Chapter 2

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*That's April*
Okay, when I write my stories I usually listen to music, it helps me concentrate. Anyway, I compiled the list of songs I listened to when writing this chapter, I think it adds more intensity to the book, if you're like me and you love music a lot you should listen to it while reading, but if it's gonna confuse you don't bother. The book is good either way☺
So, sorry for the story lol, this is the song I listened to while writing this part of the story:
Born to die-Lana del ray(I love her!)
Big girls cry-Sia
Rihanna-What now
Christina Anguliera-Beautiful


I wake up slowly and confused, starring blankly at the door for a while to recall what had happened the night before, the memories come rushing back to me and I groan in pain, wishing I had never woken up. I slowly stand up, using the walls beside me as support, a sharp pain rushes through my neck as I try to turn my head and i hiss in pain. I stand slowly making sure not to make the mistake of turning my head again. I keep my head straight as i push my weak wobbly legs to walk me to the bathroom. I switch on the light and whimper at my reflection. How can he do this to his own daughter and be able to live with himself? I examine my face carefully, my chin is swollen, red and throbbing with pain, so are my cheeks where he'd slapped me repeatedly, at least he didnt leave a fingerprint unlike the last time. Few tears escape my eyes as I softly trail my fingers down my face. I wasn't crying because of the pain or injuries. I was crying because of his words, They repeatedly cause fresh injuries in my heart every time they escape his lips.
I draw in a deep breath to regain myself and pull my shirt over my head. I close my eyes, not wanting to look at the state of my body and turn away from the mirror. I fill the bathtub with steaming hot water and pour my bodywash in it, getting ready for my bath. I pull off the rest of my clothes and climb into the bathtub, gently setting my throbbing head on the headrest. I close my eyes and smile smally as the hot water calms my body. I reach for my phone on the edge of the bathtub and go to music, I scroll down thousands of my songs before reaching born to die by Lana del ray. I click play and drop the phone back to its initial position. I close my eyes as the lyrics fill my head, consoling me.
I shriek when the loud buzzing sound of my phone wakes me up from my sleep. I look around, confused and disoriented from my sleep but I regain myself and get my phone on the bathtub. I sign in relief when I see the name that pops up on the screen, April. Just when I'm about to click on answer the call ends. Ugh, I hate it she that happens. I unlock my phone and see six missed calls all from her, God, she'll kill me. I dial her number and she picks on the first ring "Hello?" I say, my voice is deep and croaky, its disgusting. "Bianca! I have been calling you!" She yells into the phone and I roll my eyes "Umm, I'm at home? It's Saturday, where else would I be?" I ask, confused. "With me, meet me at the cafe tomorrow, remember?" She asks and I can tell she's shaking her head at me right now. "Oh, I totally forgot. I don't think I can make it." I say trailing off, I look at myselfin the mirror, I definitely can't make it. "I'm pretty messed up right now" I add when she doesn't reply, she seems carried away with something. I hear her sigh "He did it again, didn't he?" She asks, whispering. I sigh "Yes." I simply say. "I'm coming over, okay?" She says "And hey, my cousin is with me. The one I told you about, is it okay with you if he comes?" She asks "No!" I scream "Scream all you want, he's coming anyway because he's watching me like a dog, I don't know who he thinks he is." She says "April, wait you ca-" I begin to say but she cuts me off with a love you and ends the call. "Ugh!" I scream at my phone. I haven't even showered yet, and the cafe is less than 30 minutes away from here. I quickly wash my hair and shower, rushing everything, I brush my teeth as fast as i can and go to my closet,staring blankly at it, wondering how old April's cousin is. What if he's my age and I end up dressing dressing stupid and disgusting and make him to want to look at me twice because his eyes will bleed, then again, it might be a little bit who won't give a shit about how I look. God I should've asked her his age, I mentally also mysled and force myself to think staright. I choose a plain grey t-shirt with a V- neck and jeggins with rips on the knee. I go to my mirror and look at my face and chin, its not swollen anymore, but its still red and it just looks off. I sigh and curl my hair into loose curls with a centre parting so that my hair can fall around my face amd cover my face as much a possible. My neck stills hurts like crazy so I get my neck brace and put it around my neck. Ahh! Now I look terrible, but there's nothing I can do about it. I quickly apply my foundation to cover the red marks on my face, it doesn't cover it well, but at least it's better than before. I apply my eyeliner and make it winged to make my face look slimer, according to April. Then I put on my mascarra. My eyes are still red and puffy and my lips are cracked and bruised. I look at myself, feelimg ugly and useless, I hate my life, I'm just ugly, no matter what I do. The knock on the door downstairs cuts into my suicidal thoughts and I sigh, taking a look at my ugly self in the mirrow. I slowly walk down the stairs because of my neck amd walk to the door. I hesitate before unlocking the door, crossing my fingers that April's cousin will be a little boy who won't care about me at all. She knocks again impatiently and I quickly open the door. I smile the biggest smile I can muster as i look at my bestfriend. "Bianca" she says, shocked, taking in my appearance. "It's not as bad as it looks" I say, smilng my fakest smile. She shakes her head disapprovingly and I know I'll have to talk about it later, like I always do. "This is my cousin, Zayn. He's a dickhead" she says and steps into the house she mouths we'll talk about it later to me and I nod my head. Her cousin steps into the house and I slowly look up at the tall guy standing next to her.
