16 2 0

Songs for this chapter :
Adele-one and only
Arianna Grande-Dangerous Woman
I wake up the next morning feeling shocked that I had a peaceful uninterrupted sleep. I stand up from bed and check my phone to see If I have any missed calls or messages. I have 5 voice mails all from April and laugh and roll my eyes as i click on the first, knowing it will be stupid. "Bianca! Oh my God! How was it! I'm sure your head was spinning with joy when he offered to take you. Ahhh!" She screams at the end making me laugh more, she's such a joke . I click on the next one "You haven't called? Are you having that much fun you've forgotten your bestfriend? Oh my God! You have to talk me evverryythinggg." She says and I shake my head, clicking on the last one. "Bianca! Bianca! Bianca! Bianca! Callll meeee, you're driving me crazy with anxiety! CALL MEEE!" She screams and I literally choke with laughter, how can someone be so stupid? I drop my phone, shaking my head at my bestfriend's stupidity and go and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and my father is no where to be found, I don't even think he came home last night because everything is how I left it. I hope he's okay, It's really strange not seeing him. Should I even be worrying about him? I sigh, for no particular reason and make panckes for myself and pour some milk in my cup to take with it. I finish my food fast and then I remember my car, how Nazz had promised to bring it first thing this morning. I walk outside and see my car parked in front of my house. I smile, he's such a gentleman. I wonder why he didnt knock or something when he dropped it so I could have at least thanked him. I check the car for the keys and it's in the dashboard of the car. I have to thank him, or else I won't be myself throughout today. I decide to go to April's house even though he probably won't be there because he has his own house and I don't know where it is. I still decide to check her house anyway, so that it won't look like I didn't try. I go back inside and take a shower, taking longer than usual to bath. I come out 30 minutes later and decide to curl my hair and pack it up, I want to look different if I'm going to see Nazz, my hair is always down and scattered around my face. I choose the only pencil gown I have to wear but I realise I'll look too dressy and too desperate for attention so I just put on a cute blue pleated dress instead. It's chic and its okay for a day out, it's not too dressy yet it's classy. I pack my hair into a high bun, and put on my accessories and makeup. "I look perfect" I mutter to myslef, smiling at my reflection.
I begin to walk down the stairs when I realise I don't have any shoes on. I go back to my shoe rack and stare at it blankly, I don't have any shoe that will go with the dress, all I have are sneakers and canvases and slippers. "This can't be happening" I scream in frustration, almost pulling my hair out of my scalp, I search the rack, throwing all my shoes down for anything that can go with the stupid dress, after almost destroying the rack I spot an old wedge sandal that will go with the dress, at least better than a sneaker will. I smile and sigh in relief. I pick up the dusty shoe and look at it puzzled, I had no idea it even existed. It must be one of the gifts one of aunts give me that I never wear, they're always getting things that they know I'll never think about wearing, high heels, pencil skirts, pink jackets and matching bags that I always end up giving out. I'm sure the only reason this Is still here is because I didn't see it and I'm glad. I clean the dusty shoe and put it on. It's a bit tight but it'll do, I check my reflection one last time before walking downstairs to my car.
