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Songs for this chapter:
Supermarket flowers-Ed sheeran (God
bleeeesss you)
Happier-Ed Sheeran
I feel it coming-The weekend (love him too, he's one of my favourite musicians)
I wake up the next morning surprised, he didnt touch me last night, he didnt even call my name. I laugh hysterically for a while, because I can't believe he let me be. Maybe he's beginning to change I think, but my subconscious mocks me He had all this year's to change, why change now? And besides, it's just one night, only God knows what'll happen today she says and I agree with her. I never can tell, I used to have faith he'll change, I still do but the faith dissipates day by day.
I stand up from my bed, twisting my neck slowly, the pain is still there but it's very mild so i take off the neck brace very happily, thank God. That thing was the definition of uncomfortable. I decide to clean up the house, wash the plates if there are any and do the laundry before I take a shower. I walk downstairs, there are no dirty plates but the house is dusty and there are tons of clothes so I begin to work and clean up everywhere. I clean up, till everywhere is sparkling . Its already ten, leaving me with just some few minutes to shower or else I'll be late, as usual. I run upstairs, skipping 2 steps at a time and racing down the hallway to my room. I don't forget to play my music before I go in the shower, I never for her that.
I take my time to bath, carried away with the music and the hot steam around me, making me feel at peace. For the first time I'm starting to be happy again. I finally get tired and come out of the bathroom. I'm sure it's way past 10:30 by now, but I still take my time, April will understand, she has to. I finally select a t-shirt and my normal pair of trousers. I carry my jacket too, In case it rains. I straighten my hair with a centre parting and apply my make up, I'm really starting to feel beautiful again I think and smile at my reflection before rushing to my car. I was more than shocked the day my father came back with my car one night and handed me the keys, more like threw it at me, but all the same. He got me a car and I was more than shocked, a screw probably went loose in his head that day becasue I can't just imagine why he'd been nice enough to get me a car, the car isn't a bugatti or lamboghini for sure, but its good, very good and that was what surprised me the most. If at all I was expecting a car, i would expect him to get me an old battered car that will make me embarassed and hate myself forverver, making me not want to ever go out.
I smile gracefully when the car makes a "tweet tweet" sound when I unlock it and slide in still smiling, loving the Lily scent of my car. My car is my second bestfriend, if anything were to happen to it I'll be runined. I turn on the engine and the car roars to life, I reverse easily and drive out of my street not looking back at my dreadful house. I get to the cafe by 11:45 and walk in, I search around for April's blonde strawberry hair and find her sitting close to a window. She looks up and sees me and has a funny angry face on. I walk towards her smiling sheepishly "I'm sorry!" I squeak and hug her, she doesn't hug me back instead she snorts and pushes me away playfully I roll my eyes and take a sit opposite her. She's smiling now and I'm smiling back. "You're in a happy mood, what's up?" She asks popping the p. "My dad didn't touch me last night, how strange is that?" I whisper for no particular reason. "Hmm" she says with a smug expression "That's good, what about the other day though, when he broke your neck? He's crazy" April says and I hear the hatred dripping off all her words, I feel the sudden need to defend my father "Well, he just twisted it, he didnt break it" I say, April gives me a disbelieving face and shakes her head disapprovingly "It does not matter, I swear if I were you I would 've killed that fucker by now" She says with a voice makes it sound like she is actually capable of killing someone, I shrug it off, knowing she's not, she may be mean and hard but she's not capable of killing, I know. I shouldn't even be defending him anyway, he doesn't deserve it, doesn't deserve my love. A young waiter appears in front of our table " Hello, what will you two like to order?" He says smiling widely "Umm, I would like a cheese burger and a Pepsi" I say and he nods still smiling, wow he smiles a lot which Is actually kind of disturbing. "Y-" He begins to say but April cuts him off, saying same and I slap her arm playfully, see what I mean by she being mean. The waiter