He is breathtaking and yes, my wish for him being a little boy didnt come true. Our eyes meet and I expect him to look at me puzzled or irritated as to why I look so beaten up but he just smiles sweetly. I my eyes go to his arms that are covered in tatoos and I look at him puzzled, wondering why he has so many tattoos. I finally look away, feeling shy. How can somebody be so handsome? I just have to meet someone when I'm in this state and have a freaking brace around my neck, looking the total opposite. "Hey, I'm Nazz" He says smiling , knocking the breathe out of me "Bianca" I say, my voice small and timid, I shake him for like two seconds and quickly draw my hands away fast. Why am I bring so weird? I'm probably freaking him out. "Okay, weird and akward children, can I sit now?" She says loudly and I feel like choking her. I glare at her and she chuckles, slumping into the couch. Nazz follow's and sits on the two-seater couch. I glare more at her, now I'll have to sit with Nazz, because that's the only space left. I can swear she did it purposely. I realise I am just standing by the door like a fool so I go to the kitchen. I pour myslef a glass of water and sit on one of the stools to clear my head. "Hey" a voice says from the door and I jump, startled. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle to." Nazz says and smiles. "It's fine"I say and smile back . "D'you need anything?" I ask looking everywhere but him. "Yeah, I kinda need water" he says walking into the kitchen."Oh,sorry. Silly me, I should've offered when you came in" I say and stand up from the stool. "It's cool" he says and shrugs, the exact same way April does. I pour him a glass of water and hand it over to him. I watch him away in the stool opposite the one I was sitting on. I sit down again. We both sit there, silently sipping our water and it's like we're waiting for one of us to break the silence. This is a very akward situation I say I'm my head. "So umm, you're April's cousin" I say, stating the obvious and I instantly regret opening my mouth. You're April's cousin, seriously? April said it just a few minutes a-fucking-go. I slap my forehead and Nazz laughs. "It's okay. Yes, I am, unfortunately. April's a real pain in the ass" he answers cooly, whispering the last part. "Tell me about it" I whipser back and we both laugh "Hey! I can hear you two!" April yells from the other room, making us laugh more. I feel more relaxed now. I wince when I move my neck too fast from the laughter and Nazz notices. He looks at me, concerned and intently and I look away, "What happened to you?" He asks the inevitable question and I sigh. "I slipped and fell on the stairs, I'm a clumsy fool" I say and smile, but the smile doesn't meet my eyes. He looks at me, like he can read through my lie and I begin to feel uncomfortable. "So, are you coming to Mountview?" I ask to change the dark loomy subject and pull the concentration away from me. "Nahh, I'm done with high school." He says and sips his water again. His own has barely gotten halfway and I've finished mine and taken 2 more cups. "Oh, I had no idea. That's cool. What University are you going to?" I ask again "I'm not going to University." He says and smiles. I look at him confused, who wouldn't want to go to University? How would he get a job? Or doesn't be want to be anything in life? I brush aside his answer, not understanding why a high school graduate wouldn't want to go to University. I want to ask him how old he is and also why he has so many tattoos but I decide not to, I'll ask him when next I see him, if I see him again. My tummy growls in hunger and I decide to make a sandwich. I stand up from my seat and love to the tall fridge. "Would you like a sandwich?" I ask "Nah, I'm good,Thanks for asking" He says and smiles in appreciation. "Okay." I say and shrug. And start making one for myself. "I'll want one too, thanks for asking!" April yells from the sitting room making me laugh and roll my eyes.
