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Day 11

The following day started with cold wind blowing over Newt's exposed cheek. He shivered and burrowed his head further under the covers but the freezing air was still ruffling his hair.

"The bloody hell is tha'?", he mumbled grumpily but forced himself to blink his eyes open and raise his head out of the warmth and comfortableness of his cave.

Thomas was still asleep, the doors were closed, as was the window - then why was it so cold in the room?

"Please don't tell me the heating broke", Newt muttered. He started untangling himself from his boyfriend, allowing more freezing air to seep into the cover-burrito they had made for themselves. Thomas made unhappy small noises as the coldness touched him, causing him to wake up.

"What are you doin'?", he asked, sounding a little annoyed while pulling the blond closer again.

"Getting up so that I can find out why we just woke up at the North Pole", Newt answered but didn't fight Thomas when he burried his face in the blond's hair.

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to leave this cave of body-warmth - you might never come back and I don't wanna risk it."

Newt chuckled. "Come on, Tommy, it's already light outside anyway. We might as well get up and dressed."

"Uuh ... nah, I don't like the sound of that. Let's stay in bed."

The blond rolled his eyes. "We can't keep waking up like this - it'll become a habit and we really don't need that when we're back in College."

"Then let's just make it a holiday-habit", Thomas replied.

"I don't think that's an actual thing."

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not. Now come on, let me go." Newt wiggled around a little, trying to push up on one elbow.

Thomas kept his arms wrapped tightly around the blond's waist. "But you're waaarm", he whined. "And the room is so cold. Do you really want both of us to die of hypothermia? Could you die peacefully, knowing that your loving and caring boyfriend died a gruesome, slow death, just because you couldn't submit to a few more hours of cuddling?"

Newt dropped his head against the brunet's collarbone and let out a puff of breath, making Thomas shiver. "You're such a bloody drama-queen."

"But I'm your drama-queen", the brunet responded. "And you love me."

"That I do. But I'm still not so sure about the why." The blond looked up at Thomas, head slightly cocked. "So ... you know that we'll have to get up eventually. There's bodily functions and all that and you're relatives will start to wonder where we're at and your nose is already starting to get pink."

The brunet crinkled his nose at that before wiggling it like a bunny, making Newt smile but not keeping him from continuing his rant.

"And electric devices don't like the cold either. Walls also take a really long time to warm up again and if the heating doesn't get fixed soon, it'll take hours until we'll get a nice temperature in here again. I bet we don't have hot water either so no showering this morning but you know what? There's a nice, pretty fireplace in the living-room downstairs and we could warm up in front of that."

Thomas thought about it for a while. "Will you put on the snowman-sweater?"

Newt groaned. "If it'll get you out of bed, then yes - I'll wear the bloody thing."

The brunet grinned widely at that and pecked the corner of Newt's mouth. "Alright then, let's get started. We have about twenty seconds to get dressed before we'll die!"

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