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   We get into the car and I smile at April. It's Tork behind the steering with Nazz sitting beside him, looking perfect as usual. Now who's the inpatient animal?
April seems to get my point because she rolls her eyes at me, leaning forward to peck Tork.

I smile at Nazz who smiles back at me, his eyes boring into mine, his smile is enough for me, it's enough to reassure me.

"Hey bitch" April says, slapping the back of Nazz's head playfully.

"Hey!" He shouts back, smiling at her and shaking his head. We all laugh except Tork who is concentrating hard on driving.

The car goes silent, but its a comfortable silence, one in which we all understand each other.

I lean back in the seat, placing my head against the glass, my mind wanders off to what this night would be like. This is supposed to be a pre graduation party, because I'll be graduating on Monday, yes, finally.

I sigh, having a brooding feeling that Nazz was going to ask her the question she wasn't sure she could answer.

"Who did that to her that day?" The day they had had that fight.  I know he has been wanting to ask me, after we had resolved the fight I thought maybe he will forget. But he hasn't, I can tell by the way he looks worriedly at me when he thinks I'm not looking.

I close my eyes running my fingers against a strand of my hair repeatedly. Im not sure if I couan tell him the truth if he asks me the question today, which I'm sure he will, I can just tell.

I feel the car slow down and open my eyes. Tork slowly drives the car into a free space beside an old best up car. He turns off the engine.

"We're here!" Nazz choppers excitedly.

He gets out of the car first then April follows, then Tork, then me, being the last, they were all staring at me as I came out.

Nazz eyes widened, he was just getting a proper view of me, I smiled uncomfortably, then walked over to them.

"Let's go guys" I say taking Nazz's hand in mine. April and Tork walk ahead of us. As we approach the glass doors of the club, I can hear the music booming loudly, as if if the music were turned up any higher the glasses will explore.

"You look beautiful" Nazz whispers in my ear, I hadn't noticed he was looking at me all the way as we walked. We enter the club and I'm hit my a wave of seat and the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies. I suddenly feel  more self concious and I feel Nazz's hand tighten around mine. I smile at him.

The music is so loud, my ear is vibrating from every sound that comes out of the speaker.

Tork and April point at a table at the far corner that seems less crowded and Nazz nods at them leading me towards the table and away from the lustful stares and whistling I had been getting from the men around.

April smiles at me as she walks, giving me a "I told you you looked hot face" and I roll my eyes at her. 

We reach the table and I sit, Nazz sits beside me, pushing me into the corner while April and Tork sit opposite us. The music changes to a faster tempo and the people begin to scream and dance, more energetically.

"We're going to get some drinks" Tork shouts over the music, pointing at the bar at the other side. We both nod and I watch them disappear into the crowd.

"You okay? You've been quiet" Nazz says, bringing his lips close to my ear so I can hear him over the music.

I smile "I'm fine, I'm just not used to this" I say gesturing at the moving bodies scattered around the club.

Nazz chuckles "Of course, you look really beautiful Bianca" He says again

"Thank you" I say, placing my hand over his under the table.

The music changes to Ahanti's mesmerize and I smile, and begin to sing along with the music.

"I'm surprised you know music like this" Nazz says and I look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Are you kidding, I'm a music guru" I say, tapping my fingers on the table.

Nazz scoffs jokingly "Yeah right" he says. And I pout

"I'm serious, I can bet I know a hundred more songs than you do" I say in my defense.

Nazz laughs "You wish, It's not possible, just saying, I was born before you remember" He says and grins evily.

"By two years? That means nothing" I argue shaking my head at him.

"Who says I'm older than you by just two years?" He asks smirking

"Well, you're 21, I'm 19, mathematically, 21 minus 19 is 2, which means you were two when I was born" I explain like a genius .

"Well, what if I'm, not 21? What if I'm 100 pt 1000 years?" He asks smirking.

I roll my eyes "Oh please, save it" I say waving my hand at him dismissively.

He smiles at me for a while and then uses his palm to brush my cheek I lean into his palm, rubbing my fingers against it as it caressed my cheek.

"I've been wanting to ask you something" he says and i feel the air in me slowly sip out of me. I knew it, I just did, he was going to ask.

"Oh, looks like you guys are having fun" April says, sliding into the seat opposite us.

Tork shows up beside her carrying 4 bottles of beer and I'm so glad they came when they did.

"There you go guys" he says, sliding the bottles to us.

I pick up the bottle "Beer?" I ask? Picking up the cork opener and removing the cork. I need to drink a lot if I'm going to make it through today without running mad with worry and anxiety.

"Yeah, its a night of fun so I got something that will make us forget our miserable lives and live a little" Tork says, opening his own beer and drinking it.

"Well! Cheers to having fun!" I say smiling and as we all gulp from our beer, I feel the bitterness run down my thoart hardly and warming my stomach.

They all seem to be watching me and we all laugh when I smile and shake my head viciously from the bitterness. Yet, I take another gulp, swallowing faster this time. Everyone begins to drink, then we start talking and laughing.

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