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My eyes flutter open and I groan from the glare of the light. I put my hands over my eyes until my eyes adjust and slowly sit up in my bed.

I look down at the bed I'm sitting on and I realise that it's not my bed I'm on, neither is the room. I look around the room, confused as I take in the wooden walls surrounding me and the huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I shake, feeling a feeling rush through me. I groan, as the feeling registers to me as hunger. Unimaginable hunger.

The memories from last night rushes back to my memory and I touch my neck, the spot where Nazz had bitten me but I don't feel an injury, neither do I feel any pain. Was I dreaming?
No, I wasn't, the pain I felt was real, so real and dreams don't last this long do they?

Why would he do that? Where am I? How did I get here? So many questions run through my mind as I try to figure out a reasonable reason as to why I'm here, I'm in this room and why I feel so damn hungry and weird.

I squeeze my eyes shut and open them again as the urge to eat increases. As the feeling increases i could feel my senses increase too. I could see more than I ever could, the colours of everything heightened and sharp.
And my ears, I can hear the sound of the water filling the toilet chamber. The tap, tap sound of the water.

I groan, holding onto my tummy. What's wrong with me? I look at my wrist and I can literally see the blood flowing through my vein, the urge to eat rises to its peak and  squeeze my eyes shut, cluching onto my wrist.

The door opens and I look up, It's April.
"April" I say feeling light headed as the urge to bite into my wrist gets stronger, I can hear the blood pumping in my vein.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as she rushes to me, holding a cup. She doesn't answer me.

"Hear, drink this" she says instead, pushing the gold cup to my face. I look inside and see a red drink in it.

"What's that? What's in there?" I ask pushing it away. She pushes it back forward.

"Bianca you need to drink this" she says, and my eyes go to her neck, I can smell her blood.

"You-no, how did you get here? Where's Nazz? I need to talk to him, please. Just tell me where I am" I say and groan. Trying to hold back the urge to bite something.

"Bianca, please! Drink this okay? Please." She says pushing the cup to me again. I nod and take the cup from her hand then sip the drink. Blood, my mind registers and I hungrily drink the remaining of it, loving the metallic taste on my tongue.

I sigh, as the hunger slowly dies down and the racing of my heart slows to a normal pace.

"What's happening to me April?" I ask, scared. I just drank blood, and I liked it.

"It's not my place to say." She says, her eyes not meeting mine.

"What do you mean? What's going on? Why am I here?" I ask again.

I see April look at the door and I follow her gaze to see a woman standing at the door. The woman is resting on the door. She is tall and slender and is putting on a black skirt and a black shirt, her hair is packed into a tight neat bun and her lips coloured in sharp red lip stick. She looks white.

She stops leaning on the door,standing upright and adjusting her skirt. She walks to my bed, into the light and I realise that she really is so pale, she looks like all the blood has been drained from her.

"Rheeda, thank you, I'll take over from here." The woman says, authority laced in her voice. Who on earth is Rheeda? April stands up and begins to walk out of the room.

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