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         I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and happy. Yesterday replaying over and over again in my head. We made out, and i wasn't dreaming this time, it actually happened. This is the happiest I've been this year and nothing can ruin it. I walk to my wardrobe and pick out a dress and a jean jacket to go with it because of the chilly weather. I walk to my mirror, dancing to the music playing from my phone and pack my hair into a ponytail. I decide against that and let my hair down instead curling them into loose perfect curls, then I apply my makeup, putting on more than usual. I take my time to do everything feeling goofy and happy about everything like a little child. I take one last look in the mirror and giggle, blowing a kiss at my reflection before picking up my bag from the bed and walking out of my room.

   I run down the stairs and stop when I hear noise in the kitchen. My dad is still home? My heart begins to sink and slowly the happiness creeps away. I tiptoe to the door, praying I'll be lucky this time and he won't see me but then he walks out of the kitchen just as I'm about to open the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" He says and I freeze, I can already feel my the air in me sip out of me slowly. I slowly turn around and gulp.

"Good morning, I'm going to school" I say bowing my head.

"You're going to school looking like a stripper?" He says. What is he talking about? My dress is only about 2 inches above my knee and it's very covering. I don't reply, knowing whatever I say now will provoke him.

"Don't lie to me, you're not going to school. You pretend like you are but I'm sure you're headed somewhere else, to see one of your customers Eh?" He says again and I sigh. My day just had to be ruined. He steps forward and I close my eyes.

"Please" I whimper.

"Shut up!" He yells and slaps me. I stagger back, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"You will not behave like this when you're in my house! If you want to be a slut do it when you're out of my house. Do you understand me!" He shouts in my face, grabbing my wrists and yanking them away from my face.

"Stop crying! You're pathetic. You're a pretender. I'm sure the only way you get good grades is because you sleep with your teachers. Right?" He shouts hitting me again on the same spot. I fall to the floor and crawl away from him but he drags my legs back. He raises his hand to hit me again but stops.

"Get out, just get out" he shouts and I stand up, I open the door and run to my car. I search for the keys in my bag but I can't see well because of my tears. I finally find them and get into my car and speed off, blinking my tears away.
  I can't go to school like this, my cheek is swollen and there is an injury on the side of my lip, dripping blood. I park my car on the side of the road and get my phone. I search for April's name and dial her but she doesn't pick. I sniff, and see Nazz's name. My hand lingers over his name. If I call him what would he do? He'll find out my ugly secret which I'm not ready to reveal to him. I switch off my phone and drive to the park instead, still crying. I can't stop the tears from falling and i feel weak and stupid for letting my father treat me like this when I can easily report him.

  I get to the park and park my car in the spot Nazz parked his. There is no one here and I sit in my car for minutes. Staring at nothing. Something always has to ruin my happiness, always. I slowly get out of the car and walk through the park to the woods. I pass the familiar route and feel relief when I hear the sound of the water flowing.  Maybe if I come here it'll make me forget, this seems to be the only place that makes me happy. I get closer and i hear Nazz's voice. Nazz is here? I feel happiness and anxiousness spread through me and I run to the cliff and jump down without thinking. His shorts are on the floor and I walk past them to the lake. He must be swimming. I see him emerge from the water but he's not alone, a girl in only get bra and pant is wrapped around him and they're kissing. I look horrified at her and she notices me.

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