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The sun streams in through the window and I slowly open my eyes, then shut them back because the glare of the sun is too much.

I sigh, with my eyes still closed then sit up on the bed, forcing my eyes open finally.

"Nazz?" Noticing he's not on the bed.
I stand up, the memories from last night rushing into my head.

I sigh, my father could've died yesterday, or something terrible could've happened to Nazz. Either nothing happened and I am beyond glad.

"Nazz?" I say louder, poking my head into the bathroom but he isn't there.

I turn around and sigh again, looking around my room.

Why did he leave? I think as I go to the window to pull down my curtain. He should've at least told me before he left.

Running my hands through my hair, I  walk back to my bed and sit down, picking up my phone on the bedside table to call him.

I dial his number and it doesn't go through. I dial it a second time and it still doesn't go through.

Where did he go?

My phone beeps as a message from April comes in. I tap on the message to read it.

   Can't wait to buy our grad dresses😆
I have so many options to try, although it's all fuzzy in my head cause I'm still a bit hungover but I'll be fine before we reach the mall.
Don't be late!❤

I smile as I finish reading the message then lock my phone, dropping it back on the bed.

My mind wanders off to Nazz's words yesterday, as i run my bath water, how serious he was about running away.

"We'll do everything together" his words resound in my mind. I shiver as I enter the cold bathtub the relax as my body submerges in the steaming hot water.

I love him more now, more than ever, everything that's happened has made me realise how deeply in love I am with Nazz, how entangled I am. And its scary to love someone this much.

I love the idea of running away, of just leaving everything behind but still, the thought of leaving everything behind doesn't just sit well with me.

I have dreams, dreams that I've carefully planned, I have thing's I want to accomplish and running away won't let me accomplish them.

Since when I was little I've always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, having my own law firm, wearing suits and looking smart, protecting the interest of the minority- people who can't fight for themselves. The abuse from my father only made me want to accomplish that dream even more. And throwing away my dream won't be easy, for me.

I run my hand through my hair, loving the feeling of the hot water on my scalp. Again, where is Nazz? I think.

I put on a grey sweat shirt and my regular blue Jeans, the one April has threatened countless times to throw away.

After dressing up, I walk to my door and sigh as I slowly unlock the door. Since the door is still locked how did Nazz leave? Through the window?

I walk down the stairs and hear noises in the kitchen, I know its my father because of how clumsy and uncoordinated the sounds are and I don't bother going there to greet him, considering what happened the last time I greeted him.

He was gone for a good while to God knows where and I had peace of mind. Now he's back and I can't even breathe without thinking twice. Why did he have to come back? Where did he go? To be honest I don't really care, he had better go back soon.

"Not going to greet your daddy?" I hear him say and I turn around, startled and scared.

I don't reply him, I just stare at his clean hairless chin that was covered in streaks of black and white hair a few weeks ago. Anybody who saw him now will say oh, who's this nice looking gentleman? They wouldn't know he's a monster.

I keep my gaze on his shaved chin, unable to form a proper word in my mouth.

"What's wrong? Did someone cut off your tongue? Speak!" He shouts and I jump, holding back a whimper I open my mouth to greet him but he cuts me off.

"You're going to be graduating on Monday and you didn't think to tell your father?" He asks. Wiping his hands with the napkin he's holding.

"You haven't been home" I say, knowing this time if I don't speak he'll do something.

"I haven't been home because I've been working my ass off to make life better for us, even though your ungrateful ass don't deserve it. I been gone for weeks and your stupid ass didn't think of greeting me before running off to where ever you're going." He says and steps forward, I step backward.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were back" I lie, taking another step back.

"Where are you running off to Bianca?" He says. My name rolling off his lips like something that hurts him to say.

"I'm going to get something to wear, for my graduation" I say, my heart racing.

"With my money? Huh?" He says coming closer and I gulp, so loud I'm sure he heard it.

"Please" I beg feeling tears fill my ears as my back hits the door.

"Please?" He says and stops walking. He stares at me for a long time, then let's out and evil, heart wrenching laugh.

He laughs for a good while while I stare at him with horror. This man is mad, he really is.

"Please, get out of my life! You, you made me miserable! So please, get out of my life, run off to university and never come back. Nothing else will make me happier!" He says and laughs again. Its sickening.

"Buy as many dresses as you want, as long as it means I won't be seeing you anymore." He spits with hatred.

"Get out!" he shouts and I turn around, open the door and run outside to my car. I sigh in relief when I enter my car.

I touch my cheeks and I realise I'm not crying like I should, like I would've before. Because he's words don't mean anything to me anymore, he's dead to me.

I drive to the mall and walk to the shop April said we should meet at. I see her ransacking some clothes and clear my throat so she'll notice me.

She looks up at me and smiles, "You're late as usual" she says then rolls her eyes.

"Traffic" I say looking at her left hand that is over stacked with clothes, they're almost falling off.

"Yeah sure. Anyway, it gave me good time, to select some clothes I think will be perfect on you" she chippers, smiling widely as she pushes me towards the dressing room.

"Here, try this one on first" she says giving me a sky blue dress to try own.

I groan, knowing this will take a while.

"Groan all you want you're still trying ever single one of this dresses until we find the right one, this is grad we're talking about"  she says, grinning widely as she shuts the curtain.

I take off my jeans and top and put on the stupid dress, all the while thinking about if I should tell her about what Nazz said earlier.

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