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Day 10

Newt woke up in the middle of the night with his whole body shaking. It took him a while to realize that the motion was not coming from himself but from the person he was lying on.

"Tommy", he mumbled. "What's goin' on?"

He sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking at his boyfriend. The brunet had a look of pure distress on his face and his skin was covered in sweat. Newt shook the boy's shoulder.

"Come on, Tommy - you're having a nightmare", he said, starting to pat Thomas's cheek with his other hand. "Tommy!"

The brunet kept shaking, eyes squeezed shut and muscles tensing. Newt shook him harder, pulled the covers off him and hit Thomas's face with a little more force.

"Come on, Tommy! Wake up!", he called out, finally pulling Thomas out of his sleep.

The brunet's eyes flew open, scanning the room with quick motions before settling on Newt. He searched the blond's face for something before giving a relieved sigh and closing his eyes for a few seconds, muscles relaxing and deep breaths filling his lungs.

"You okay?", Newt asked quietly.

"Yeah. Just ... a nightmare", Thomas said in a hoarse voice.

"What happened?"

The brunet lifted a hand to his face and rubbed over his eyes. "It's already starting to get fuzzy but there was a lot of ... blood and I was running, trying to stop ... something but I just didn't get any closer, you know? Just ... normal nightmare-stuff I guess."

Newt crossed his legs and ran his hand's through Thomas's dark curls. "Well, I'm fine - and so are you. You think you'll be able to fall asleep again?"

The brunet looked at Newt with his dark eyes. "Not just yet. I think I'll get something to drink - you can stay here and get back to sleep if you want." He gave a tiny smile. "And thank you - for waking me."

The blond let his hand travel from brown curls down to Thomas's cheek, rubbing his thumb lightly over the soft skin. "Nothing to thank me for. Now come on, I'll make us some tea."

He climbed over his boyfriend and off the bed before grabbing the brunet's hand and pulling him along. Thomas didn't say anything just followed and rubbed over the back of the blond's hand.

They tip-toed downstairs and into the kitchen where they switched on the light.

Newt let go of his boyfriend's hand in order to take two cups out of the cupboard and start boiling the water. Thomas got the tea bags and put them in the cups before getting two spoons.

"You sure you don't wanna talk about your dream?", Newt asked.

Thomas wrapped an arm around the blond's waist before pressing a kiss to his temple. He rested his head on Newt's shoulder and went quiet for a while. "I think you got run over by something - I don't remember whether it was a car or a train or something else. I just know that I saw the headlights speeding toward you and that I couldn't get to you in time and you got hit and there was blood ... flying everywhere and ..." He shrugged. "I don't know, I just kept running and I reached you eventually but there wasn't much ... to see, you know? There was just a huge puddle of blood and tire-tracks and gore and bloody torn clothes and I just couldn't wake up. I was just staring at the mess and crying and screaming but you were ... you were - gone and there, there was nothing I could do."

Newt felt the brunet starting to shake again so he turned in Thomas's arms so that he could wrap his boyfriend up in a hug. The brunet pressed his face against Newt's neck and squeezed him tightly while the blond settled for rubbing slowly up and down Thomas's back.

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