I check my watch, it's 11, yet I know April will probably still be sleeping. I take my time to drive, because I don't want to get there too early, like something's chasing me out of my house or I'm jobless. I know April won't think that but mind wanders off to Nazz, what would I say if I see him? Just thank him then what? I cross my fingers hoping and praying he'll be in April's house. What would i say to him after I thank him? What if he's the only one at home? I think, smiling at the thought. I'll kiss him, I think but laugh at myself, knowing it's never going to happen. I spot April's blue house and slow down, pulling into the driveway. Nazz's car isnt here which means he's not around and my heart sinks, I was really hoping to see him and thank him. At least I'll still get to see April. I sigh and get out of my car. I walk to the door and knock almost ten times, no one replies. I roll my eyes, knowing she must be sleeping. I knock again louder and hear the lick click. "Praise God" I say and roll my eyes again, waiting the dumbass to open the damn door. The door finally opens and it's Nazz standing there, I almost scream in joy. Yes!! He's here my mind screams, going crazy. He's eyes are droopy and his hair is scattered, making me want to run my hand through his long hair, he looks so cute. "Bianca?" He says, rubbing he's eyes, ugghhh, kill me with cuteness. "Oh, my God Nazz. I wasn't expecting you to be here" I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Come on in" he says moving aside for me to pass. I enter the house and he closes the door behind me "April went out with Tork, they took my car. I think they will be back soon, assholes" he says and chuckles, I laugh. "You look really nice" he says, sizing me and I blush, saying thank you but my mind is having a festival, he just said I look nice, Ahhhh! I scream in my head. "Oh, thank you so much for bringing my car, you could have knocked though" I say and sit on the couch. "I did, I waited for almost 20 minutes but you didn't answer, I even thought you weren't at home." He says taking a seat on the couch opposite me. I wish he would sit with me instead, Argh, what's wrong with me? "Are you serious? I didn't hear anything." I say and laugh. I must have really been tired. "Wow, you and April are supposed to be sisters, April can sleep through a storm and not hear anything" he says and shakes his head. I laugh, mouthing I know. "'re gonna wait for April to get back?" He asks. Boy, I actually came to see you. "Yeah, I mean. I don't really have a choice" I say and shrug. "Oh okay, so instead of you staying here and waiting what do you think about us going out today?" He asks slowly, I choke "S-S-Sure" I stammer and smile like a fool. He sighs in relief "I thought you were going to say no" he says and I nearly roll on the floor with laughter. Are you kidding me? He has no idea how much I've wanted him to take me out, how I'll daydream about it since the day i met him, how I also imagine us getting married and having 20 children, scrap that last part "Why would you think that?" I say and can't hold my giggle. He really has no idea how much I like him. "I don't know, you seem to not like me" he says and I almost faint. This boy is killing me, honestly. "What? Noo..Oh, my God, you have no idea how much I like you" the words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them. I slap myslef a thousand times. "I mean, not in that way....You know what I mean?" I try to correct myself but only end up sounding so foolish. I hate my mouth, can't it just shut the hell up? He smirks, "What's bad if you like me 'in that way'?" He says air coating the in that way. "I-I- mean it's not bad, it's not" I say and he looks amused . God! Why am I so stupid?? Whyyyy God?
"Good, so you're down for the date?" He says and my heart leaps in joy. Daaateeee, woohoo! "Yeah sure!" I chipper a bit too loudly, making him laugh. "Alright, let me just take a shower, then we'll leave?" He says "That's fine. Don't worry, I'll just watch tv while you're in the shower" I reply and shrug, he nods, standing up from the seat "I'll be right back" he says and i can't help but notice the wide smile plastered on his lips, I have never seen him smile so much. "I'll be right back" he says again and runs up the stairs like a child. I laugh at his sudden childishness and turn on the tv, searching for anything I can watch, I end up choosing to watch Friends, it's an episode I've watched over and over but I don't mind.
"Hey!" Nazz says from behind me and I scream, startled. I didn't hear him come down. He laughs "Sorry, didn't mean to startle ya." He says and I see he has showered and has put on black fitted jeans and a plain black short sleeved t-shirt exposing his the tattoos on his arm, I didn't know he had that many, I only knew he had some on his fingers and on the back of his palm but I didn't see the rest because he is always wearing a jacket, I wonder why he isn't wearing one today. His hair is still messy and moist from the shower and I wonder if he'll comb it, he always leaves it messy and I've come to fall in love with his messy hair. "I'm ready, when you're done staring at me" he sates cockily and I flush immediately, he caught me gaping at him like I want to eat him. I can't just stop embarrasing myself can I? "There was something in your....teeth" I lie and he smirks. "Really?" He says sarcastically and chuckles "Yes! Check if you want" I say to defend my lie and he laughs. "I think I'll just leave whatever is 'there' there" he says and I roll my eyes. I'm so terrible at lying.

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