Nazz heads back to the sitting room to watch tv with April and I feel sad and lonely. Why do I feel sad? I barely know him. I finish up I and April's sandwiches and head back to the sitting room with the two plates in my hand. I drop her's on a stool in front of her, tearing a piece of bread from it before heading to my seat. "Very funny" she says and I stick out my toungue at her. I slide into my seat very slowly, making sure I don't move my neck too much, it's already starting to feel better. I make sure there is enough space between Nazz and I. I begin to eat my sandwich and I look at both Nazz and April, they both seem carried away by the tv and I'm glad because I know I won't go easy on the sandwich. This is the only thing I've eaten in the last 30 hours. I dig into my sandwich greedily, not noticing that April and Nazz are both looking at me. By the time I'm through licking my fingers and picking the last crumbs of bread off my plate they're mouths are wide open. I finally notice they were looking at me the whole time and I turn a dark red embarassed as fuck. I scream mentally, hitting my head over and over against the door in my head. "W-O-W" April says and bursts into laughter. Nazz joins and I find myself laughing at stupidly at myself too. "I was hungry!" I say after the laughter had died down to defend myself after laughing with them. "I'm surprised you didn't eat the plate too Bianca." April says again and I flare daggers at her. She and Nazz burst into another fit of laughter but I don't join them this time I mutter assholes at then and shame my head, before taking my plate to the kitchen. I wash off my plate and put it in the rack to dry. I pour myself another glass of water and drink it all in 2 gulps. Since when did I start drinking this much? I feel the urge to pee and walk to the bathroom. I barge in, not bothering to knock. I scream when I see Nazz standing right there. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry" I squeak, overlapping my words and he just stands there looking at me with an amused face on. I seem to amuse him a lot. "I'm really sorry" I say a2gaik and he smiles. "Bianca, it's fine. I was through anyway." He says and chuckles, a dark husky chuckle that sends shivers down your spine, in a good way. "I'm sor-" I begin to say again but he cuts me off. "Hey, it's fine. Forget about it." He says and smiles warmly. I nod repeatedly and give him back a small smile. I'm sure I'm deep red. I run into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I look at myself in the mirror and my cheeks are red and hot, just like I had thought. I use the toilet and wash my hand, splashing the water on my face. I patt my hands and face dry with the hand towel. I take in a few deep breaths, why am i being so weird? I meet boys all the time and I act perfectly normal. Why is it different with Nazz? "Bianca, I'm leaving. I need to go to the mall" April's says from behind the door and I sigh, taking another look at myself in the mirror. I don't look as bad as i looked this morning, the red marks on my face and chin have faded but my lips are still dry and bruised, and I still have the stupid neck brace around my neck. I step out of the bathroom and see April standing right there. "We'll talk about your dad tomorrow. Don't forget, we're meeting at McDonald's" she says and I nod. "Okydokie." I say and walk her to the door with Nazz following behind her. "Don't forget" she whispers "Are you sure you don't wanna come to the mall with us?" She asks and i nod "I think I'll just take some pills and go to the bed, its way past my bedtime anyway." I say and smile "Your bed time is six?" Nazz asks and confused and amused. "Five actually. I'm from Mars" I say and do a weird face, making us all laugh."Bye! See you tomorrow" April says and hugs me before walking to her car, leaving Nazz. Why is he still here? "It was really nice meeting you, Bianca. I hope I see you again soon" he says and smiles, knocking the breathe out of me. He turns around and leaves. "Me too" I whisper and close the door. Great, I'm back to bring alone, I sigh and climb the stairs, walking to my room. I climh into my bed and fall asleep almost immediately, dreaming about trailing my fingers over Nazzs' tattoos and running my finger through his messy hair.
Hey, hope you guys liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote and drop a comment, it'll really encourage me to write more. Thanks for reading!

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