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Day 12

Newt woke up first the next morning, feeling warm and cozy, happy and loved until he remembered their bet. His eyes flew open and he untangled himself quickly from his boyfriend before Thomas could even as much as open his eyes.

"The battle has begun, Tommy!", Newt announced after he climbed off the bed. "From this moment on until we go to sleep, there won't be any form of touching!"

Thomas had frowned at him until realization dawned on him. With a groan, the brunet dropped his head back onto his pillow and put his right forearm over his eyes. Newt chuckled and picked out his clothes for the day before slipping into the bathroom. He undressed and put on black skinny jeans and Thomas's favorite hoodie over a t-shirt before combing his hair.

When he stepped back into the bedroom, Thomas was already dressed in blue jeans and an over-sized hoodie. When the brunet spotted him, his eyes widened. "You're already playing dirty!", he exclaimed.

Newt dropped his pajamas on his duffle bag and raised a questioning eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"You're wearing something of mine - that's not fair!", Thomas specified.

"You can wrestle me out of it but that would mean that you lose", the blond replied cheekily.

The brunet squinted his eyes. "You're a little shit."

Newt shrugged nonchalantly. "You're all sweater-paws and ruffled hair yourself so I guess we're quit."

Thomas grinned. "Are you indirectly calling me cute again?"

"I guess I am. Now let's get breakfast." The blond made a show of stepping around his boyfriend, being careful to not even get remotely close to the brunet's personal space, before leaving the room and walking downstairs where most of Thomas's relatives were already strewn across the room.

They entered the kitchen and started making themselves breakfast. Newt got out cups for both of them out of habit while Thomas gathered the ingredients.

"What's going on with you two?", Jody asked from her usual spot at the table.

"What do you mean?", Thomas asked.

"You're usually all over each other this early in the morning."

"We made a bet", Newt explained.

"A no-touching bet", the brunet specified.

"Why would you do that?", Jody questioned with a frown.

"I'm not really sure how it happened either", Newt said. "It just sort of did and now I want to win."

"So no touching or kissing or even hugging?", the brunette asked.

Thomas nodded. "Yup."

"You, my son, are going to lose this bet."

Newt laughed while Thomas pouted.

"I'm sorry, Tom, but my money's on Newt. You're such an addict when it comes to touching. I don't think you'll last long at all."

"That's what I said", the blond agreed.

"I'll show you - both of you!", Thomas announced.

Just then Mark showed up. "What's going on here?"

Jody explained everything to her husband while Newt prepared their drinks. It was difficult to be this careful about not touching his boyfriend when he would usually have the brunet wrapped around himself, all warm and comfortable. He stirred his drink while taking a few steps away so that Thomas could pick up his own cup. The brunet put away their ingredients while Newt left the kitchen and walked over to their arm chair where he sat down. He now realized that he had never set in this arm chair without having Thomas in between - it was a really nice arm chair with very soft cushions. It felt completely wrong.

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