left, "April, that was rude" I say and she rolls her eyes "His smile was making me sick" she says and makes a disgusted face and we both laugh. He really was smiling wayy too much. We begin to talk then our snacks are served, we start eating still talking and giggling like children. "'s Tork?" I say and smile. "We're good, he came over yesterday" she says smiling and blushing like a kid. I love the way she lights up whenever she talks about him, its like they're love is so strong you can feel it radiating off them when they're together. I hear the restaurant bell ring and April's eyes go to the door, I follow her gaze and see Tork walk in with Nazz following behind him, he looks perfect, and his hair is messed up in a playful way, I love it. My heart beat picks as they spot us and start walking towards us. Oh my God, oh my God it's Nazz! Chill Bianca, chill. "Speak of the devil" April says smiling widely as they reach the table "Baby!" She says and Tork leans down and kisses her passionately Nazz is standing right beside me and I suddenly feel so self aware and underdressed. I should 've worn better clothes. "Well we didn't know you guys will be coming" she chippers happpily "Us too, hey Bianca, long time no see" Tork says "Hey Tork" I say, my voice sound small and timid, I feel irritated at myself for feeling this way every time Nazz is around me. "Bianca" Nazz says and smiles at me. "Hey, I-I, glad to see you" I stammer and he smiply smiles, In that amused way he usually does. He sits beside me and Tork and April are already carried away into a deep conversation, she definitely won't even remember I'm here now that he's here. I look around uneasily and end up pulling out my phone and going through my gallery like a fool. "You're not gonna finish your burger?" I hear Nazz say and I look up, I even forgot about it. "Oh, no. I'm kind of full, you can have it" I blurt out before I can stop myslef, why would he want a burger that's alredy more than half eaten? I don't wait for him to reply "I'm sorry, I never should be offered, I mean it's half eaten already" I say and feel the redness creep up my face, he laughs. "It's cool Bianca, you look really nice today" he says and I nearly choke on my spit "Thank you, you look good too I'm sure you look good every freaking day" I mutter the last part and smile "That's true" he says cockily and smirks and I laugh, feeling more relaxed. "Sorry I've been behaving all weird, I'm not used to people" I say and tuck my hair behind my ear. "You're perfect..I mean it's fine" he says and blushes and he looks adorable, I giggle, he's cute when he's embarassed. I check the time and it's five already, I still have to go to the mall to get some groceries,and the mall is very far away. "Oh shit, I have to go" I say and stand up "where are you rushing to?" April asks finally noticing me since Tork came. "To the mall. I have to get some things for the house". I say "Bye Tork, bye Nazz. April you're paying for the burger" I say and begin to walk away "No fair" I hear her shout back but I'm already too far away to reply. I open the restuarant door and walk to my car it's blocked. I mentally scream "Ugh!! Could this day get any worse?" I shout kicking the car blocking mine in frustration "I don't think you should say that, it usually starts raining when people say that in movies." A familiar voice says from behind me and I turn around, laughing. "What are you doing here, Nazz?" I ask "You forgot your phone" he says, handing the phone over to me. I quickly collect it "Oh, oh my God, thank God, thank you so much" I say and sigh in relief. He nods, smiling "You're stuck huh?" He asks pointing at the stupid car in front of mine "Yep, unfortunately" I say and sigh again. "I can drive you?" He asks and I quickly shake my head "Oh no, no. I don't want you to disturb yourself. The mall is quite far." I say fast, almost mixing my words. He laughs "Well, I'm going to drive you anyway, and I'm not taking no for an answer" he says and I know I can't object, no matter what. He smiles when I sigh, finally giving in "Wait here, don't run away, I'm gonna get my car" he says and I laugh, he walks away fast and comes back moments later driving a Mercedes-Benz Maybach that is the blackest colour of black. My mouth literarily drops on the floor. "Get in, mademoiselle " he says and my mouth is still open, how can he be so rich at his age? I finally recollect myself and slowly get into the car. I feel unworthy to be sitting in the car. He smiles, "Hold on tight" he says before speeding off into the main road.

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