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 This capter is gonna be longer than usual, think of it as a bonus. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as I should. This Chapter is my apology gift😊
Glass-Thompson Square
Picture- Kid Rock
Pillow talk-Zayn Malik
I wanna grow old with you-Westlife
April gets here before ten minutes, I hear her come up the stairs and i look up. She opens the door and walks in.

"Bianca?" She says and runs to me.

"I came as soon as you called. What happened." She says and hugs me.

"I tried calling you cause you weren't In school today your phone was switched off....Oh my God your face. He hit you again didn't he?" She says, noticing my face. I nod and feel more tears drop down my face. They can't stop falling.

"Calm down baby" she says hugging me tighter and patting my back like a child. I place my head on her chest and let her childe me like a baby.

I finally stop crying and calm down after awhile. "Good" she says and smiles at me.

"Now, slowly, tell me what happened." She says and i suck in my breath for the long story.

I start by telling her about what happened yesterday, How perfect it was and how happy I was, thinking I've finally found the one. I tell her about how we swam and made out after. It was so beautiful and it was like I was in a fairytale.

Then I tell her about how happy I was this morning and how my father had ruined my happiness. She listens attentively and i stop to catch my breath.

I continue talking and tell her about how I was in a bad state and couldn't make it to school so I decided to go to park instead. Nazz's and i favourite place, thinking that at least it'll make me happy and make me forget.

I get to the part of where I saw him kissing the girl and feel a fresh wound open in my heart again. I sigh and continue, telling her about how I saw them both kissing and playing around in the water both barely clothed.

Then I tell her everything else that went down after that. She sighs when I finish and shakes her head.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I should've warned you about the kind of dick Nazz is." She says and stands up from the couch.

"He just made it seem so real...You know how broken I was after Damon. When I met Nazz I thought he was different, I was wrong...He just made me so happy" I say and sniff again.

"I swear he'll pay for this. I can't believe I'm related to that jackass." She says and i manage a smile.

"Because he's your cousin doesn't mean you're responsible for his actions" I say and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"You look terrible mehn. You're so ugly when you cry" she teases.

"April!" I shriek and we both laugh.

"You're supposed to make me happy" I say and throw a pillow on her. 

"Well you're laughing, so my mission has been accomplished." She says and giggles.

"Let's watch tv and get out mind off boys." She says and i nod in agreement.

She walks to the tv and picks up a stack of cd's arranged neatly on a shelve beside the tv.

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