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Day 13

Newt woke up first, as per usual. He thought about how tomorrow would be the last day here before they had to go back to College and face their actual lives. There would be exams, essays, papers and projects - they wouldn't have the time to spend every minute of every day together, unlike now. They would have to tell their friends - though that would be the easiest part of it all.

He raised his head to look up at his boyfriend before lifting the hand that had been resting over Thomas's heart, to put it on the brunet's cheek.

"Rise and shine, Tommy", Newt said, petting his boyfriend's cheek lightly. "Time to seize the day and so on." He tugged lightly at a strand of dark hair. "What do you say to some pancakes and crappy morning TV?"

Thomas opened one eye a tiny bit. "You can get some pancakes and bring them up here?", he suggested.

Newt raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Am I your maid now?"

"No, but you're my extremely lovable and caring boyfriend."

"That doesn't imply that I have to serve your laziness."


Newt looked at his boyfriend a second longer before sighing. "Yeah, whatever." He crawled over Thomas, almost faceplanting on the floor in the process, before patting out of the room and downstairs.

"Did you kill my son or where is he?", Jody asked, sipping her tea while leaning against one of the counters.

"I'm getting us breakfast", Newt answered, getting two plates out of the cupboard.

She raised an eyebrow. "How come?"

The blond shrugged. "I'm actually not quite sure myself."

"Is it because of the fight you had yesterday?"

"No? Yes? I'm not sure." Newt sighed.

Jody set down her cup and walked over to the blond. "Hop onto the counter, I'll make the pancakes. You, handsome, need to tell me what happened."

Newt complied and ran a hand through his hair as he watched Thomas's mother. "It was a dumb fight, really. I said something I didn't mean, Tommy interpreted too much into it and there was some yelling and tears and we made up."

Jody threw him a glance. "I'm gonna need more specifics."

The blond took a deep breath. "I said something along the lines of 'I only take care of you because I'm scared of your family hating me' which is obviously not true", Newt hurried to say. "And then he somehow came to the conclusion that I think he's stupid? And then he wouldn't let me defend myself or apologize and we started yelling at each other. Then we were both crying and he wanted to break up because he thinks our relationship only works because we touch so much and that we'd be fighting the whole time if we didn't."

"Sounds intense", Jody commented, starting to mix the batter.

"Yeah", Newt breathed out. "It was, believe me."

"So how did you get him to realize how unreasonable he was being?"

"I told him ... everything really. What I think of him, why I think of him like that. I apologized for my behavior in the past and ..." The blond shrugged. "That's it really. I promised to be better, he accepted my apology and now we're good again."

"Did he apologize?"

Newt nodded. "He didn't need to but he did."

Jody frowned at him. "Of course he needed to - he screwed up, too. I know my son, he has the face of an innocent angel most of the time, but he's not just that. You shouldn't always give in to him - say 'no' sometimes, keep him on his toes, let him know that you have a mind of your own and that you don't always do what he wants."

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