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Coldplay-The Scientist
A great big world-Say something
Keith Urban- Tonight I wanna cry
Michael Jackson- She's out of my life.
  We drive in silence and we finally get to my street, he slowly drives to the front of my house and I feel irritation build up in me, it's like he's driving so slow on purpose just to irk me. The car finally comes to a halt and i get down from the car almost immediately, I slowly draw in my breath and walk to my door. I hear him come down from the car and I look back, he's walking up to me and I feel my irritation get even stronger, what does he want from me? Hasn't he caused enough damage? He walks up to me and I try as much as possible to not explode. I get my keys from my bag and unlock the door, walking in, he walks in with me and I suck in my breath. I can't pretend like he's not here any longer.

"What do you want?" I snap, switching on the lights and walking to the kitchen. He follows behind me.

"I want to make sure you're okay." He says calmly and I walk to the fridge and pull out a bottle of water. I am not thirsty but I have to do something to keeps my hands busy, so I won't stab him to death.

"Bianca, look at me. I won't leave until I make sure you're fi-"

"I'm fine Nazz! I may not be fine now but I'll be fine! I'm used to boys giving me hope and making me feel like they care and then leave me twisting in the wind in the end! I'm used to boys telling me they love me and making me fall so much in love with them only to break my heart in the end. I'm so used to it, it has become a custom in my life. Just give me two days and I'll be fine. I promise" I shout, and slam the bottle on the table. He's getting on my nerves.

"I already told you that nothing happened back there!" He shouts back and i walk away from the kitchen into the sitting room.

"And I already told you I don't care! What else do you want? Do you want to see me cry? Or do you think I'll beg for your love or I'll follow you around like a desperate dog?"

"What? No.. I just need to know you forgive me. You don't know how sorry I am" he says and runs his hand through his hair in frustration. He tries to touch me but I flinch away like he has a sort of disease. My action makes him hurt and he slowly withdraws his hand.

"Why should I need to forgive you when you said nothing happened. I don't understand you! She had her legs wrapped around you and you were both barely clothed and she had her fucking tongue in your mouth and yet you say nothing happened. At least admit it! Tell me the truth!"

I say and slump into the couch, tired from shouting and standing. My cheek is still hurting and I'm beginning to have a headache.

"That was nothing Bianca. We didn't have sex!" He says and I nearly choke. He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand anything.

I shake my head at him "You kissed her Nazz, oh sorry, she kissed you. And that's enough. You told me you loved me yesterday, you even took her to the the place you said was sacred to you,  a place you said you had taken only me to. Because I was special. Did you mean any of those things you said? Because if you did you wouldn't have brought another girl to that same place that was "sacred" and done what you did. If I hadn't walked in by that time wouldn't you have had sex with her?" I ask air coating the "sacred".

He doesnt reply and i scoff "See? So do not tell me it's nothing because you would have gone futher if I hadn't interrupted. I just wonder why. Why did you have to lead me on and make me feel like you actually cared. Why Do you hate me that much? I know we're not dating or anything but still Nazz. Fuck, you gave me so much hope. I can't believe I actually thought you were different. "

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