Chapter 4

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Billy Ocean-Love Zone
Arianna Grande-Into you
Rihanna ft future- Love
Years & years- Shine
Adele-one and only
      Nazz drives slowly to the mall and I'm tensed, not because I'm in the car with him but because I need to get home  before my dad gets back, and I also really need to get the things from the mall, if not I'll surely get another round this night. The mall is the only place I can get the things I need and it's on the outskirts of town, which sucks. "Are you cold?" Nazz asks drawing me out of my thoughts, "No, I'm fine." I say and smile but he turns on the Warmer anyway and I am more than glad. "Why are you so tensed. Relax, I'm don't bite" he says and I am surprised, I never meant to make him think that, I'm even surprised he noticed how tense I am. "Oh no,Nazz,its not you. I'm just really worried about getting home early, I have to be back before my dad gets back" I say shuddering at the thought of what'll happen if I don't make it back untime. "Oh, you make your dad sound so scary" he says and looks at me worriedly. Scary is an undersatement, he's the devil himself. I smile to cover my thoughts, not finding a suitable reply so I don't reply. I can't tell him about my life, he'll probably think I'm more of a freak and never want to have anything to do with me again, and I don't want that. We drive in silence for a while until Sugar by Coldplay starts playing on the radio. I see him smile broadly he turns up the volume and starts singing and I find myself singing along. I totally love this song. "Hey, your voice isn't as bad as i thought  it'll be." He jokes and I laugh "Yours is terrible, just like I thought." I reply and stick my tongue out at him, we both laugh "Nice one" he mutters and shakes his head, still laughing. "Soo..what kind of name is Nazz anyway?" I ask when the laughter dies down "Oh, umm the full name is Nazzareth." He says and smiles shyly. "Nazzareth, I like" I say and smile warmly "Really? I always thought it was a weird terrible name, I hate it" he says "Are you kidding? It's beautiful." Like you I say in my head. "Thank you, that means a lot to me" he says and smiles like I just made his day. Our eyes lock for a while and it feels like magic. For a second I think he likes me but I dismiss the thought as soon as it comes. He would never like me, there is no point hoping. I look away and force his eyes to look out the window. We're almost at the mall and I'm an so glad, there is a bit chance I'll get home early. I sigh in relief as we approach the parking lot. He parks the car "We're here" he says and clicks his tongue, something he has never done before. I smile and come down from the car, slamming it too hard "Yeesh, sorry" I squeak, embarassed and he just laughs "It's okay, Tom forgives you" he says "You gave your car a name?" I laugh, amused "Yes..and no, I'm not meantally deranged" he says and taps his head, making me laugh again, when did he become so playful? "I wasn't thinking you are at all, I'm weird too" I say and shrug "Trust me, I noticed" he teases and makes a playful creeps out face. We both laugh and I playfully swat his arm.
We walk into the mall and the place is filled with people, as usual. I get a basket at the entrance but Nazz collects it from me, despite my insisting that i be the one to carry it. "Umm, I don't really have much to buy so we won't be here long" I say, dropping a bag of apples into the basket he's carrying. "You can take forever and ill be cool with it" He replies and smiles, the words makes me lightheaded and I smile shyly. I look at him and realise how much I love his eyes, they are so intense and beautiful. I realise I am just standing there looking at him awkwardly so I clear my throat at look away immediately. We walk around a few aisles in silence for a while and I feel the need to break the silence "So how long have you known Tork?" I ask dropping a box of cereals into the basket. "We go way back, he's one of my closest friend" he says and I smile as a reply. "Why haven't you gone to University?" I ask and see him shift uncomfortably, maybe he doesn't like being questioned. "Uh, it's one of a long story" he says and so many other questions pop up in my head, he's so mysterious and it's itching me to unravel him, to know him inside out. I keep my mouth shut, knowing if I tell again I'll let keep asking him questions non-stop until I get satisfied, and satisfaction doesn't come to me easily. I get the remaining things on the list and we both walk to the cashier to pay, there is no que and we both smile at each other "We're lucky" he says and I smile bidding.
       The drive to the house is quick and i slowly begin to wish I can spend more time with him. I sigh when he turns into my sheet and slows down, stopping in front of my house "Wow, did you fly? It's just 6" I say looking at my watch. Seriously, if it was me driving I would be gotten back by 8. "Oh shit! My car" I say remembering my car, I totally forgot about it "Oh..I'll bring it back for you first thing tomorrow, just give me your keys." He says and I instantly start to shake my head. "Hell no,I can't let you do that, you've already done enough for me today. I'll just take a cab back to McDonald's and go and get it," I say and I know I sound stupid. He chuckles "What about your dad? Besides, I'm the one asking, you're not making me do it" he says, he is unbelievably nice, but I can't let him do that for me. "Okay, lets do it this way, I'll get your car. And you let me take you out one day?" He says, shocking me. He's asking me, me out? "I-I" I stammer, not knowing what to say "I'll take that as a yes." He says and smiles, "Why would you want to take me out?" I ask foolishly "Because I like being with you Bianca" he bluntly states and I feel my cheeks heat up. I open the car door and step out, grabbing some of the bags from the mall, before I do something stupid. There are too many bags so Nazz helps me carry the remaining. I smile at him thankfully, could he be anymore perfect? I walk to the door and unlock it, walking into the kitchen, we drop the bags in the counter and I sigh, tired. "Thank you so much Nazz, honestly, I can't thank you enough." I say and he smiles, "It's okay, Bianca. I have to go." He says looking at his watch. My heart instantly sinks at the thought of him leaving but I cover it up with a smile. "Thank you again" I say, walking him to the door. He turns around  "Stop thanking me, anybody will do the same for you." He says making me smile. "Oh, your car key"he says and I sigh, I wish he would just forget, I fee like I'm putting him through too much trouble. "You dont-" I begin to say but he  cuts me off "Just give me the damn keys"he says and rollls his eyes. I laugh and reluctantly give him the key. His hand brushes mine a bit and it sends shivers down my spine. "Bye"I whisper and smile "Bye Bianca." He says and smiles back before turning around to leave I watch until his car is out of view and sigh, close the door, feeling empty and lonely. How can he make me feel this way? I just met him yesterday and yet I like him this much. It's so twisted, I don't even understand myslef anymore. I walk back to the kitchen and look around helplessly. He was standing here just a few minutes ago. I sigh and look at the clock, it doesn't seem to be moving at all. Now, I wish I hadn't rushed so much and gotten back home too early, now I'm alone in this stupid house that drives me crazy with bad memories. I sort out the things I bought then turn on the tv but there is nothing to watch or there is, but I'm just not in a good mood anymore. I bring out my phone and surh the net, YouTube, everything but nothing can get my mind off Nazz. I decide to put on my headphones and   listen to music, it always clears my mind what matter what. I scroll through thousands of my songs before spotting Paradise by Coldplay. I click on it and close my eyes, smiling as the music fills my ears. Nazz, he's my paradise.
Hey hey, people! How has the story been so far? I hope you like it. Please drop a comment and tell me what you think!!! Bye💕

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