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It's been another month since Nazz and I met, which means it's we've been dating for a month. My mind goes back to when I first told April about it, of course she wasn't happy about it, and she definitely gave him a hard time for everything that he did but she has gotten used to it now, she had to.

I look at myself one more time in the mirror, then look at April standing behind me with a satisfied smile on her face.

"I really should start collecting money for dressing you up Bianca" She says and we both laugh, she should, because I can nearly recognise myself, she has completely transformed me, I feel more beautiful and more confident than ever.

"Are you sure we aren't overdressed?" I ask, giving way for her to look at herself in the mirror too.

She sighs, "Bianca, for the 100th time, we are not overdressed" she says stretching the words.

"And even if we are, there's nothing bad about it, at least they'll know that we mean business, that we aren't there to play" she says and clicks her tongue, winking.

I smile, pushing my hair to the side. The dress I'm wearing is obviously one of April's because I do not own a dress of this kind in my wardrobe and im sure people know that. I smile and my reflection, and look at my legs.

The dress stops at the middle of my tighs and I feel uncomfortable but good in it at the same time. I feel uncomfortable because it will obviously attract unwanted attention, but I feel good at the same time because I'm going to get attention, something I've never really gotten, I've always been the kind of person that nobody knows, and in truth I like it that way, being unknown, unseen, nobody knows anything about me and I don't know anything about anyone, that way I could go around without anyone really noticing the fresh bruises and injuries on my face and it made my life liveable. But now, I want to know what it's like to be seen, to be heard, to be noticed.

I turn around, looking at my exposed back. The dress is alter neck and exposes almost all of my back, but it's a good thing I have a good skin. The front of the dress is totally covered, and not exposing anything really so the only thing im exposing is my back and legs but I still look unbelievably sexy, maybe it's because of how the dress clings to my body like it's another skin.

April's dress is almost the same as none except it has a V back line, exposing a little bit of cleavage. Her hair is packed into a high bun.

"We should get going April" I say and pick up the small purse I had chosen to carry along.

"Hey, you had enough time to admire yourself, let me have mine" she says but picks up her bag anyway.

"Let's go downstairs" she says pulling on the gem of her dress. I nod, watching as she walks out of the room. I glance at my unbelievable self again before gently walking down the stairs, I've still not gotten used to wearing heels and I don't think I ever will.

I go to the kitchen to drink some water and before I can even bring out the bottle from the fridge I hear the sound of Nazz's horn.

"Bianca, they're here" April says from the sitting room.

"I know!" I shout back, feeling nervousness spread through me. I've never dressed this way in front of Nazz, and I don't know what his reaction would be like. What if he doenst like it when I show you much skin, or he thinks In overdressed?

"Bianca?" April says poking her head into the kitchen.

"Aww, don't tell me you're nervous" April says walking towards me. The horn sounds again making me more conscious.

"It's gonna be fine Bianca, you look great, you're not overdressed, neither are you under dressed. The good thing about this double date is that I'll be there with you the whole time. Okay?" She says smiling and running my hands.

I nod as a reply. The car horns again and April rolls her eyes. "Gosh, Nazz is one impatient animal" she says as we walk out of the house. I make sure all the lights are off before stepping out of the house. The car is parked right in front of the house, with its red paint glistering in the moonlight. I sigh as we walk towards it.

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