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I changed the story's name from "can't say no" to "pretending" cuz I think it fits the story more :)

Day 8

The next day started with a finger booping his nose repeatedly.

"Stahp!", Newt grumbled, swatting at the fingers before rubbing his face over Thomas's hoodie and stilling again, hoping to fall back asleep.

He had peace for about two minutes before a hand sneaked its way under his hoodie and started to tickle over his side, making Newt squirm and wiggle his way completely on top of Thomas to get away from the hand. He could hear the brunet chuckle right into his ear before he let his hand slide back under Newt's hoodie and started scratching his nails up and down the blond's back. Newt could purr, it felt so good. He felt his whole body relax against Thomas's and kept his eyes closed, just enjoying the feeling.

"Newt, time to get up", the brunet whispered.

The blond made a disagreeing noise.

"We already slept in till noon yesterday."

Newt grunted again.

Thomas snickered. "I love that you're enjoying this so much but I'm a big fan of sugery stuff and there's cinnamon sugar and pancakes downstairs."

The blond's stomach rumbled.

"I think your body's trying to tell you something."

"Don't bloody care. 'm so comfy right now."

Thomas flattened his hand against Newt's back and pressed a kiss into blonde curls. "C'm on - time to get up!"

"Nooo", Newt whined.

"I can almost smell the pancakes, Newtie - I crave the pancakes and I'm pretty sure so does your stomach."

The blond made an unhappy noise but forced himself to roll off Thomas. The brunet sat up and ruffled Newt's hair before getting off the bed.

The blond followed him with his eyes but stayed under the covers, rolling into the warm spot his boyfriend had left behind.

"I intended to turn you into a cuddler, not into myself", Thomas said. "When did you become so lazy?"

"Yesterday", Newt answered.

"Get up or I'll carry you", the brunet threatend.

"You wouldn't dare!"

Thomas cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Bloody hell", Newt grumbled but forced himself to drag his feet across the mattress and onto the floor before slowly sitting up and stretching. He yawned and scratched the back of his head before swaying onto his feet.

Thomas chuckled. "It's like watching a cartoon character get up."

Newt swayed forward, leaning against Thomas with his forehead resting against the brunet's shoulder. "I'm still so tired."

Thomas wrapped his arms around the blond, cuddling him close like a teddy bear and pressing a kiss into his hair. "You're so adorable when you're sleepy."

"I don't feel adorable at all, I feel bloody tired."

"You just need some sugar", Thomas replied, letting go of Newt but grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

The blond patted after him but found himself looking back longingly at the bed before the door fell closed.

When they got downstairs Thomas's relatives watched them with what seemed to be fond looks. Newt smiled at them and gave them an awkward wave as he was dragged by his hand. The kitchen was vacant when they got in so Thomas took it upon himself to make them hot chocolate. He left Newt by the counter where the blond was leaning his forehead against the hanging kitchen cabinets, trying to wake up properly. The brunet stepped back up beside him a minute later, carrying cacao powder, sugar and two cups with spoons.

Pretending | Newt & Thomas Where stories live. Discover now