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Maggie Lindemann- Knocking On Your Heart
Alicia keys ft Maxwell-Fire we make
Arianna Grande- Let me love you
" So where are we going?" I ask when Nazz takes an a second turn, we're in the outskirts of town now and we've been driving for almost two hours. Two hours of not knowing where we're going and I'm almost going mad with curiosity, it's driving me insane. I keep asking him where were going but he doesn't want to tell me. "Where are we going?" I ask when he takes another turn, he has taken so many turns I'm getting dizzy. He chuckles "Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you" he states and I sigh "I know you're not kidnapping me, I asked where we're going." I ask through gritted teeth. I will go carzy soon if he doesn't tell me where we're going. "You'll find out...soon" he says and i want to kick him, so hard his bone will break. I want to ask again after 5 minutes but I keep my mouth shut, I have to be patient. I hate not knowing where I'm going, I hate surprises. What if we're going somewhere that's super fancy and sophisticated,although he doesn't seem like the type, I'm not dressed for something like that. My mind goes crazy with different thoughts and I close my eyes to calm myself. I need to think straight. I force myself to look out the window but I can't help but notice the way his muscles flex as he drives and turns the steering wheel around with so much ease, his eyes are focused on the road so intensely and i begin to wonder if his eyes hurt occasionally from looking at things so intensely. He looks so freaking sexy with his damned messed up hair. His hair is always messed up, since the day i met him. He doesn't comb it, I don't even think he owns a comb.
"We're here" he says and turns into a corner filled with bushes, I'm confused, all I see is bush on both sides of the road. He drives further down the road and slows down the car, a beautiful restuarant comes to view and i gasp at the beauty. I had no idea a this place even existed, how does he even know it, because it's in the middle of nowhere, literarily. He stops and park's a little distance away from the entrance and looks at me finally taking his eyes off the road. "It's called Sybaris Bristo, now you know where we are." He says and smiles. I smile back, feeling stupid for asking him the same question over and over. He gets down from the car and opens my door for me. "Thank you" I say and smile warmly at him. He locks the car and we both walk into the restaurant. It's more than beautiful inside and it speaks money. I wonder how much one plate costs, how can he afford a place like this? The restuarant is lit dimly with just little light enaminating from little lamps on the ceilings and tables. The glass walls giving view to the beautiful trees surrounding the restaurant. "Come on" he says and leads me to a table close to the glass windows. I smile, this is just beautiful, maybe I should've just worn my other dress, but this isn't too bad either. He pulls out my chair for me to sit and I smile appreciatively at him and whisper a thank you before sitting down. He is everything you could want in a guy. He sits opposite me and music starts playing in the background. I smile, I'm really impressed with this place "You like it?" He asks, drawing me out of my thoughts "It's beautiful, I love it. I never knew a place like this existed." I say looking around at the marvellous building. "I used to come here,before" he says slowly. I can tell he finds it difficult to talk about himself, he never does. "Oh really, that's wonderful." I say and smile. "Yeah." He replies cooly. He is about to say something again but a young waitress cuts in, I sigh. It looked like he was about to tell me something about himself, a chance I might never get again. "What's your order please?" She says, she has a thick British accent you can barely hear a word she says. I pick up the menu, most the dishes stated here are things I've never heard of in my life, what the hell is a zillion dollar lobster frittata? I don't even like lobsters anyway so I just pick something that sounds more familiar I choose a white truffle and gold pizza? Is the pizza wrapped in gold or something? Things here are way too fancy for me to handle "I'll have a white truffle and gold pizza" I say, it had better be nice. The waitress writes down my order on a small notebook she's holding "What about you sir?" She asks turning her attention to Nazz. "I'll have whatever the lady wants" he says and smiles at her politely. The waitress nods and flashes us a small smile before walking away. "You were about to say something?" I