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Zayn-It's you(I love him so fucking much)
The weekend-I feel it coming
Years and years- Memo
This Chapter is really hot..*giggles*
         It's been two weeks since Nazz and I went to the restuarant and we've been meeting from time to time, the last time we talked was on Thrusday and I'm worried about him, he hasn't been calling like he used to and hasn't been at April's house, I would check his house but I still don't know where it is. I make it a note to self to find out where his house is. "Hey lovergirl" April shouts unexpectedly from behind me, startling me and making me scream"April! You need to stop sneaking  up on me" I shout and shake my head at her, rolling my eyes as she laughs "I didn't sneak up on you, youre just too jumpy" she says, walking beside me. "How was class?" I ask "It was good, God, I can't wait to graduate already!Feels like I've been in school forever" she says "I know, I can't wait either" I reply and we both sigh. The day i graduate will be the best day of my life. "Who's gonna be your prom date?" I ask and she gives me a flat face, if course it will be Tork. She can't live without him, it's funny how Tork and Nazz have both graduated and have not gone to University, I wonder what's stopping them? I know it's not money because they seem to have more than enough, especially Nazz. Tork pulls up in front of the school and a wide smile finds it's way to April's lips. "Hey Bianca, looking good" Tork says from inside his car. I smile "Hey Tork, you too!" I chipper back waving at him "Bye babe, see you tomorrow" April's says and hugs me "Bye" I reply and watch her run into Tork's car. They kiss for minutes before Tork finally drives off. I roll my eyes at they're display of love in any place.
       I walk to my car and drive home. My dad came back home this week, he didnt say anything, but from the looks of it, he travelled. I slowly drive, taking my time and my mind slowly wanders off to Nazz where on earth has he been? I miss him coming to my house around 6 and leaving by eight after we've watched a movie and laughed and laughed. He still won't talk about himself yet he asks me questions about myslef and i answer every single one of them, I don't understand him. My like for him is spiralling out of control and i don't even understand myself anymore it's like I'm no longer in control of myself when I'm with him and I can't even tell if he feels the same way, it feels like he does but I just want to be sure, I want to be certain, I want him to say it. It's driving me crazy, this uncertainty, being stuck in the middle. I slowly pull into my driveway and park the car, my dad won't be back till after 7 or 8. I run inside and take a shower, exhausted from school I decide to take a nap and go for a run later, two hours sleep should be enough. I set my alarm for 6 before climbing into bed and falling asleep.
      The buzzing sound of the alarm wakes me up and i reluctantly sit up in bed, scratching my eyes. I really don't want to go for a run but I need it, it has been so long and I need exercise. I yawn lazily and slowly get out of bed, stretching, forcing my body to wake up and he alert. I wash my face and change into my sport shorts and sports bra. I pack my hair into a messy bun and plug in my earphones playing earned it by the weekend as I run down the stairs and leave the house, locking the door behind me. I pause in front of my house, trying to decide which way to go, either towards the park or the other way. Something urges me to go towards the park so I follow the feeling and start jogging towards the park.
     I keep jogging, not stopping and eventually end up going into the woods lined behind the park. I stop to rest panting slowly and wiping the sweat off my forehead. I look around at the thick trees I'm so used to. I know this place from inside out  because I used to come here to play when I was little. I go further down the familiar woods and slow down, seeing a figure leaning on a tree with a cigarett in his mouth, something instantly tells me it's Nazz, even from afar, Nazz smokes? I slowly walk toward the figure, not sure if it's Nazz. "Nazz?" I say and he looks up, removing the cigarette from his mouth. He's wearing a beanie and a sleeveless black shirt, exposing all his tattoos, they're so many. "Hey B" he says and smiles his signature crooked smile with his perfect lips, lips I dream about kissing everyday. "I didn't know you smoke" I say and fold my arms, trying as much as possible not to run and hug and kiss him and tell how much I missed his fucking perfect face. He chuckles "Well now you know, I smoke on occasion" he says and shrugs, the same way April does nonchalantly. "It kills" I state and shake my head. "I can't die, it's good to know you care though, You look good by the way" he says sizing me and walking towards me, my legs shake with excitement. "Where have you been?" I ask and start walking, he follows beside me.He doesn't answer me, instead he takes a puff out of the cigaratte, he makes smoking look so good, although I hate it."What are you doing in the woods alone?" He asks, he can ask questions but can't answer mine? "I'm jogging, isn't that obvious" I snap, his not answering my question putting me on edge. "Woaahh, someone's in a bad mood." He says and chuckles again. "D'you want to see something?" He asks "I asked you where you've been?" I ask again. He can't keep brushing off my questions. He smiles at me and looks at me for a while, I keep and flat face on, showing him how much I want him to answer the question. "I was doing...stuff" he says and shrugs. I sigh, he can never give a direct answer, there's no point trying. He takes another puff out of the cigaratte. I cringe my nose at it "What did you want me to see?" I ask, ignoring the itch in me to grab  the damned cigaratte and throw it on the floor. "Something" he says and runs his hand through his messy hair. "Please dump the cigarette" I say and point at it. "Why?" He says and smirks taking another puff to piss me off, "Because it's not good for you" I say and motion to throw it on the floor. "I already told you I can't die, it can't harm me" he says and smirks taunting me. "Nazzz" I whine and he laughs finally giving in and throwing the cigaratte on the floor, smashing it with his boot. I smile in satisfaction. "Come on" he says taking my hand in his, dragging me further down the woods. We reach a danger sign that I have never crossed in my life and I stop Nazz from dragging me past the sign. "Come on, trust me" he says and i sigh, letting him pull me, he seems so excited and i wonder how being in an area tagged dangerous can make him so happy. I just hope there are no mines or something. We get to a small cliff and he smiles, I look at him, horrified. "Nuh-uh. No way" I say step back. "Come on, you have to trust me" he says and i shake my head "Are you insane? That's looks like a pretty deep steep" I say and shudder. He laughs, amused by my fear "Do you think I'll bring you here if there's nothing there? Come on, B" he says, since when does he call me B? Only my mother used to call me that. He streches his hand out for me to take. "Come on" he says and smiles, assuring me. I sigh and take his hand. He walks to the edge of the steep and jumps down, I scream, terrified. "Come on Bianca" he says from nowhere "I can't" I say "Yes you can, I'm here, okay?" He says. I gulp and close my eyes, feeling myself jump down. I feel him catch me and I open my eyes. It's not even up to a feet high.  Now I feel stupid for being so scared. I am aware of his arms around my waist and i feel the redness creep up my face as his breath fans my face. He puts me down gently and i clear my throat. Dusting my body even though there is no dirt on it. "Behold" he says pointing at the beautiful view in front of me. There are beautiful trees with beautiful flowers and green grasses surrounding and small lake. It's so beautiful under the sunset. "Oh my God Nazz, this is beautiful" I say and look around at the beautiful view. "Come on." He says and we both walk to a more levelled ground and sit on the beautiful flowers.

