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Day 1

They were driving along a busy highway with Thomas behind the wheel and Newt riding shotgun. Their duffel bags were on the backseat and the car stereo blasted 500 Miles because Thomas was an asshole - Newt should have never agreed to this.

They reached their destination after an agonizing amount of five hours. Newt had no idea how he had managed to let Thomas live. They parked beside eight other cars in front of a huge wooden holiday home that had already Christmas decorations in every window. They walked up the wooden front steps after unloading the car. They rang the doorbell and Newt could've sworn the lady that opened it must've been standing behind the door the whole time because nobody manages to open a door that fast.

The woman standing in the doorway was short with fire-red dyed hair and more make-up than Newt had ever seen on a person.

"Toooom!", she squealed and pulled Thomas into a bone-crushing hug causing the brunet to drop his bag.

"Hey Ingeborg", Thomas gasped.

Newt bit back the smile that was threatening to break free.

After she had let go of her nephew she turned to Newt, making the blond's eyes widen. "And you must be Newt! Tom's mother has told me so much about you." She pinched Newt's cheek between her painfully long fingernails. "But she never mentioned how gorgeous you are!", she cooed. "What a beautiful young man, Tom. You need to hold on to this one or somebody will snatch him away right under your nose." She finally released Newt's cheek.

It took all of the blond's willpower not to raise his hand and rub the pulsating spot on his face.

"Now come in, come in. Chuck will show you to your room!" She ushered them inside before running of with frequent screeches of "CHUCK!"

Newt finally got to rub over his cheek. "I think she tore muscels in my face", Newt hissed.

"I think she cracked most of my ribs", Thomas replied and held a hand to his chest, rubbing in circles.

"What a bloody crazy lady. I thought you were kidding when you told me about her", Newt said.

Thomas looked at him with wide eyes. "Oooh heell no. I would never joke about that woman. I used to have nightmares about her when I was little."

Just then a short curly-haired boy showed up.

"Hey, Chuck", Thomas greeted the boy, giving him a fist bump.

"Hi, Thomas! Seems like you two were ingeborged." He grinned at them before starting to lead them up the stairs that were to Newt's right.

"Yeah. I think she's been doing push-ups - that hug hurt more than the one last year", Thomas said.

"I wouldn't be suprised if she did", Chuck replied.

They reached the top of the stairs and followed Chuck down the corridor to the third door on the right.

"That's yours!", Chuck announced. "I'll see you downstairs for lunch!"

"Thanks, Chuck", Newt said.

"No problem."

"See ya later!" Thomas gave a small wave before opening the door and stepping into their room.

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