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Shine-years and years
Alicia Keys ft Maxwell- Fire we make
Ed sheeran- Kiss me
●●●●●○○○○○○●●●●●●●●●●●○○○○○ The outburst from Nazz and his words are still in my head and I haven't told April, I don't know why, but I just don't feel like it's necessary. Tork pulls up in front of the school like he has been doing throughout the week and he waves at me I wave back, smiling. "Bye baby" She says and blows me a kiss. I catch it and make a gesture of locking it in my heart. She laughs and gets into the car, they kiss, as usual and that both wave at me before Tork speeds off. I wonder where they always go to. I turn around to leave then I hear someone shouting my name, the voice sounds vaguely familiar but I just can't place a face to the voice. I turn around, searching for the person then I see someone standing on the other side of the road, I recognise that messy hair from anywhere. Of course it's Nazz, how could I have not known. "Bianca" he says again and waves. Does he think I'll really just forget the way he behaved yesterday and we're cool again? I slowly walk towards him and stop a few inches away from him. He's putting on a black t-shirt and a blue denim jacket, covering his tattoos. "Hey" he says when I don't talk. He looks perfect,as usual."Hey Nazz, what are you doing here?" I ask my voice coming out friendly and calm. I didn't want it to sound that way. "I came to see you" He says and sighs rubbing his chin with his thumb, something he usually does when he's thinking or shy. "Look, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday, it was an asshole move and it was wrong, I know you were just trying to be nice and friendly, I'm sorry, I was an asshole" he says and bites his lip. I sigh, "Yes you were an asshole" I say and we both smile "But I guess you were kind of right I'm kind of a pry" I say and shrug and he laughs "That's kind of true" he says teasingly and I swat his arm playfully. "So you came all the way just to apologize? That's sweet" I say smiling. "I was actually just passing by and I saw you" he lies and shrugs "Just passing by indeed" I say reading right through his lie. He chuckles "You've closed from school, right?"He asks, looking past me at my school "Yeah,why?" I ask "Well...I was kinda...I was actually thinking I can take you to..where we went to yesterday...I don't know, to make up for yesterday?" he says slowly, scratching the back of his neck with his palm. I smile "Sure. I just need to get a few things from school, ill be right back" I say and turn around to leave "Wait! I'll come with you" he says fast and walks up to me. We both walk to my locker and all my school girls can't keep they're ugly scrawny eyes off him, one even bumps into him "Sorry" she purrs at him and he smiles, knowing she just wants his attention. I resist the urge to grab her by her hair and pull her back, then scratch her eyeballs out. I roll my eyes like I don't care and stuff my books into my bag a bit too aggressively. Why am I so jealous all of a sudden? We're not even dating or anything. I exhale to calm myself and put my bag over my shoulder, closing my locker. As we're about to leave Natalie and her blockhead friends approach us and I roll my eyes again, knowing the slut has come to offer herself to Nazz. "Hey Bianca, who's your friend?" Her high pitched voice squeaks,I've always hated her voice. Her boobs are litirarily spilling out of her tight mini dress and its sickening. I see Nazz eyes land on her chest and a smile plays on his lips. She smiles back, glad that she has his attention. My heart nearly leaps out of my chest in anger. "Hmm, my 'friend' here, is Nazz...and he's my boyfriend, not my friend, right baby?" I say taking my hand in his. He looks shocked at my words but quickly covers it up with a sly smirk. "Really?" She says, giving an unbelieving look and moves closer to Nazz, I swear I will kill this girl, why can't she just leave? "Baby, can we go so I can fuck you already, If we don't go I'll have to fuck you here, becasue I can't stand it anymore" Nazz says when I run out of words and I nearly choke. What? Woahh, I definitely wasn't expecting that. Natalie scoffs "Have a nice time fucking, see ya Nazz. Call me when you dump her ass." She says rolling the gum in her mouth with tongue and turns around to leave. Nazz and I both look at each other and burst into laughter when she's out of view. "Lets go so I can fuck you?" I ask when the laughter dies down "Yeah...come to think of it, it's not a bad idea, don't you think?" He says and I shake my head at him. I laugh and walk away, not replying. He stops walking "Hey! You didnt answer" he shouts throwing his muscular arms in the air dramatically. I laugh "Pervert" I mutter and he finally starts walking again. We walk to his car and he unlocks it. I slide in, this car is like paradise, he slides in beside me "What about your car?" He asks "it's at the mechanic,it just wouldn't start, I don't know why" I say and shrug "Oh" he simply says and revvs the engine before swiftly driving away from my school to the park.
