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"What?" I say, turning around to face him. He isn't smiling, so I know he's not joking.

"Let's run away, together. All of us, me, you, April and Tork. It'd be perfect." He says.

I blink repeatedly, and i want to put my finger in my ear and rub it vigorously to make sure I'm hearing him right but I don't, I just stare at him. The sleep totally cleared from my ears.

"Well, where would we go?" I ask, adjusting myself on the bed.

He shrugs, barely, because I'm lying on his arms.

"Anywhere, we can go to France?" He says and I laugh.

"France? Why France?" I ask, smiling at him as he exhales.

"I've always wanted to go to France. Out of all the countries I've been to, France is the only place I haven't been to."  He says sitting up in the bed. I sigh, knowing that this conversation is going to be longer than I thought. I sit up beside him.

"So you're telling me you've been everywhere in the world, except France?" I ask shocked.

"No, Im just telling you I've been to a lot of countries and France isn't one of them" he says, scratching his hair.

"Doing what?" I ask wondering why he's suddenly being so open about his life. He never is, not willingly at least, up till now I still know so little about him, but I love him all the same.

"Work, missions" he says and cocks his head to the left."

"Missions? Okay, now I'm getting confused" I say knotting my eyebrows and he chuckles.

"Why are you suddenly telling me about you?" I ask, moving closer to him on the bed.

He shrugges, that nonchalant shrug he and April have in common.

"I feel like, if we run away, it can be like this everyday, sleeping with you in my arms, taking baths together, eating breakfast together. We'll do everything together. And we wont get lonely cause we'll have April and Tork with us. You said it this evening, we're everything to you, so come with us." He says and smiles, running my cheek.

"Run away with me" he repeats and stiffles when he hears the front door open. I hear it too and feel the air around me stiffle too. Nazz tenses, his eyebrows furrowed, I had often teased him about how cute he looks when he is angry, but this isn't cute now, he looks capable of murder.

We hear feet drag itself lazily up the stairs and I can tell my father his drunk, not like I'm surprised. I pull on Nazz's hand.

"Hey, I locked the door, forget him" I say, hoping to soothe the frown on his face but I don't.

I hear my dad's footsteps stop right in front of my door and the rate of my heartbeat multiplies by 100.  I begin to pray that he just turns around and goes to his room without yelling anything stupid so that Nazz doesnt lose it completely because I can tell he's on the virge.

"Bianca" My father shouts, pulling like an animal at the door handle.

"You bitch, open this door!" He yells and bangs heavily on the door and Nazz springs up from the bed. I run after him and get to him just before he's about to open the door and beat my father to death.

"Nazz please!" I beg, whispering. He looks back at me, and i hold unto his shirt.

"Please dont do this" I say, feeling tears well up in my eyes from fear of what my happen.

"Please" I whisper, clinging to his shirt like my life depends on it.  I hear my fathers retreating footsteps and use the opportunity to step in front of Nazz.

"Please" I say, feeling a tear drop from my eyes and roll down my cheek. I hug him tight and I feel his muscles relax a bit.

"I'm sorry"  He says dropping to the floor and running his hand through his hair.

I drop beside him and bury my head in his chest,feeling the after effects for holding my breathe for so long.

"I'm sorry I scared you" he says, and I shake my head.

"You didn't scare me" I say, looking up at him, but still feeling out of breathe.

"I did, I could see it in your eyes" he says, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair again.

"No, I wasn't scared of you, I was scared of what your anger might make you do."  I say, smiling at him, I can never be scared of Nazz, because I know he will never hurt me.

"I would never hurt you. You know that right?" He says, sounding hungry. Like his life depends on my answer.

"I know, I know you will never hurt me."I say feeling more tears drop from my eyes, I'm not sure why I'm crying, but the tears are dropping anyway in a continuous stream.

"I love you so much, Bianca, I love you" he says, hugging me so tight and I bury my head in his chest again, feeling safe.

"I love you too" I whisper back, feeling my eyes get heavy.

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