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Day 5

Newt woke up with an ache in his leg - he should have seen it coming, really. Since nothing had shown yesterday, he'd hoped that his leg had just gotten better with dealing with the strain but apparently not. It was just a dull ache, nothing major but it was still annoying. After he noticed that, he wondered why he had woken up in the first place because he still felt tired. Then he noticed the tapping of fingers on his back.

"Stahp", he mumbled into Thomas's t-shirt. "Wanna sleep."

"But I really need to pee", the brunet replied.

Newt rolled off him. "Then go."

"Be right back." He felt Thomas scramble off the bed, get tangled in the sheets and face plant onto the floor. After a string of curses he got up and went into the bathroom. The blond didn't even try to hide his laugh at the clumsiness of the boy. While Thomas was away Newt looked around and noticed that the sun was just rising and groaned at the fact that he would probably not fall asleep again. He noticed how cold it was on his usual side of the bed and rolled back over in the warm spot Thomas had left behind before curling into himself and closing his eyes, trying to fall asleep again.

He had just managed to turn his brain off most of the way when Thomas came back.

"You're lying in my spot", he remarked.

Newt didn't answer.

Thomas sighed and walked around the bed, getting in on the other side and pulling the covers over himself. "This side is cold." Newt could hear the pout in his voice.

"That's why I'm lying over here", the blond replied.

"I thought you hate body heat."

"I hate the cold more."

Thomas kept coming closer until he could wrap an arm around Newt's waist and pulled him against his chest. "Ah, better."

"I can feel your breath on my neck", the blond said. He tried to endure it for a while but started to squirm after only a few seconds. "I don't like this." He pushed against Thomas until he fell onto his back before turning around and snuggling into his side again. The brunet complied and just let Newt do whatever he wanted. When the blond had managed to copy their earlier position he finally stilled. "Now it's better."


They woke up again a few hours later. Newt's leg felt even worse than before but he tried to ignore it for now. He raised his head from Thomas's chest and tried to free himself from the embrace but as soon as he'd lifted his weight off him, Thomas woke up.

"Mornin'", the brunet said and lightly rubbed over Newt's back.

"Morning. Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

"'s okay. Payback for earlier, huh?"

Newt gave him a small smile before getting up and going into the bathroom. When he came back Thomas was still lying on the bed, looking at him.

"You're limping", he stated. "Everything okay?"

Newt shrugged. "Just from the ice-skating." He walked over to his duffel bag to search for some clothes for today.

"You should've told me that it was hurting! We could've come back here!"

"It didn't hurt while we were skating. It's like with working out - your muscles don't ache until the next morning." He pulled out a t-shirt and black jeans. "And it's not that bad - I'll just have to limp for today and it'll be almost gone by tomorrow."

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