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After trying on another 20 dresses, April finally decides on a dress. I sigh in relief as we walk to the counter to pay for the dresses. As April pays for the dress, I bring out my phone from my pocket to check the time.

"Its 6 already" I tell April was we walk out of the shop.

"Time spent well then" she says, smiling at me.

"When I get home in going to shower and sleep. I'm never going shopping with you again" I say as I enter my car. April slides in beside me.

"You and I both know that is so not possible" She says, checking her reflection in the mirror and applying another layer of lip gloss on her lips. I start the car and reverse, turning into the road.

"God, I'm so tired!" April shouts startling me. I laugh.

"You're the one who wouldn't stop trying on dresses" I say glancing at her quickly then turning back to the road. I swrive quickly when a guy almost runs into me.

April winds the window down "Retard" April shouts at the man, standing from her seat and showing him her middle finger while I laugh, shaking my head. I'm too tired to even shout.

"What a dick" she says sitting back down and snorting. I just keep laughing.

We get back in about an hour and I drop April off at her house. Turn around to go home. I see my dad's car in the driveway and I groan. I sit in the car for some minutes. To gather courage to go back into the house.

I finally get out of the car and walk into the house.  My dad's sitting right there on the couch watching tv.

I clutch the shopping bag tighter, feeling my breathe stifle in my throat.

"Good evening" I say and quickly walk past him fast. He doesn't answer, doesn't even glance my way so I go upstairs to my room and lock the door behind me.

I let go of my breathe and drop my dress on the bed. I check phone again then sigh, seeing as Nazz still hasn't called. I drop the phone and go to the bathroom to run my bath.

Then I go to the mirror looking at my reflection. I look so tired and sleepy. I sigh again, what's with me and sighing? I think as I open the tap and splash water on my face. After washing my face, I take off my clothes then enter the bathtub. Groaning in relief as my body hits the water. I take my time to shower, and spend almost and hour in the tub.

When I finally get out I go to my phone first, to check if Nazz has called and he did. 3 times, and he also sent a text. I open the text message.

Hey baby, sorry I've been off had to take care of something. Meet me up at our spot?

Had to take care of what? I think as i finish reading the mesage.

Okay, will be there in 30.

I send back, although I'm not sure how I'm going to get there with my dad around.

I drop my phone back and run to my wardrobe. Picking out my black hoodie and my black jeggins.

I put them on and pack my hair into a messy bun. Then I open my room door, the TV is still on. I close the door back.

I go to my window to check if it's possible for me to get out through it but noope definitely not. It's like 20 feet above the ground. How on earth did Nazz survive a fall?

I sigh and sit back on my bed. Thinking, there's no way I can't not go. I miss him so much I'm shaking.

I hear my dad start climbing up the stairs and I shoot up from my bed. God is good. I wait by the door until I hear his room door shut then I take my phone on the bed side table. I slowly open the door, poking my head outside first before stepping out completely.

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