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Day 2

Newt was the one who woke up first that day, feeling too warm and trapped by the body still wrapped around his. He started wiggling around but was only squeezed tighter. "Goddamnityoubloodybastard", he muttered as he kept squirming. He really thought it couldn't get any worse until Thomas tried turning onto his back causing him to fall off the bed and - of course - he just had to take Newt with him. With a loud crash that must have echoed through the whole house Thomas hit the floor, Newt ungracefully falling on top of him before rolling off and landing right beside him.

Thomas groaned in pain and just lay there, letting the pain sink in.

"Couldn't you have gone down on your own? Why did you have to take me with you?", Newt asked, holding his head that had connected with Thomas's chin at the impact.

"This feels almost as bad as the time I fell down the marbel stairs in Rome", the brunet said, voice laced with pain.

Newt had to hold back the laughter as he imagined the scenario in his head.

"You're totally laughing on the inside at my pain, aren't you?"

The blond looked at Thomas. He isn't even looking at me ... how does he do that? "Maybe."

"You're evil."

"This is destiny, making you pay for what you've put me through."

Thomas groaned again as he turned onto his side. "I don't see how this is fair."

Newt got up off the floor and took pity on his friend, helping him up.

"This was a terrible start into the day", Thomas said as he flopped back down on the bed, feet still touching the ground.

"At least you had a good night's sleep - I kept waking up because a bloody octopus was wrapped around me the whole night."

"I did the thing, huh?" The brunet sounded sheepish.

Newt just gave him an evil glare.

"It's not my fault! I can't controle what I do when I'm asleep! It just ... happens."

"You're sleeping on the floor tonight", the blond replied, deadpan.

Thomas sat up. "That's not fair!"

"I don't care. I had a sleepless night while you were out cold - now it's time to trade."

"But, but ..."

"No buts!", Newt cut him off.

Thomas started to pout before a chuckle escaped him.

"It's the 'buts', isn't it?"

"I'm sorry."

"You're worse than a five-year-old."

Thomas grabbed Newt's wrist and pulled him onto the bed. "Now back to the floor-thing."

Newt pulled his wrist out of Thomas's grasp. "This is not open for discussion, Tommy. I need to sleep."

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