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Day 9: New Year's Eve

Newt actually woke up first the following day. When he blinked his eyes open the room was filled with soft sunlight and he felt a lot better than he did the day before. He lifted his head off Thomas's chest to look up at the brunet's face. He was still sleeping, face soft and relaxed - he seemed like he was having a nice dream but Newt still wanted payback for the previous day. It was time to wake up his boyfriend! He shuffled upwards a little so that he was face to face with Thomas before starting to press soft kisses on his jaw, moving upwards to his cheek before pulling back again. The brunet just smiled a little in his sleep before turning his head away, making Newt chuckle. The blond started to run his hand through Thomas's hair, tugging lightly on the strands.

"Rise and shine, Tommy", he whispered into the brunet's ear. "Time to get up and seize the day."

Thomas made a soft unhappy noise.

Newt snickered but didn't budge. He pressed several more kisses to the brunet's cheek, moving down until he reached the corner of Thomas's mouth. "Come on, Tommy. Wakey wakey", he said with a small smile, tugging again at the dark curls.

The brunet slowly blinked his eyes open. He still looked sleepy and a little confused when he saw Newt so closely above him. "Morning, cupcake."

The blond groaned and dropped his forehead against his boyfriend's. "That's what I get for waking you up in a nice way?"

"You could've let me sleep, that'd've been even nicer", Thomas replied, voice sounding scratchy from not having used it for a few hours.

Newt lifted his head back up. "You never let me sleep, so why should I?"

"Because you're a better person than me?", the brunet said in a questioning tone.

"Am I?", Newt asked with raised eyebrows.

"You could be if you'd let me sleep."

The blond made a thoughtfull face for a few seconds. "Nah, not worth it." He tugged lightly at the brown curls and pressed a quick kiss to the tip of Thomas's nose before trying to lift himself off his boyfriend. Trying being the keyword because the brunet tightened his arms around Newt. "Come on, Tommy - let me go."

Thomas shook his head. "Nope."

"Is this what it's gonna be like every bloody day from now on?"


"I'm not sure that I'm up for that."

"Sucks for you", the brunet deadpanned.

Newt wiggled around for a while. "Let me go, let me go, let me go go go go." The blond eventually managed to break free with a victorious call of 'hahaa!' and quickly climbed off the bed so that Thomas couldn't pull him back again.

When Newt looked back at the bed, his boyfriend lay there with a pout before pulling the covers over his head so that only part of his hair poked out at the top. The blond sighed and grabbed the bottom of the covers, pulling them off Thomas in one swift movement causing the brunet to curl in on himself. Newt threw the covers carelessly on the floor and climbed back on the bed to push the brunet off it.

"No nonono", Thomas called out, grabbing onto the blond's wrist so that when he fell, he pulled part of Newt with him.

The brunet landed with a thump on the floor, still clinging onto his boyfriend's arm who just grinned smugly down at him from his comfortable position on the bed.

"You're evil", Thomas said as he glared up at him.

"That may be but you still love me so that's okay", Newt responded cheerily before climbing off the bed and pulling the brunet to his feet. "Now come on - time for breakfast!"

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