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I'm a monster, I'm a monster. That word swrils around in my head, clouding my thinking, clouding my senses.

"No,why, why would Nazz do that." I ask, feeling weak.

"He was assigned to, he was instructed to do it. I'm sure if he had an option he wouldn't have. But to be honest, let's just say he awakened it. It was already there" the woman says and her words make no sense to me. They sound like mumbles to me.

"What? What does that even mean?" I ask. Trying as much as possible to convince myself that this woman doesn't know what she's talking about, but with what I just saw. It was hard. Hard to believe that I'm not a monster now.

"I mean. You were born a vampire. It was already in you, let's just say the power was...asleep, and Nazareth awakened it." She says and I stare at her red lips.

"How is that even possible? My mother was human. And I doubt my father is a vampire." I say shaking my head in disbelief while she smiles, for the first time, softening her features.

"You will understand more as time passes. Do you have any other questions?" She asks, walking back to the black leather couch and sitting down.

"You called April Rheeda, why?" I ask, trying to recall all the questions that were swelling around in my head when I woke up.

"Because that's her name. April is just a cover name. She will explain it to you herself" the woman says and I sit back on the bed.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" I ask.

"I can't say yet, and you were brought here by your friends." She replies.

I sigh, running my hands through my hair.

"You're telling me I was born a vampire? How is that possible? None of my parents were vampires" I say and she smiles again. Why does she always smile when I ask this question.

"It's complicated, it will be explained to you better when you've become..accustomed to your new life." She says and my mind clouds even more.

She stands up. "I have to go, I will be back in about an hour. You should take a shower. There are some fresh cloths in the closet."  She says and begins to walk to the door.

I just stare at her, still trying to process everything she just told me. She stops and looks back at me.

"Don't bother yourself too much Bianca." She says and opens the door, steps out and closes it behind her with a loud bang. I stare at the wooden door. Feeling weak and tired.

Tears fill my eyes and I bury my head in my hands.

April, Tork, Nazz, they're all strangers to me. They all lied to me, all this time they were lying. How could they do that so freely, how could they keep up with all the lying and not feel bad or guilty. More tears drop from my eyes, and i watch as it falls down my cheek and drops on the bed, expanding and expanding.

"Bianca" Someone says from the door and I look up, too weak to be startled.

Nazz is standing there. He's putting on a black shirt and black joggers and his hair is messy, as always he looks the same. Yet I can't think of him the same, knowing what he is, knowing what he has made me become, knowing how much he had lied to me.

I keep staring at him, and anger builds up in me with every second that passes.

"I-I don't know what to say" he stutters, walking to the middle of the room.

I keep staring, tears keep dropping from my eyes.

"How could you?" I finally say, rage seeping out of me.

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