We get to the park and we walk to the entrance of the woods. I see an adult only sign,a sign I never noticed. We walk further down getting to the danger zone sign, I don't wait to be told before I walk pass it. He smiles at me. We get to the familiar cliff and he jumps down. I jump down almost immediately and land on my feet. I smile like I just accomplished the impossible and he chuckles at me,shaking his head at my childish behaviour. We walk to the spot where we sat yesterday, I can tell because we were facing a huge tree directly, we're in front of that tree right now.We sit down and remain silent, looking at the beautiful view, I will never ever stop thinking this place is beautiful, no matter how many times I come here. I inhale, smiling as the cold wind blows against my "The air here is so fresh, so pure" I say and look at Nazz. He's looking intensely at me and I have a strong feeling he's been looking at me all the while we've been here. He inhales too "Yeah, it is. You can never have this kind of air in the city" he says and we both smile. "Hey, we should swim, the weather is perfect for swimming" he says, his eyes lighting up. I shake my head instantly "Noo...I can't and it's cold, the weather is so not perfect" I say and laugh, he has to be joking. "Noo, it is. Come on, it'll be fun" he says standing up. "Nazz, I can't, what would I wear? I don't have a swimming trunk?" I say confused how does he expect us to swim? "Who cares? Swim in your underwear" he says, rolling his eyes like it doesn't matter and I gasp dramatically. "Okay, okay. I'll give you my shirt to cover yourself, you can remove your underwear or whatever, we're swimming either way. It's either you wear my shirt or I throw you in with your clothes on." He says and shrugs smiling evily, "You wouldn't dare" I say and fold my arms over my chest. "Trust me, I will" he says narrowing his eyes. He takes a step closer and I don't buldge, he steps closer again, then takes another taunting step foward, "Fine, fine! Okay, okay! I'll swim, Devil" I say and we both laugh "What will you wear afterwards though?" I ask and stand up "I have a jacket." He says and shrugs, he takes off the jacket and throws it on the floor, I try as much as possible not to pick it up and fold it properly. He begins to fumble with his shirt "What are you doing?" I ask. He looks at me, raising one eyebrow "Taking off my shirt? What, are you afraid to see me without a shirt?" He says smirking dirtyly. My heart leaps at the thought of seeing him without a shirt "What? No..that's bullshit" I say and scoff, rolling my eyes. He takes off his shirt and my mouth drops, I mean I know he was toned but this is...this is marvellous. He takes off his trousers too and i just stand there staring...Nazz, Nazz is standing right here in front of me without a shirt or trousers, I've imagined this over and over again but seeing it now is more than everything I've dreamed of. "I'm done, your turn" he says pulling me out of trance. "Well, turn around" I say and he sighs "And don't peak!" I shout and he groans. I begin to take off my top, watching him every step of the way. I fold my shirt nearly on the floor and begin to take off my trousers too. "Are you done?" He says and tries to turn around. I scream. "Don't you dare turn around" I shout too dramatically and he laughs, shaking his head at my stupidity. I take off my trousers and put the shirt on fast, like someone is watching me. The shirt is covering up to half of my tighs and I'm satisfied. He's so tall, I wonder what'll It will be like if I wear his trousers. "Done" I say, tugging at the shirt. "Finally" he says turning around, his mouth hangs wide open when he sees me and I smile shyly. Folding my arms over my chest, I hope it's not too obvious I'm not wearing a bra I think even though I know it is. It'll be worse when I enter the water, shit, why didn't I think of that? " wear it better than I do" he says and I smile, blushing. "Lets go" he says taking my hand in his and walking to a sloppy ground that levels with the water. He slowly gets into the water and I shiver, wondering how cold it will be. "Come on" he says swriling in the water and smiling. I slowly get into the water and my shirt flies up immediately. I scream tugging it down but it flies up again, exposing my underwear and half of my stomatch. He laughs mockingly at me and I splash him with water. "Its not funny" I whine and give up on pulling the shirt down. He laughs more and i splash him again, he splashed the water back at me and we begin a splashing competition lauging and giggling like children. I splash him very hard the last time and Nazz suddenly dissapears. "Haha, very funny Nazz" I say when he doesn't show after a while. I wait for some more time and he still doesn't come up "Nazz? Seriously stop" i say and begin to panic "Nazz!" I shout and he still doesn't show up. I start swimming around, searching for him then I feel someone grab me from under and pull me down into the water. "Nazz!" I shout seeing him laughing at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I almost had a heart attack!" I scream and he keeps laughing. I climb his back and try to push him under water as much as I can but he doenst buldge, how can he be so strong. He slams me into the water playfully and i decide to do what he did to me. "Ahhh, my leg!" I scream shutting my eyes like I'm in pain. "Oh, oh my God, Bianca, I'm sorry" he says with worry all over his face. I resist the urge to laugh. "Ahhh!" I shout again and he tries to carry me. I use the opportunity to push his big head under the water finally succeeding, he so wasn't expecting it. I burst into laughter "Nice one" he says and joins me in laughter. I love how playful we both can be. I climb his back, aware that my exposed tighs are around him and that my breast is also pressed to his back but I don't care. "Take me on a ride Nazz" I whisper in his ear and i feel him shiver, I'm glad I can make him feel this way. "So now I'm a horse?" He says smirking and begins to swim around in the lake with me screaming and like a little child.
