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Day 7

Newt woke up first the next day, feeling warm and cozy and well-rested. It was quite dark in the room and he could hear rain drops tap against the window, making him feel just that tad bit more comfortable in his position - all snuggled up against his boyfriend. The thought made his heart do a little flip.

The blond raised his head a little so that he could look up at Thomas who was still wandering through dreamland. But as soon as Newt had lifted his head, the brunet seemed to push his lower lip out and tightened his arms. The blond chuckled at the adorableness of the boy and rested his head back over Thomas's heart, making him relax immediately.

How did he even manage that in his sleep?

Newt grew quite bored quite quickly so he started to wiggle his way out of the embrace causing Thomas to make an unhappy noise. The blond chuckled again but didn't stop until he could get up - or well, until Thomas woke up.

"Wha're you doin'? C'me back", he whined in this cute voice that made Newt's heart melt.

"'m sorry, Tommy, but I need to use the bathroom", the blond said - it wasn't a lie but he also really didn't want to just lay around.

"You c'ming back to bed after, right?", Thomas asked.

And he looked so adorable with the sleep mussed hair, the slight pout and his puppy-eyes on in full force that Newt just couldn't bring himself to say no. "Sure." He pressed a soft kiss to Thomas's cheek before getting up.

When he returned the brunet was still lying in the same spot but he had the TV switched on.

"I thought you wanted to sleep?" Newt crawled back onto the bed and cuddled into Thomas's side.

"I do but I'm sure just lying around is pretty boring."

"Stop reading my thoughts - it's creepy", the blond said but couldn't hold back a smile.

Thomas chuckled before pressing a kiss to Newt's forehead and rubbing over his back. "I will if you stop being so adorable - you're distracting me from sleep."

The blond felt himself blush a little. "I'm sure if I can manage sleeping in your presence than you can manage sleeping in mine."

"Did you just indirectly call me adorable?", the brunet chuckled.

"I think I did."

"Aww, I'm flattered. I think we should've started dating sooner - imagine all the compliments I could've received!"

Newt smacked Thomas lightly onto the chest. "Shut up, you bloody idiot!"

"Ouch - I take it back. You're still the grumpy little meanie I befriended", the brunet said, pout clear in his voice.

"It's your own fault, I didn't force you into anything."

"I know and I'm not regreting anything."

"Good. Me neither."

They were quiet for a while until Thomas broke the silence - like always. "I'd totally kiss you right now but I have this terrible taste in my mouth."

"Yeah, me too."

"We should brush our teeth", Thomas said.


"But I'm too lazy to move."

"Me too."

Another comfortable silence settled around them, only broken by the sound of rain and the TV.

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