nazz was around" I finally say. Like I could've gone a whole day without out telling her this, who was I kidding?

"What? What happened. Does Nazz know?" She asks.

"Yeah, I told him. But nothing happened, we were up stairs when my dad got back and I locked the door. I'm lucky that the I have the habit of locking doors, my dad would be done into the room and seen Nazz. And Nazz was prepared to kill him after he found out what happened. I took a lot for me to even make him not to outside to beat up my dad" I say feeling like I've lifted a heavy burden from my chest.

"What? You should've let Nazz kill the man. He deserves worse. Why do you keep protecting him after everything's he's done to you?" April asks shaking her head.

I sigh "I wasn't protecting him. I just don't want things to get messed up. I want to put everything behind me. He doesn't hit me anymore. He won't hit me again." I say and April looks at me like I'm absurd.

"I'm not saying I forgive the man for everything he's done or that he's a changed man. I just don't want to keep being reminded every day of what he used to do. I want to move forward, now we're graduating it makes it easier. When I go to University it'll be a fresh start, I'm going to make sure of that" I say, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I like the idea of a fresh start." April says smiling at me.

"We'll be together every step of the way. Together forever right?" She says smiling at me and taking my hand in hers.

"Forever" I say smiling at her. We both laugh.

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