We play some more in the water until we both get tired. The sun is setting already and i have to get home soon "We should get going" he says, reading my mind and i nod in agreement. He helps me out of the water and we both smile at each other. "Did you have fun?" He asks "it was amazing" I say beaming like a fool. "Your shirt is pretty wet" I say, stating the obvious "I can see that" he replied and laughs at me. We both look at each other for a long while, smiling at each other stupidly. I turn around and pick up my shirt. "We should probably wait until the water on our body dries up a bit, that our dry clothes won't get wet." He says stretching. "Oh, right" I say and drop the shirt back on the floor. I begin to squeeze my hair and he stands, looking at me. "Let me help" he says and walks behind me. His body is just a few inches away from mine and a shiver runs down my spine with pleasure of the closeness. He begins to squeeze my hair gently and I stand quietly, loving the way his hands feel around my hair. He stops suddenly "Fuck this" he mutters and turns me around, crashing his lips into mine. I am shocked so shocked but I kiss him back, this is all I ever dreamed of and its coming to pass. Oh my God!!! Nazz is missing me, this is real, it has to be real! I scream in my head. We both pull away and smile at each other and he presses his forehead on mine "I'm falling for you Bianca, and i can't control it" he says and my heart almost leaps out of my chest in joy. "I've already fallen for you" I reply and kiss him again. His hands to my waist and I shiver because of the wetness of the cloth. Our tongues move in sync and his hand slowly moves downward, I moan. Damn, he sure knows how to work it my mind says and giggles. I slowly wrap my legs around him and he slowly sits on the grass so that I'm sitting on him, woah this is intense. I break our kiss, panting and smiling so hard. The wind slaps my face and my hair flies around in the wind. He helps me tuck my hair behind my ear, his hands resting on my lip. I trail my hand over the tattoos on his chest, admiring them. "You're so beautiful" he says and I blush "You too...I mean youre handsome, you know what i mean" i say fast and he laughs at me "Yeah, I do. We should get dressed so we can leave" he says looking at the sky, the sun has set already. "Yeah" I say and nod slowly standing up. He puts on his trouser and his jacket, not bothering to wear a shirt, damn he's H-O-T. He turns around for me to get dressed and i quickly out on my clothes, great now where would I keep my underwear? I stuff it into a side pocket in my bag. I tug my shirt down feeling very uncomfortable without my pant on. "Lets go" I say a pack my hair up. He turns around and takes my hand in his as we walk back.
We walk to his car and there are still so many people in the park which is unusual. Some girls stare at Nazz but I'm surprisingly calm, maybe it's because I finally know his feelings about me, I'm sure now. He's mine, he didnt ask me out but I just know he doesn't have to, it's already official. He drives talking and laughing, it's funny how all my dreams are coming true in one day. He approaches Fred's mechanic shop and my heart slowly sinks knowing this is where we'll have to part. He parks his car and we both get down and approach the entrace of the shop. Fred walks out "Heyy, Nazz! My man" The beared man says shaking Nazz and patting his shoulder "You two know each other?" I ask surprised at thier warm greeting "Yeah! He fixes my car too." Nazz says smiling "Oh that's good" I say smiling "Bianca! Mademoiselle" he says, his Spanish accent painting his words. He hugs me and kisses both my cheeks the way he does every time we meet. I laugh. "Is my car ready?" I ask "Of course it iz, t'was just and mainor problem" he says and point at the car. "Oh, thank you Fred" I say, smiling appreciatively at him. "You're velcome" he says and winks walking inside "See you Nazz!" He says again before disappearing. Nazz and I both look at each other "So...see you tomorrow?" I say hoping so much we'll be able to meet tomorrow "Oh, sorry B. I'll be busy, but ill call you though" he says and I sigh in defeat. "Okay, bye" I say and force a smile. "Bye" he says and kisses my forehead, before walking to his car. We wave at each other again then I watch him speed off, I stand there looking, until his car is no longer visible. I sigh again and climb into my car. I start it and it roars to life. I sigh again, missing Nazz already then I slowly pull out of the driveway and drive home, thinking about everything that happened today and smiling widely.
Hey hey people! I hope you liked this chapter!!! It gets even hotter in the next one, I hope you're also enjoying the music and stuff.
Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! Your comments will mean so much to me. Thanks loves! See ya later, I'll be updating soon.

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