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Day 3: Christmas

Surprisingly it was Thomas who woke up first that morning.

"Shit!" was the first thing that Newt heard followed by the brunet letting go of him and sitting up. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! Please don't make me sleep on the floor!"

Newt barely registered the words, still too tired and not really wanting to get out of the warmth and comfort the bed provided. He blinked open his eyes a little before rubbing over them. "Jus' go t' sleeeeep", he mumbled and turned onto his side, back facing Thomas before closing his eyes again.

"Aren't you mad at me?"

"'m mad tha' ya woke me. Now shu' up and sleeeeep." Newt pulled the covers up to his cheekbones.

He could feel Thomas get off the bed.

"Where ya goin'?", the blond asked, rolling on his back a little to watch his friend.

"Downstairs. You go back to sleep - I'll see ya later." Thomas gave him a soft smile before opening the door.

"'kay. Have fun." He could hear Thomas chuckle before the door closed behind him.


When he woke up the next time he actually brought himself to get up and go into the bathroom. He got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt before combing his hair and going downstairs. He gave an awkward greeting to all the people in the dining area and living room before heading into the kitchen where he found Thomas - in his pajamas - talking with his mother.

"I'm just saying that I'd have expected ...", the woman trailed off as she spotted Newt. She gave him a happy smile. "Good morning! You seem a lot better rested than yesterday."

"Morning, Jody. Yes, I feel better, too."

"Hey, honey", Thomas said with a grin and a wink as he turned around in his chair a little to face his 'boyfriend'.

Newt rolled his eyes and smacked the boy over the head before putting his hand on the backrest of Thomas's chair. "What's for breakfast, sweetheart?"

"We talked about painful sarcasm", Thomas scolded him.

"No, you talked - I didn't listen."

"I think I'll leave you boys to it", Jody said, smiling at them. "There's still Christmas preparations to be taken care of." She stood up and left the room, ruffling their hair as she passed them.

Newt sat down on the chair Jody had left open and kicked Thomas lightly against the shin before stealing one of the toasts that were lying in front of him. "What were you two talking about before I interrupted?"


"You're a bad liar and I can see right through it - now, tell me."

Thomas sighed before leaning over the table to get closer to Newt. "She just said that you seem a little tense around me. She was just being overprotective, don't worry about it."

Newt frowned. "So she thinks I'm treating you badly?"

"No", Thomas hurried to say. "It's just ... she'd've expected us to be more touchy-feely. You know, all hugs and kisses."

Newt swallowed hard at that, almost chocking on his toast. "I don't like the sound of that."

Thomas grinned at him. "Don't worry, we'll be fine."

"U-huh", the blond made.

They were quiet for a while as they both finished eating before making more toast.

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