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Spoiler Alert For Night At The Museum 3
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Day 6

The next morning didn't have a nice wake up call.

"We're going into the city!", a voice announced as the door hit the wall with force. "Get up! Are you cuddling? You two are disgustingly cute. Now come on!"

Footsteps faded down the hallway.

Newt groaned as he opened his eyes. "W's tha' Chuck?" The blond sat up a little, noticing that Thomas was still sleeping. "Are you serious?"

Newt studied the brunet's sleeping face - mouth slightly open, long lashes casting shadows on his cheeks. It was kind of ... cute, adorable even. But that didn't matter right now - if Newt had to suffer through this, so did Thomas.

The blond patted the brunet's cheek. "Hey, Tommy, wake up." Thomas only scrunched up his nose and grabbed Newt's hand and pulled it over his heart, giving the blond a sense of déjà-vu. Newt snorted a chuckle before pulling his hand free again. He shook Thomas's shoulder which didn't faze him at all so Newt decided to do something that the brunet had used a lot of time to wake him up - he leaned down and blew air into Thomas's ear, making him jump and sit up immediately.

Newt grinned as the brunet looked at him, all dishevelled and confused. "Why did you do that?", he asked, sounding like a little upset kid.

"Chuck came barging in - apparently we're going into the city today. Probably to stock up on food."

Thomas frowned. "I didn't hear anyone come in."

The blond laughed a little. "Well, you didn't hear the fire-alarm go off either - you'd have died in our room if I hadn't dragged you out of bed."

"The fire didn't even leave the room it started in! I'd've been just fine."

"Wouldn't wanna risk it. Now come on!", Newt said, motioning for Thomas to stand up. "Time to get dressed - we're going out today!" The blond climbed over Thomas. As his feet touched the cold floor, he shivered a little.

"How's your leg?", the brunet asked as he got up behind him.

"It's fine - a lot better than yesterday. I barely feel it anymore." Newt rummaged through his duffel - pulling out jeans, t-shirt and a button down.

"You should thank me, you know", Thomas remarked, sounding smug.

The blond looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "Yeah? How should we know if it's only because of the carrying? Maybe it would be just as fine if I had limped like usually."

The brunet thought about if for a second. "Naah, I don't think so."

Newt walked over to him and patted Thomas's cheek lightly. "Thank you, Tommy", he said, sounding honest. "I appreciate your mother henning because I know you only mean well."

Thomas pouted. "What? No hug?"

The blond rolled his eyes before leaning over to press a quick kiss to the brunet's cheek. "There ya go. Now get dressed!" He noticed the light blush on Thomas's cheek but didn't comment on it.

He went into the bathroom to get dressed, comb his hair and brush his teeth. When he re-emerged Thomas was already dressed in jeans and a bright blue hoodie. "I'll just go brush my teeth", he said as he brushed past Newt to step into the bathroom.

The blond nodded before putting on Thomas's hoodie over his button down. He could hear the bustling of the crowd downstairs through the door which the brunet must have closed before getting dressed.

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