say when we're alone and free from any stupid interruptions "Yeah...never mind" he says and my heart sinks. I knew he would end up not telling me again "You're in your final year yeah?" He asks "Yeah..I'll be graduating next month" I say and smile, thinking about my graduation, I cannot wait. "That's good, how old are you?" He asks again "I'm 19." I say and rub my shoulders unconsciously "Oh?" He says and I know he's wondering why I'm nighteen and still in high school "I umm.. kinda missed one whole semester after my mom died." I say slowly, I hate talking about my mom, it reminds me about the pain I go through everyday "Oh, I'm sorry about your mom." He says and I smile and nod at him "What about you? How old are you?" I ask and he chuckles "I am..." He says and stops to think, doesn't he know his age? "I'm 21" he says finally and I can tell he's holding something back. Maybe he's lying, why would he lie about his age though? I brush my feelings aside, I'm just being absurd. " why did you move here if you're not here for school?" I ask again, hoping he will answer. He smiles "Let's not talk about me." He says "Hey! That's not fair, I answered all your questions" I say and pout like a baby, why is he so secretive? He's so mysterious and it baffles me "Doesn't mean I have to answer yours" he states cockily and smirks. Damn, I want to fucking kiss him. "You're an asshole" I say and laugh "If ass-hole means handsome, clever, sexy and god, then yes I am very big ass-hole" he says and chuckles I roll my eyes and laugh "Nazzareth, you're a very cocky little boy, who would 've thought" I tease and laugh more at the face he makes "Don't call me that, and I'm not little" he whines like a baby then shakes his head when he realises how much he sounds like a baby, we both burst into laughter. It's funny how we get along when we've only known each other for 3 days, even though I still know so little about him.
They serve our food after awhile and Nazz asks the waiter that serves the food for wine. They bring the wine we both start eating the pizza, it's not gold pleated but its soo good, I'm glad I chose it. He pours my wine for me and I smile thankfully at him and sip the red juice. It's marvellous, "This is really good, what brand of wine is this?" I ask taking another sip of the wine. Damn, it's good. "Its Romanne Conti 1945" he says and smiles. I nearly drop my cup "What? That's more than 100 000 dollars" I say amost choking on my wine. Where the hell does he get his money from "It's worth it, as long as I'm spending the money on you" he says, his words sends shivers down my spine. I smile "That's sweet. But shoul" I begin to say but he cuts in " Relax Bianca, you're worth every dollar I spend" he says and smiles, I keep quiet, I still don't feel comfortable that he's spending this much on this outing. But that doesn't stop me from gulping down the sweet wine. He pours another for me and I smile. I need it, I need to get a bit light headed and stop worrrying too much. He pours some wine for himself too "To our new friendship"he says and I feel a pinch of pain from his word friendship. I brush the feeling away and smile before with both hit our glasses together and pour the red wine down our throats. We both look at each other and laugh for no particular reason, the wine must be getting to us.
We leave around 6 and i end up getting to April's house around 8. "Today was wonderful"I say smile, causing my head to ache more, I drank too much wine. "Yeah, i hope we can meet again soon" he says and my stomatch flutters "Me too. Well, I'll be going to school, but I'm sure we can still meet" I say and he nods. "Good, I'll call you or something. I'll get your number from April" he replies "Okay, bye Nazzareth" I say and he laughs, we both look at each other for awhile, and I think he's going to kiss me but he doesn't "Bye." He says instead and gets down from the car. We both wave at each other before I drive off, feeling empty. I always feel empty when he's not with me. I suddenly remember April and feel guilty for not calling her since. I have to tell her about today, she'll scream and throw insults at her cousin, and then we'll both giggle like children. I smile,and decide to dial her number as soon as i get home.
I get home 10 minutes later and my father isn't back. I sigh in relief, I really don't know if I can handle his madness this night. I go to my room and jump on my bed, not bothering to take off my shoes, I get my phone from my bag and dial April's number she picks on the first ring and I smile, and start telling her every detail of today.

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