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Day 4

Newt woke up with his head resting on something ... less comfortable than a pillow - it was harder but also warmer. He hadn't even opened his eyes yet but he felt sort of ... save. Like nothing could harm him right now. But he also felt a little too hot for his liking ... hot as in temperature of course. His back ached a little so he stretched it out causing fingers to card through his hair, making him tense. Now he opened his eyes and - right, he had fallen asleep on Thomas. He immediately relaxed again which made him wonder for a second why that was.

"You awake, Newt?", the brunet whispered.

"No", Newt mumbled.

A soft chuckle made his 'pillow' vibrate and the blond grumble in discomfort.

"What time is it?"

"Uuh - around ten I think", Thomas answered.

Newt's eyes widened at that. "I slept that long?"

"Yup - surprises me just as much as you. Who'd've thought that I'd make you a cuddler this quickly?"

The blond slapped somewhere in the direction of Thomas's face and felt satisfaction when he hit his target on the cheek somewhere.

"Ouch ... I didn't deserve that."

"Yes, you did."

"You trying to tell me that you didn't sleep well?", the brunet asked.

Newt rolled off Thomas and to his usual side of the bed, making the brunet pout.

"I'd've slept even better if I had the bloody bed for myself. But I'm not gonna lie - it was better than the previous nights."

That made Thomas smile widely. "Yeah?"

Newt rolled his eyes. "Don't let it get to your head. I still prefer my personal space."

"But it's a start", the brunet said happily.

"I'll get dressed now."


When Newt emerged from the bathroom Thomas was already downstairs. It reminded the blond of the previous day and Jody's words. I can act, he thought. I could make us look like the most digustingly adorable couple ever if I wanted to.

When he got downstairs Thomas was sitting at the kitchen table again, chatting with his mother over cups of hot chocolate - the one you make with water, cocoa-powder and normal sugar.

"Morning", Newt said with a small smile. He ruffled Thomas's hair in passing before making himself a cup.

"I was just talking with Tom about how we should leave the house today. We've been cooped up in here since we went hiking", Jody told him.

The blond stirred his drink as he turned around. "Yeah, sounds nice. Any specific plans yet?", he asked, leaning against the counter.

"We were thinking of ice skating", Thomas said.

Newt raised his eyebrows as he sipped on his cup. "Wouldn't they all be closed today?"

"There's a frozen lake only about a mile from here and we're skating on there every year."

"I didn't bring any skates, though."

"I'm sure we can arrange something, don't worry", Jody assured him before getting up to put her and her son's cup in the sink. "Why don't you two go to the living room while I start dinner?"

"Sure that we shouldn't help?", Newt questioned.

"You've been helping the last couple of days already", she said with a smile and pushed lightly at the blond's shoulder. "Now go be teenagers and let mom make the food."

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