"I used to come here when I was little, I and my mom" he says after a while and smiles smally, its the first time he's ever mentioned his mum and I'm shocked

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"I used to come here when I was little, I and my mom" he says after a while and smiles smally, its the first time he's ever mentioned his mum and I'm shocked. I smile "I never knew you used to live here, in this town" I say, I didn't. "Is she still...around?" I ask slowly hoping he will reply. His expression changes into a cold glare, at no one in particular "No. She was murdered." He states coldly and my mouth hangs wide open for awhile. "I'm so sorry" I say and he scoffs "Yeah, well you didn't know her so don't tell me you're sorry" he states coldly and I'm shocked. I sigh, understanding his pain. "Look Nazz, my mum is dead too..She wasn't murdered but she died in a horrible way. Its okay, I understand if you don't like talking about it, but you'll always feel better when you talk about it, trust me." I say and smile at him,hoping he will come back to being himself. He doesn't smile back and i feel sad for ruining our perfect moment with my question. We sit quietly for minutes and all the while I keep mentally slapping myself for asking. I should have just kept quiet, now he wouldn't be so cold and withdrawn. "We should get going" he says and stands up. "Nazz..I'm sorry for asking. I wouldnt have asked if I knew it affected you so much." I say and stand up too. "Yeah, well maybe you should learn to keep your big mouth shut and stop being such a fucking pry" he shouts and my heart shatters. "Shit!" He shouts again and runs his hand through his hair. I stand, frozen with shock from his words. How can he say that? I know I ask a lot of questions but I apologized. He walks to the edge of the steep and streches his hand out for me. "Come on" he says and i slowly walk towards him, this it not the Nazz I know, I would've never ever expected this from him. He pulls me up the small cliff and let's me go as soon as I touch the ground. He starts walking and i follow quietly behind him. This I so unlike him, and i don't know how to handle this side of him. We walk back into the place I'm familiar with and back to the pack it's deserted and empty, it's already past 7. I hear him sigh and I turn around "Look, Bianca I'm sorry but I just don't know how to deal with some things." He says calmer but his voice stills has an icy tone to it. Its obvious he doesn't mean it. "Its okay" I say a nod. "Yeah, see you whenever" he says and walks away before I can reply. I stand there for minutes trying to understand what just happened this past few minutes. His sudden change of mood came to me as a shock and i never expected him to react or to handle the situation the way he did. I certainly didn't expect him to say the things he did just because of that. I walk back home slowly, still trying to comprehend the days happenings.

 I walk back home slowly, still trying to comprehend the days happenings

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