14 + Epilogue

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Yes, we can cry together in the comments.

Day 14

Newt and Thomas woke up almost simultaneously - mostly because a loud crash erupted from somewhere downstairs. Newt's eyes flew open and he sat up a little - as much as was possible with his boyfriend's arms still wrapped around him. When they heard somebody shooshing from downstairs, they both lay back down.

"Last day", Thomas mumbled and rubbed lightly over the blond's back.


"People are already starting to pack - apparently."


They were quiet for a while.

"We should get up, too", Newt said.

So they did. They got dressed and headed downstairs where a few suitcases were already lined up against one wall of the hallway. A few people were sitting around the dining table, others sat in the living room. When they entered the kitchen, it was empty. The couple made themselves breakfast before sitting down at the small kitchen table.

"I can't believe we're leaving this place", Thomas said quietly before taking another bite of his toast.

"I can't believe it's only been two weeks", Newt responded.

"I know, right?", the brunet replied, followed by some coughing. "Crump in my throat", he croaked.

Newt chuckled. "I guess that not too much has changed after all."


They stacked the dishes in the sink and went back upstairs to pack. They brushed their teeth first before gathering everything from the bathroom and throwing it in their duffel bags. They packed their Christmas gifts and pocketed wallets, keys and cellphones before zipping up their bags and scanning the room with their eyes, checking if they had forgotten anything. Afterwards, they picked up their bags and carried them downstairs and out the door to throw them into the back of Thomas's car.

When they were back inside, they toed off their shoes and walked into the living room where they had spotted Thomas's parents. They flopped down on the armchair in their usual position.

"All packed?", Jody asked them with a smile.

"Yup", Thomas replied.

"When are you heading out?"

The brunet looked questioningly at Newt but when the blond only shrugged, Thomas answered with a simple "Sometime after lunch, I think".

"Alright but don't forget to say goodbye", Mark replied.

"Promise", Newt said and smiled. "Oh, and we still have to call Rachel before we visit Tabby."

"Yeah! Right!" Thomas almost threw his boyfriend off his lap in his hurry to get his cellphone out of his pocket. After a few seconds of furious typing and an annoying text alert noise, Thomas pocketed the device again. "All done", he announced. "She's expecting us somewhere around two-thirty."


Thomas and Newt helped with lunch as usual but that day, they didn't have to make as much since about ten people had already left after breakfast - after a lot of hugs and kisses and uncomfortable cheek-squeezing. Newt noticed that there were still two people that he could have sworn, he had never seen before.

They sat around the dinner table and ate while chatting happily. After that they washed the dishes while others walked off to pack their things.

"Do we have to strip the bed or something?", Newt asked while drying a plate Thomas had just handed to him.

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